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    Good race for Button, love the Massa vs Hamilton fight.
    Obviously bored of Vettel but it should all be over next race.


      Vettel has been different class. Don't really like the chap, but you can't say it's *all* the car when he's so comprehensively shafting Webber as well.


        Anyone watch the live qualifying session this morning and the build up? I don't think I've ever seen Hamilton so lacking in confidence, defensive and insecure. His body language and his facial expressions are extremely telling. And it's clearly effecting his driving and on track decisions. I miss the old Lewis Hamilton.


          Wasn't going to get up early for this one, but woke up around 6:30 needing the loo so decided to stay up.

          Decent race, not anything too special. BBC kept dropping the HD feed out for the SD one which was annoying, couple of times they've had that happen on the really distant GPs.

          Happy with the result, and loved the smack talk in the weigh-in room before they went out onto the podium.

          So, very good chance that Jenson will finish ahead of Lewis in the championship this year now. With Jenson now on a new deal, and Hamilton clearly in a poor headspace, I'd seriously be thinking of offloading Hamilton in favour of someone who can keep his aggression in check. Would love to see DiResta at McClaren, for example.

          As for Vettel, unless his team drop the ball he has to be favourite for next year as well. He's still not convinced me he can scrap when he has to, but he's so on it that he hasn't needed to.


            SD feed was pretty buggy too - kept breaking up, especially post-race.


              Originally posted by Flabio View Post

              So, very good chance that Jenson will finish ahead of Lewis in the championship this year now. With Jenson now on a new deal, and Hamilton clearly in a poor headspace, I'd seriously be thinking of offloading Hamilton in favour of someone who can keep his aggression in check. Would love to see DiResta at McClaren, for example.

              Agreed F1 needs less aggression and more corporate lickspittle robot drivers. If people think Hamilton is overly aggressive then Senna would have been burnt at the stake.


                Loved the little convo between Button and Vettel after the race. I think Button was moaning a bit too much about that though, it was a fair (although strong) move.


                  I really enjoyed the race, it had a perfect mix of strategy and on-track close racing. A fantastically judged race from Jenson, who has really stepped up to the plate in the last few races and would thoroughly deserve second place in the championship if that's where he ends up at the end of the season. Alonso put in his usual great charge, and it was good to see Schumacher taking the Mercedes to slightly ahead of where it really is in the pecking order.

                  Something seems to have clicked with Michael, it's like he's suddenly re-found the connection with the car after a year and a half of trying and getting frustrated. I think on this form why should next year be his last in the sport and he can maintain this type of speed (he's never going to regain the speed he had in his first stint in the sport, but hey he's enjoying it and more importantly NEEDS the thrill of competition at the highest level in the sport).

                  On this point, what on earth has happened to Hamilton? A brilliant couple of victories aside, this season has been an absolute disaster for him. I still think he is the fastest driver out there but he's not really showing that at the moment is he? I don't think he and Webber have reacted well to these new tyres half as well as their team-mates have.

                  Well done to Vettel though. The class of the field all season, the key to his success has been his form in qualifying. It has been quite astonishing to see his consistency on the front row and the pole positions he has taken. Youngest double world champion, you never know what will happen in the future but I think he's on track to eventually beat Schumacher's seemingly unbeatable seven championships. Why do I think that? Well, after Schumacher won his two titles with Benetton he went to Ferrari and didn't win the title until 5 years later. I don't see Vettel having that gap between his second and third titles, particularly in an Adrian Newey-designed car. Also, drivers are on a whole different fitness level now so can keep going longer, Kimi Raikkonen-boredness aside.

                  The BBC montage at the end of the roster of back-to-back champions was really emotional and clearly had Vettel almost to tears on the F1 Forum ('you guys really shouldn't do things like this'). No-one does it better than the BBC in my opinion, such a shame it's unlikely to be quite the same next year in terms of coverage.

                  But just to end - this is the strongest field of drivers there has ever been in the sport. So many world champions, so much high-class driving that it's really exciting to watch. It's why this will always be my favourite sport, it's why we all get up at silly hours on a Sunday morning. Love it.
                  Last edited by Senna; 09-10-2011, 09:52.


                    Originally posted by vanpeebles View Post
                    If people think Hamilton is overly aggressive then Senna would have been burnt at the stake.
                    You can't afford to play the contact game in modern F1 cause the cars just fall to bits.

                    Being overly aggressive in current F1 usually means you hit something and have to pit for repairs.

                    And while it makes for fun TV watching Hamilton cock up race after race, I can't imagine his team are happy paying him for that.


                      We would be better asking why they insist on courses where it's impossible to overtake. (money for Bernie) Otherwise just chain all the cars together like a road train and run it round in a circle for 60 laps.


                        Was Hamilton overlly agressive today? One slight knock in a chicane is hardly being a nutter is it? I love Hamilton because a lesser driver would have just yielded. He is racer and I watch F1 to see guys race.


                          Maybe Hamilton's engineer told him to 'destroy' Massa's end-plate


                            Nah, today he was just clumsy. Said in post race that he can't see anything in his mirrors. I suspect waiting until there's only a couple of races left to point that out to the team isn't ideal...


                              He has been complaining for a while about the lack of visibility, he seems to sit lower in the car than Jenson which probably doesn't help. It was unfortunate but hardly overly agressive. He lost loads more time earlier in the race when he got a puncture and from then on he was never going to catch the leaders, who didn't put a foot wrong.

                              At the moment Button and Alonso look like the only drivers who can touch Vetel, if the 2012 cars are similarly matched it could be a very good fight.


                                I suspect Hamilton just needs more support around him. He's hard as nails on track, but I get the impression he's a sensitive soul off track and very affected by people's comments and opinions. He needs people around him who can bring out the best in him, and tell him the truth when he ****s up and when he doesn't. He's the best driver in F1 in my opinion and easily the most exciting, but he's making too many uncharacteristic mistakes.

