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    I assumed there was suspension damage to Hamilton's car, what I was more surprised about was Raikkonen's stroll back to pits, he seemed genuinely unbothered by the crash, pointing at the lights and patting Hamilton on the back! Surely anyone else would've have been furious so I guess he either had his personality module unplugged (though is it ever plugged in??) or he just realised karma was catching him up for shunting out Sutil.


      Hamilton's front suspension was damaged, his right front wheel was out of place.

      Originally posted by Alastair View Post
      Generally can't replace rear wings these days as they are integral to the gearbox or diffuser some other part that can't be changed in a hurry.
      ah well, that makes sense, didn't know they couldn't replace the rear wings anymore..


        Sure with either Hamilton/Kimi, even if things weren't so serious, by the time they'd done a slow full lap and got the bits replaced they wouldn't have had a chance of any points anyway.


          Need some of your knowledge you F1 fanatics!

          I was having a heated debate with my mate recently and he's determined to prove me wrong on a subject I have far more knowledge about.

          Is it true that it's in the FIA regulations that both cars in one manufacture must both be exactly the same? In terms of it's components and parts are identical in both cars? Apart from the aerodynamics, tyres, braking, adjustments etc. are the only things that vary according to each drivers preference or setup for each track.

          As an addendum, he adds: "Alonso said to Renault recently that if he didn't have a better car than his teamate Nelson Piquet, then he wouldn't race for Renault." I know this is clearly bull**** but I want others to say if this is true or not to make him stop saying such crap about something he barely knows anything about.

          He also added "Alonso screwed up his team Renault" I know for a fact this is a stupid comment, as he's what brought the team up and stopped Michael's and Ferarri's domination of the world title two years ago.

          I don't know where he's pulled these from, but I'll show my mate these comments to stop him making such crap up.
          Last edited by Malc; 09-06-2008, 20:07.


            Originally posted by DavidHolliss View Post
            Sure with either Hamilton/Kimi, even if things weren't so serious, by the time they'd done a slow full lap and got the bits replaced they wouldn't have had a chance of any points anyway.
            The rest of the field was still going round behind the safety car, wasn't it? They'd have not lost that much time doing a slow lap


              Malc, I think teams are allowed to use different parts on either car. For example, sure a couple of years back, Button used a different aerodynamics package to Barrichello. And some teams have previously tested bits on one car but not the other.

              Could be wrong of course, sure Alastair or Richard can clarify.


                Wow, now I'm considered an expert!!

                I can't give sources but I 'think' that different parts are allowed to an extent, aero packages can obviously be totally different. Brake pads and discs can be made of different materials. Suspension can be different (different springs etc). You may say it's down to the setup of the car that's different depending on the driver.

                I would think that the tub/chassis have to be the same across the team but wouldn't be sure about all the rest. Even the engine may be allowable to be a different tune.

                The rules in full can be found here, enjoy reading all that!!


                  Me too it seems. They have been running different set ups for years so it must be allowed. New bits from the factory go to the lead driver or the second driver if considered risky maybe.

                  On the subject of FA screwing Renault, well, as you say, Malc, he brought back to back titles to the team so I doubt they have any complaints back at the factory. Sure he ditched them for '07 but at the time I assume he was unsure of their future potential. He was proven right of course as he very nearly won a third title last year, with is new team while Renault built a dog.

                  As a fan I wish the nonsense between him and LH had never surfaced as he would be a champion again in a Mclaren no doubt at some point.
                  Last edited by Richard.John; 09-06-2008, 23:43.


                    Brundle given a slap for using the word "pikey" on Sunday...
                    BBC, News, BBC News, news online, world, uk, international, foreign, british, online, service

                    The guy's just an embarassment.


                      The world we live in is an embarassment. I can't see anything wrong with that myself. When did it become impossible to say anything without fear of offending someone?


                        Jesus, people were actually bothered to write in a complaint... Pikeys.


                          Not read the BBC link yet, but Pikey is classified as a racist term nowadays, has been for quite a while to be honest.


                            Used to call them Gypos when I was a kid. WTF is a pikey.


                              It's a newish name for Gypo basically, bet your life there's a page dedicated to it on Wikipedia.


                                Also LH had this to say about Sunday.

                                "We are baffled how it came to that in the space of 30 seconds.They fuelled me longer I had two guys in front of me and suddenly they have stopped as I have looked at the red light"

                                Somebody should remind him that they stopped BECAUSE of the red light. A little humble pie wouldn't go a miss I reckon.

