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    Same here must admit, support who I support regardless of Nationality etc. I'll probably go to hell for saying this but am seriously considering a bet on Hamilton never winning the F1 Chmpionship. Friend did the same with Montoya when he came in to F1 and made a good few quid.

    Davidson has gone back to testing with Honda by the way, keeps his foot in the door I suppose


      I always laugh when people ask why I don't support LH as we come from the same country. It's irrelevant is my usual reply. I am extremely proud of the fact that our nation dominates motor sport but I don't care where the drivers come from as long as I like them. I do love to see Japanese students reactions when I mention that Honda F1 is British and Toyota is German. They look at me like I am mad as TV here tries to convince them that the teams are made in Japan.


        I was sad to learn that Ove Anderson was killed in an historic rally he was taking part in. He was a very talented rally driver and team principal for Toyota's rally and then F1 teams. A sad loss.


          Originally posted by cutmymilk View Post
          Aaaaah, Patriotism. What a load of rubbish.

          I would prefer see any driver win but Hamilton, and Mclaren have always been my favourite team! I marked out hard when Kubica won - that guy has bags of skill and I said last season that he will be racing for Ferrari or Mclaren within 3 years. Hopefully BMW will reach the next step and he won't have to leave there. Kimi is also a guy I love to see win, even though he doesnt seem to care about his team as long as they are giving him fat wads of dough.

          I was also the only person supporting Mayweather in the Hatton fight. Guess I just likes who I like, regardless of nationality!

          I weep for you



            I support Lewis and I want all UK drivers to do well. DC is my main focus though, been a DC fan for many years and will shed a tear when he leaves F1.
            I can (almost) understand why some folks don't like LH, but show me a F1 driver without a big head and you wont be showing me the cream of the crop. The guys have worked stupidly hard to get where they are and they all have shed loads of self belief and confidence in their own ability. People have every right to have a go at Lewis for his attitude but in the interests of fairness and your own dignity you have to be as equally appalled/angry when other drivers show exactly the same qualities/weaknesses.

            I sometimes wonder why some people get so worked up about relatively minor racing incidents, they try to attach meaning/tactics and a certain degree of premeditation to simple mistakes.

            At the end of the day this season and last season have been two of the best in living memory.


              But the point is that it wasn't just a minor racing incident, it was a crazy accident that should never have happened and it took out the other main contender for the world championship. I'm a Hamilton fan (and I can't stand Raikkonen), but the way Lewis has been relentlessly bigging himself up after this crash shows an extremely questionable attitude.


                Just in case you'd forgotten what it was like watching Monaco, scarily it's pretty damn accurate!


                  Very good


                    Was it that bad then?


                      In a word, yes.


                        Well at least you only have another few months of JA.


                          yeah, J 'the twat' A must have mentioned Senna and Hamilton in the same sentence about 15 times, it was actually quite embarrassing. He had a fair point that Hamiltons hero is Senna and that it is great to emulate him at Monaco of all places but my God did it come across as a verbal masturbation session.

                          If BBC do hire him I may well have to stop watching F1. Imagine what he'd be like when Bruno Senna is in F1 in a year or two.

                          But, as Holliss said, in a word, yes.


                            Originally posted by Richard.John View Post
                            Well at least you only have another few months of JA.
                            Is this for definate? I thought it was still undecided...


                              It's not confirmed either way no.


                                It's not confirmed, but we live in hope! I couldn't believe it that every time they were talking to the Force 1ndia guy, James Allen just kept asking him about Lewis Hamilton. I'm surprised he kept coming back TBH.

