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    Well you can run a marathon, it's all the info I need

    My mum (bless her) is taking me to a running shop on Sat to get kitted up with some new shoes - I have no money whatsoever at the moment so she's being super awesome.


      Mum's. You gotta love 'em!

      Cycled to work and back today. Think I'm going to go to the gym tomorrow and then run to work on Thursday.


        I did 2 miles this morning and didn't die. My muscles were acheing after going to the gym a few days back but it's soon alright. Onwards and upwards, and that.

        recipher, I'm currently planning on doing the GNR on the 30th Sep., taking it month-by-month how good do you reckon I should be at each point? I understand you're supposed to do the full distance like a month before the event and then wind down until the big day?


          Well done to all the FLM-ers. I was kind of gutted about missing out but hopefully next year. Am planning to do it with a couple of mates in our MDS gear, maybe try to raise some money as we go, but just take it nice and easy.

          With a view to the longer term I've been getting gait analysis done to sort out my wonky feet and an old football injury looked at on my knee. Gait analysis was good and I now have modified insoles. Only down side was that the knee thing is looking a bit serious so I have an appointment with a surgeon next month and an MRI before that.

          And of course the advice of the Dr which was that I might want to restrict my running to no more than 3 miles, a few times a week, unless I want to be back for an early knee replacement op.

          Hmmmm, so that 150 mile ultra in the Sahara is maybe not the best idea then?

          Amazing how things seem to happen like this.


            I saw Jack Osbourne attempt that - man, **** it. Hardest thing ever, it looks like. You'd have to be ****ing nuts.


              well finished FLM in 3.26 not the 3.00 as hoped but had nasty chest infection (that said if you ever goto the start line of a marathon you'll find the illest bunch of pople you have ever come across everyone has some sort of problem you would clean up selling insurance policies ) anyway great event again and determined to keep level of fitness up now. Never been fitter and sure once chest clears i'll be able to kick ass as predicted, if not ill have to develope some other sort of illness! Thinking of doing some other sorts of races orientiering etc appeal even if i cant spell them!

              managed first run since sun tonight 6miles in 42 mins so no perm damage though thankfully!

              well done recipher and rumbletum anyone that lines up is a winner in my book.


                Managed to get my 2000m rowing time down to 7:46.5 yesterday. Thought that was ace, a good 15 seconds off my previous time. Was totally ****ed at the end too.

                I think I could manage 7:30 at a push if I do it fresh without half hour cross trainer first like I usually do. I will try it next week and get back to you!


                  I did 7:08 today so that's a decent time for you to beat. Naughty if you don't warm up though, it'll just make you feel sick. Not done it proper since getting laid off but I'm registered up at the local gym now so all is right with the world of fitness again.

                  Well done FLM runners. Amazing stuff, really it is. 3.26? Man...


                    Originally posted by Psi View Post
                    Okay, a few questions for all you weights guys out there.... (etc)
                    Is everyone on this thread just cardio now, then?


                      Depends on the split you want to do, mate.

                      At the moment, I train 4 days a week, using 3 different routines (I go through the routine 4 times every 3 weeks) I've moved onto training opposing muscle groups, I find this gives a good pump, and makes recovery easier. I think it burns slightly more calories, not scientific, like.

                      I'd stick to 2/3 exercise per bodypart, doing 2/3 sets of 8ish reps to build muscle and burn off fat. If you've not weight trained before, you'll get good results whatever you do, really.

                      So, I'd say 3/4 times per week,

                      Routine 1: Chest and back
                      Routine 2: Shoulders, bi's and tri's
                      Routine 3: Upper legs, calves

                      Training abs 2/3 times per week is fine.

                      Good exercises for new lifters are flat bench press, standing barbell curl, deadlifts, leg press - they're easy to perform and are great muscle builders. Train as heavy as you can with good form, don't burn yourself out, take 1-2 minutes rest between sets, or as you need.

                      Good luck, and read Chain's previous posts regarding supplements and that!


                        As Swallow says mate, there is probably very little "basics" we haven't covered the last 6 plus months. Got lots of info on here to get you going

                        Happy to answer more specific questions that we've not discussed before, so let me know mate.


                          Chain hows the diet going man?

                          I've had a poor week. I've struggled with my sleep and been knackered. Cycled a couple of times but thats about it.

                          Gymming it tomorrow.


                            I'm thinking of going on another run tomorrow but I am also invited to a few rounds at the pub this evening so I don't know what I will feel like tomorrow morning.

                            We will see.


                              Diet's going OK Ish, was going to ask you the same thing today

                              Dropped around a kilo in, what, 12 days now. Not bad, was gaining weight the first week as my metabolism balanced out. Looking a wee bit sleeker in the face which is good

                              Had some good workouts this week, for chest on Monday, and shoulders and back Wed. Legs on Tues and arms on Fri went poorly though, lack of energy and a training partner - need to be with someone at the moment, odd as I'm usually quite self motivated in the gym.

                              Food is more or less great. LOTS of protein shakes of course, carbs limited in the week. Bit of a blowout every Friday night (Fast Eddies in Hove is the best burger ever for my money, triple bacon cheese burger FTW!). Now got to keep semi-good this weekend, much tougher. Plus it's my mums 60th today so we're eating out like every meal all weekend

                              But can't complain, pleased with the slow progress.

                              Yourself? Sounds like not a great week exercise wise, which I can empaphise with [I've no energy half the time I'm training, and was horrified to find my arms are an inch smaller than pre-Xmas!] but so long as the food is good, the energy levels will improve. First couple of weeks of cutting back on E-numbers can be like going cold turkey.


                                Yeah the exercise wasn't too great this week. I wasn't planning on sorting out my diet as I didn't want to stop eating tasty things but I'm going to have to as, like yourself, I'm low on energy.

                                Going to start doing more of my own cooking again and have already decided to stop eating takeouts. Wednesday was hard as I went to the weekly poker session with my friends which is fast food central. And beer central. Somehow I managed to resist both - and clean up at poker

                                Had a good nights sleep last night so I'm heading out for a run later and the gym tomorrow.

                                Thinking of popping out for a vegetable steamer too.

