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    Well my routine has changed slightly, I'm no longer trying to chuck the weight on as I wasn't having alot of luck with it, always felt dead bagged up from eating alot and my abs were suffering.

    So I've actually dropped about 6lbs off my peak weight, but my muscle certainly has grown, so I'm alot trimmer and tighter now, lifting more than ever before. So its all going well and I'm happy being a bit more ripped rather than bigger and less muscley looking. And I'm still going to the gym about 4-5 days a week which is tough by my workouts are a lot quicker and more thorough now, I just hammer through it all.

    Started squash again too now, so thats now a weekly occurence again which is great and hopefully the recent half decent weather will hold up and I can continue my cycling which I was really enjoying until the pishing rain started and never let up at all for the last month!

    So all in all, its going goooood.

    Hows everyone else doing? Hopefully this'll spring a few others back to life if they've been slacking off lately. What about Chain mate? You still out of training fully?


      Ive been a bit slack for the past couple of months, due to laziness and being overseas for 6 weeks, but I did my first swim in ages this morning, god my shoulders are sore.

      Think I may have to pull out of the Triathlon I'm supposed to be doing the end of the month


        I've been doing push ups at home recently, doing ten to fail, and doing four sets - so I'll do ten, twenty, thirty and then fourty - really enjoying doing them actually and I notice a difference already.

        I've stopped doing my weights and home but my mate's at L.A. Fitness and goes a hell of a lot so I might join him. Really want to work on the abs and my obliques to be honest.

        Started cycling about two months ago too and was doing 12 miles a day quite frequently, but with the lack of nice weather it's hard to be motivated (although I would find some kind of Rocky Balboa like inspiration to do it in the rain), so yeah, need to step it up a bit but other than that it's cool!


          I did pretty well last week. Did cardio every day except Thursday which I took as a rest day (walked home from work a few miles though as it was nice).


            Bleh. I feel quite unfit to be honest just lately. New job has thrown a spanner in the works, sort of. I cycle to work everyday unless there's an act of God like the recent weather (flooded building, d'oh!) but yeah, it's 4.5miles there so it's nothing really; I doubt it's doing much in the way of exercise even if I do get all the right kit on and cycle as fast as I can. I'll typically hit the gym, well, swimming pool just lately a couple of times a week but then I got this nasty cough so didn't do that the past couple of weeks. I'm enjoying the swimming though, reasonable pace I feel and the breathing is working out nicely now I've got back into it (I think I said before that I was a very strong swimmer in my youth). We have been with the neighbours a few times the both of them can only just swim which is, I feel, quite frankly a little disturbing. They're into it a little more these days but have decided to go on their own as I think they find the fact I do 40 lengths in the time it takes them to do 10 a little, well, embarrassing for them. Wouldn't be so bad if they put some effort into it but it's the Level 1 setting on the bike syndrome again (I half expected some waterproof mag to appear).

            Ah well. Not done too many weights/rowing due to the time but was mostly working on compound routines instead. Pull-ups, press-ups and dips. Stuff like that. I use a power-ball whenever I've a free hand or two
            Last edited by Commander Marklar; 21-07-2007, 23:59.


              I did a nice 7 mile run this morning, which I managed to do without collapsing especially after my recent drinking sprees.

              My stomach isn't as flat as it used to be but that is what you get for enjoying a drink or twelve.


                It's been a while since I posted in this thread as I feel a bit out of place comparing my 25 minutes on a treadmill to your 5+ mile runs Since the last time I posted though I've lost about 15lbs, about 3" off my waist, an inch or so off my legs, and I don't remember the last time I felt this good.


                  Originally posted by RLench View Post
                  It's been a while since I posted in this thread as I feel a bit out of place comparing my 25 minutes on a treadmill to your 5+ mile runs.
                  To be fair, running is all I ever do in terms of exercise so don't feel too downbeat about it.

                  Originally posted by RLench View Post
                  Since the last time I posted though I've lost about 15lbs, about 3" off my waist, an inch or so off my legs, and I don't remember the last time I felt this good.
                  That's the main thing mate; how you feel and if you are feeling good right now then that is bloody great. Is it time to buy some new jeans / trousers then?

                  I have recently picked up my Tennis racket and am trying to join some tennis club or some place where I can jump in and play but it seems that other people prefer to play with those who they know better, which is fair enough really - but give me a chance!!

                  The bloody wind is reasonably crap today so I'm gonna stay indoors as usual and be miserable.


                    Out of curiosity is it generally bad to go running in the rain? Other than slipping and sliding everywhere, is it ill advised? Cos i HAD to go for a run to let off steam yesterday and it literally was Showering down like crazy!

                    I grinned and bared it but i was so soaked that every inch of me was dripping! Was it a stupid decision, i think i could have caught neumonia or something! But figured that my body was going to be hot as hell from the running that the rain would cool me down.

                    I feel fine now, but im strangly weak and tired.......... hmm..........



                      Nope, I love running in the rain


                        oh right then, im all good then

                        phew........ i think.......



                          That's the main thing mate; how you feel and if you are feeling good right now then that is bloody great.

                          Cheers I absolutely do feel better since I joined. I've got more energy than ever before even though I'm going to the gym four times a week (even five times occasionally. One of gym trainers has been giving me a lot of help and telling me exactly what to do/how to lose weight quickly and safely. I've been doing pretty intensive cardio the last two weeks, and spending an hour on the treadmill and exercise bikes. I was lifting quite heavy weights but I've cut down a bit as I mainly want to lose weight (not gain muscle). One thing I have noticed is that my heart rate is dropping quite quickly. I was told that I should be aiming for about 160bpm for a cardio workout. When I started this workout program I was getting about 175. Now it's hitting a peak at about 157-160 and never goes above that

                          I think it's fantastic that people can just go and run for seven miles. That's what I'm aiming for, but I'm nowhere near it yet

                          Is it time to buy some new jeans / trousers then?
                          Yes I had a pair of jeans that used to fit me perfectly. Then they became a little baggy. Last week I wore them for the first time in about two weeks when I went out shopping. I had to run to a clothes shop and buy a belt because they wouldn't stay on my waist! I bought some jeans when I joined the gym but they were too small. The size above barely fitted either so it was obviously a problem with their sizes. But because they were only £5 I didn't mind too much and decided to keep them. I tried them on this week and they're a perfect fit


                            Originally posted by 112 View Post
                            Out of curiosity is it generally bad to go running in the rain?
                            Goodness no.

                            Like rumbletum said himself, running in the rain is great - I love it although you should take care on steep pathways if the rain is really bad.

                            Originally posted by RLench
                            But because they were only ?5 I didn't mind too much and decided to keep them. I tried them on this week and they're a perfect fit.
                            Buy yourself the next size down and then surprise yourself in the next coming weeks to fit in them!

                            I'm glad you are doing well; keep it up mate.


                              Nice one RLench!

                              Still doing cardio most days. I'm mostly swimming at the moment - its just what I feel like . Get down the gym most lunchtimes and do a kilometre in my lunch break. Not the worlds best swimmer but I'm gradually getting better.


                                Rode in a sportive on Sunday - Legbreaker Challenge. 3050m of climbing in 130k. Came in 15th out of 164 with 5:16:52, which I was pleased with.

                                Last edited by Jashin; 27-07-2007, 18:21.

