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    Mental attitude is a weird one that's for sure I always find that if I set out to do a distance, I'd typically find it quite hard no matter how long or short it is. Say, for example, if I set the treadmill for twenty minutes it'd be really tough! So if I want to run twenty minutes, I set to the time forty instead as mentally now the twenty is nothing, my head is geared up to find the forty difficult due to my trickery and I'm 'forced' to run the forty


      Hee hee yeah. Running to me is all about the art of self deception.


        Originally posted by charlesr View Post
        You say you are taking it easy - perhaps that's the problem. Alternate your runs between fast pace for 2 miles and slower for 3 miles. If you just keep doing the same thing, you'll never improve. Alternatively go on time instead. Run out for 10 minutes and then turn around. Next run, go out for 15 mins before turning around (that's 30 mins instead of 10 remember!). See how long it takes to get back compared to the way out to see if you are keeping your pace up the whole way or going too fast at the start or finish.

        Don't forget to do some sprints (after a lot of warm up) every now and then with a couple of days rest afterwards.

        Get a HRM.
        Well, 'easy' is a relative term, I still find it hard, I think my heartrate is around 140, which would be 70% for me - about right. If I go 'quite fast' it goes up to around 180. I had been told about the sprints though by someone at my gym. Going to really have a good crack at it tomorrow, try to deceive myself - will see how I get on.


          I did 5 miles today. I think one of the things that helped me was not oversleeping - I had about 7 1/2 hours. I had 9 the other day and woke up still feeling *very* sleepy, think it didn't allow me to focus. Anyway I set off, got a rhythm going by using 2-in 3-out breathing (which felt kind of correct for my pace), found it hard (I have a nice bunch of small hills to climb up with sharp inclines, they're *hard*!) but just kept willing myself on, telling myself I was doing well even after 1 mile, 2 mile, etc. I think I just got myself into a frame of mind that I stuck with. I did the 5 miles in about 55 minutes, I think, which isn't particularly bad for a first-timer

          Hooray for running!


            Originally posted by Paradigm View Post

            I think I just got myself into a frame of mind that I stuck with. I did the 5 miles in about 55 minutes, I think, which isn't particularly bad for a first-timer

            Hooray for running!
            Well done, thats very respectable. Hills are hard for everyone, just remember to try to keep the effort the same and not the pace, which basically means dont forget to slow down. I'm a fairly strong runner which means I can power up most hills at the same speed and and drop others but I'm not superhuman which means I then need to slow down to recover and get overtaken by those that went up steady and kept on going when they reached the top. Feels much better when you are the one doing the dropping.

            Off to the track tonight 8X1200m at 5k pace. All for a 5k cahllenge I've set with some mates for Sat. Reckon I need to get under 18min to win. Reckon best so far is 18.45 so may be a big ask, really enjoying the shorter stuff, also doesnt take as much time up as marathon training.

            Entered my 4year old daughter in a race on Sunday, not sure shes training very seriously, but the lure of a bag of Hula Hoops for trying hard seems to be a great motivator for her
            Last edited by Spagoli; 07-06-2007, 11:13.


              That's terribly cute


                I haven't been on a run since the 27th May - over two weeks - and that wasn't even a proper run; just four and a half miles in the rain.

                I need to start putting those beer festivals behind me and put those pints down for good and starting running again, I'm in a pathetic shape at the moment, pathetic.


                  A good week here, although I've dropped the distance of my offroad/hill run as I want to get a bit more comfortable with it before i up the distance too quickly. I have time on my side anyway.

                  Monday - Mountain bike
                  Tuesday - 6 mile run
                  Wednesday - Rest
                  Thursday - 9 mile hill run
                  Friday - 30 mile road bike
                  Saturday - 6 mile run
                  Sunday - Probably nothing if this weather keeps up

                  I think I'll try to stick to that routine for the next while as I'm finally seeing an improvement in all three respective fitness levels. I'm way off being fit, but its really encouraging when you finally start to notice things getting slightly easier.

                  Funnily enough though, I still have the odd run which is awful. My first run of the week was shocking. Legs felt heavy, tired and I stopped a few times. Compare that to my hill run which was a breeze by comparison.

                  The weight doesn't seem to be coming off according to the scales, but clothes, tops in particular are getting more loose, so I'm not going to get hung up on watching the numbers.

                  Hope everyone has a good weekend of training, especially in the mad weather. I really don't mind the rain, but that damn wind.....


                    Any skippers in the house??

                    After watching my brother do some skipping as part of a Circuit he was showing me I have been on a quest for the skipping skills... my jaw was on the floor when I watched him, he was unbelievable. He has been doing boxing training for a few years so was right into it but seeing him this good at it was such a surprise, I was actually proud of him.

                    So my skipping training began, about 6 weeks ago and I have been working it more and more into my workouts since then. I tell you, when you get good at it it is one of the best workouts you can do... work in some stomachs, press-ups and other arm weights in between skipping sets and you have a right good 45 minute shift on your hands. I was dying by the end of it last night. It aint easy by the way, 6 weeks ago I was terrible and could only manage about 20 or 30 with my feet stuck together but now after weeks of practice am so much more relaxed, doing it really fast, working in can-cans (Rocky does them in his montages ) and knees up sprinting as fast as possible to finish a set, it is brilliant and looks cool as FK

                    Looking forward to another shift with it tonight and am gonna start working in some double skips as they are the hardest to do.

                    So if anyone is into this already let me know and if anyone fancies something new to work in to their gym time get some skipping done... with some practice it can be great fun and a brilliant alternative for body conditioning, muscle endurance and agility.


                      Nice one, I have a set of ropes but never ever used them. May give it a try tomorrow!

                      Cycled to the gym today, 6 or 7 miles, done a good chest/abs workout then cycled home again. Was murder coming home, was really warm and I was exhausted, totally dripping at the end of it!


                        Nice man... it is frustrating at first cause you dont understand why you are clipping your feet or maybe not being able to do it relaxed but its all about practice. If I could see me doing it now and compare it to how I was doing it 6 weeks ago the difference would be unbelievable.

                        My ropes cost me £5 and are brilliant, perfect length and nice weight so if you are thinking about getting into it a pair of your own ropes is must, makes such a big difference.


                          I'll have to buy myself a set of ropes soon.

                          I did a six mile run this morning.

                          Now, I don't mind the rain - honestly - but the other force of nature along the lines of the 'wind' managed to frustrate the holy christmas out of me every half mile or so. Why is it that the wind is always and I mean always in your face no matter what direction you are running at?

                          Wind, can you please **** off.


                            Funny, I did 6 miles yesterday (woo!) in the rain. It was hammering it down. Finding the running is getting better, I feel more comfortable in general and my pace is quickening naturally it seems.


                              I'm wrecked. Biked it to work, done my shift, biked it home and then went to the gym. Did it yesterday too and plan on doing it tomorrow too.


                                Dude, don't over train. If you hammered everything at the gym then you should have at least a day's gym rest before going back (unless you are targeting different muscle groups on each day for intensive training).

                                I'm kinda keeping up the exercise better now. I'm stretching every day too - hamstrings are tight which is contributing to back ache. I touched my toes tonight for the first time in ages. I've been doing weights at the gym and cycling at home (have an exercise bike now - lovely magnetic one so it's pretty much silent, so I can watch a TV ep during), alternating days. I'm eating more too..... Finding myself ravenous. Drinking less, but making up for it at the weekends.

