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    Just finished watching Day 5 last night.

    Probably my least favourite season so far, but it was still bloody good.

    Jack looked

    pretty sore after the chineese beating. He's gonna be super pissed-off on Sunday!

    Sky HD forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


      Reason to hate 24 on DVD.... every single disc has one of those annoying bloody anti-piracy ads on it. They really are enough to drive you to piracy.


        Copy them to your HD, remove said advert, reburn to disc and sell. LOL, yeah well done anti-piracy advert!

        Just got season 5 dvd cheap from, only season I didn't have! Might start watching season 1 + 2 again because I love the show and my missus didn't get into 24 til season 5.


          I've never seen an episode of 24. Could someone tell me whether the series continue after the last? I see people refer to series 5 as 'day 5', so does that mean that series 2 is the day after series 1, series 3 the next day, etc?

          May start watching them soon.


            Just wiki'd it... No.

            Different question then. Anything from previous series come up in later ones? Or is each series pretty much self contained?


              Theres gaps of up to 2 years between each season, with many events occuring between, people refer to it as day one, two etc simply because its set over a 24 hour period.

              i would seriously recommend starting from season one, events wouldnt have as much gravitas without a little history between characters (see season 5 ep1 lol)

              by the time your done season 6 should be out on dvd lol

              and whatever you do DON'T search for spoilers, or talk about it to anyone whos seen it, it needs to be seen fresh to be fully appriciated (again, see season 5 ep1, thanks a lot to 'Tv and Sattelite' magazine...)
              Last edited by Pookmunki; 20-01-2007, 20:09.


                Ah, ok cheers.

                I would start at series 1 anyway, but just love stuff like Lost and Prison Break where the narrative will be very long by the time they are finished.

                And theres nothing better than joining a show after 5 series and sucking it all in!


                  You get to avoid the dreaded week long wait between episodes, and you get to watch it without knowing what happens 2 or 3 seasons down the line, jammy bugger

                  24 is easily the best american drama/day long 'Die Hard' film in recent years.

                  i really hope you enjoy it as much as me, my friends and family do


                    heh, thanks!

                    I was a tad jealous of my mate who watched series 1 and 2 of Lost over a week for the first time. I've been used to the stupid waits between episodes, and love to blast a series.

                    Will start 24 in a few weeks I expect, when my workload calms down.

                    Oh, and love the Die Hard link... one of the greatest films ever!


                      Originally posted by cutmymilk View Post
                      Ah, ok cheers.

                      I would start at series 1 anyway, but just love stuff like Lost and Prison Break where the narrative will be very long by the time they are finished.

                      And theres nothing better than joining a show after 5 series and sucking it all in!
                      You NEED to watch them in order or things will make no sense later on.

                      Start at season/day 1 and work your way forward, by the time you've caught up you may even be able to watch day 6 in its entiretyl.

                      But yeah, you must watch them in order.


                        And remember, the boxsets are only £17.99 each from Play just now.


                          I missed out on Day 5 last year because I was bored of the method this show has but managed to piece together whats happened for Season 6.

                          Great stuff


                            Originally posted by Jebus View Post
                            You NEED to watch them in order or things will make no sense later on.
                            Nah! It's nice to see them in order, but this show is primarily designed for Joe Sixpack. There is very little in the way of major dependency between series, and if it's part of the plot, the show makes it very obvious.

                            I loved series 1, the start of 2 was crap, so didn't watch again til season 5. Everything still makes sense


                              I forgot that Desmond from Lost was in Day 5 of 24. He was also a bit unhappy at the end of his short part, so I wonder if he'll pop up again in the future or if he'll just be another one added to the list of people who hate Jack.


                                Originally posted by ascender View Post
                                I forgot that Desmond from Lost was in Day 5 of 24. He was also a bit unhappy at the end of his short part, so I wonder if he'll pop up again in the future or if he'll just be another one added to the list of people who hate Jack.

                                Reckon he informed chinese that jack was alive after the wetlist scam? Methinks he will be a player in season 6...

