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    JB is too weak, and I dont think he will ever be WDC while FA and KR are around. Sato makes him look better than he really is.


      Originally posted by Peanuts
      JB is too weak, and I dont think he will ever be WDC while FA and KR are around. Sato makes him look better than he really is.
      Agreed. I think he's a good driver but not World Champion material. It annoys me when people talk about him like he's the second coming.


        ITV, say no more. I don?t know why, but I have never liked him. It just something about his personality. I am young, ****ing loaded and an F1 driver, and don?t forget it!!! That is how he come across to me, almost as though he is rubbing everyone?s nose in it, another Eddie Irvine if you like.


          I'll add an Amen there. Makes Coulthard look like a regular bloke.

          It really irked me when he signed that clothing deal (wasn't there a "Button" fashion range?) right after he started F1. It was as if he was already a big shot.


            It think it was for Burtons. You can really see JB in Burtons. What were his managment thinking. Because he is reasonably photogenic, he has the potential to be the Beckham of F1, yet where are the deals?


              Doesn't help if your caught speeding in France as well.

              It would have been better if he had been caught with a lapdancer like Raikonnen.


                Yeah, was that when he was caught speeding in a high powered Beemer? That is another reason why I dislike him, as his father just passed it off as a boyish lark. Whether they like it or not, these people are role models. Beckham is the same, speeding in his Ferraris. What a tit.
                Last edited by Richard.John; 30-05-2005, 14:33.


                  Not 100% sure I'm right here, but isn't Beckham from a pretty poor background and Button from a fairly wealthy family?

                  It's easier for kids to have Beckham as a role model as they themselves could one day be as great at football and realise their dream, but to get into F1 you need the megabucks.

                  Sorry, going a bit off topic there. I don;t really hate Button as much as it might sound, but he has some growing up to do. Just like Irvine, though I think time has passed him by.


                    I am not sure about JB. I know he started in Karts, but most of them do. You are right
                    though, F1 drivers often come from wealthy families simply because the level of sponsorship that is required is so high.

                    If he gets a good car, I am sure he can mix it with the best, but he is no FA or KR.
                    And you can assume that in the post MS era, these two will dominate, so what chance does he have? He will be like Mansell to KR and FA's Senna and Prost


                      In his early days JB was certainly a Eddie Irvine style guy who wasn't really focused on the racing but I do believe he has changed his attitude in recent years. I've never been a particular fan mostly due to the media bias, but that's not really his fault. Sounds like a few people here are underestimating Sato as well.


                        Sato just seems desparately unlucky at times. Last season and at the start of this one I suspect someone put a small bomb in his engine to blow it up after a couple of laps.

                        If you dislike Button a bit because of media bias, you should try living in Japan. The commentary for the races is just constantly "Sato Sato Sato SATO SATOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!"


                          Sato was indeed really unlucky last year, but the notable thing is how badly he was dealing with the car problems, desperately trying to squeeze out as much track time as possible when his engine was dumping oil all over the track, for instance.

                          It's just due to his inexperience, and he's getting better, however.


                            Originally posted by rjwtaylor
                            If you dislike Button a bit because of media bias, you should try living in Japan. The commentary for the races is just constantly "Sato Sato Sato SATO SATOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!"
                            Haha, sounds quality!


                              Originally posted by Method
                              Haha, sounds quality!
                              It isn't, trust me. It makes ITV's coverage look good.


                                KR wins FA retires. the WDC fight is getting interesting!

