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    Just blitzed season 2 again, as a way of holding off from season 6. Trying to get a bit of a back log of episodes for 6, as one at a time is just not enough.

    Still think 2 is probably my favourite season. It's got some trully amazing moments, and the story is great, but it manages to stay more realistic than some of the later seasons to me. I guess with each season they have to up the anti though, to give those 24 shock and ore moments, which is only going to make things slightly less believable !

    One thing about season 2 : I was sure towards the end when at the stadium Jack pulled off this incredible kick to a guys head. Watching it again though, the kick was no where to be seen, with him just snapping the guys neck Odd I'm sure I even remember quotes in this thread/maybe the one on the old board, about the kick. Guess my old memory is just playing tricks on me


      Originally posted by in5ane View Post

      I also think the last nuke goes off at CTU (Graem's doing), which is why I think we need another CTU insider. This would be a great way to cull a few more mundane characters, just like the gas in series 5!
      You better not be including Edgar Stylz in that!


        Yeah in5ane who are you referring to ? There's hardly any "legacy" characters left now !!


          There's just Jack & Chloe isn't there ?


            Suppose you could chuck Bill Buchanan in there as he's done 3 (?) series now....


              Bill and his missus too, kinda...


                Baby boy Palmer too...


                  yeah yeah, but only Jack & Chloe have been in every Season haven't they ?


                    Chloe only came in at S3 did she not ? Jack's the only character left from S1 now I think !


                      Jack & Milo are the only ones from season 1! Mandy will hopefully make an appearence later too


                        Who is Milo ?

                        Seriously dude you must be paying far too close attention to the detail ><


                          Chloe wasn't in it from the start, and I don't think Milo was either... At least I don't remember him, he certainly wasn't a main character!

                          Yosh, Milo is the tall guy with the teenage tache, the one who keeps annoying Chloe's hubby, the one she dated before him.


                            Milo is the one with the annnoying voice, not too keen on Chloe's current bloke either tbh, she does pick 'em !


                              Milo was a temp I believe, a contract worker at CTU in season 1, he wasn't a permanent member of staff?

                              He was understudy to Jamie and took over her duties when Nina killed her, just thought I'd spoiler that just in case there is someone who hasn't seen it yet!

                              Four seasons on looks like he's a manager level. Wonder what he was doing in between?
                              Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                                Kissing some arse at Division probably.

