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    My word. Haven't looked or posted in here for ages. I've been doing regular weights and pilates for a while now and am seeing and feeling the benefits. Putting on weight which for me is good (7-10% body fat). The CV has really suffered though. Will get on the bike this evening while watching an ep of Alias (still on season 2!).


      Same as you Charlesr - not looked here for a while but there you go!

      Up to 84 kg in weight and prob about 13% body fat so trying to lean up a bit at the moment - was doing only weights for the last half of 2007 and NO cardio so starting running again - two sessions in and I forgot how good it makes you feel.

      I hit it hard for 10 mins running at 14km/h, crunches, bike for 10 mins, raised crunches and rund at 14 again for 5 min with more machine assisted crunches to finish.

      For me it is enough and I look like I'm about to die every time I do it but hey ho!

      Muscle definition imrpoved though


        Originally posted by charlesr View Post
        I'd say don't waste your money, but hey, would certainly be interested to see what you say about them.
        Tesco r doing em half price just now so i might as well

        Im doing about 1.5 litres of water a day in work (walking to the water machine regularly breaks up the hellish hours in here) so i think im alright for that. The main reason I wanted to try it was to try and flush out the festive junk and get some nutrients right in about there

        also cut down my calorie intake quite drastically aiming to only do 1200-1500 a day


          Ah a bit more life in this thread after the new year, surprise surprise!

          I'm still going at it, although my weight has stayed the same for months I am definitely stronger and fitter, probably just a bit leaner than before. I keep changing my mind on whether I want to spend a good 6 months or so trimming up into a defined, thin muscle machine or keep trying to put the weight on for more muscle mass. Sometimes I just get fed up when I'm eating all this food and lifting all these weights and not getting any bigger!

          I think that once I get back into a routine when uni starts at the end of the month and I've not constantly got coursework hanging over my should then I'll be okay! Really want to push my weight up a bit and get bigger this year though when I think about it.


            Originally posted by oblivion_6 View Post
            The main reason I wanted to try it was to try and flush out the festive junk
            That's what your liver is for
            It does a pretty good job, unless you kill it with alcohol.


              I've even knocked the ale right down..sporadic drinking during the week to a zero. Drinking with friends at the weekend is now four pints.

              Only 10 days in, but i'm starting to feel a bit better.

              I'm trying to look at this long term though, eating healthy forever! well, forever is such a strong word, but i don't see the point of all that hard work going to waste once you reach a target.

              Really enjoying the salads at the moment, fresh veggies, lettuce, tomato, red pepper, spring onions, cucumber, is really tasty with ham and beans! all low in fat, probably adds up in calories to a sensible sized meal. Main thing is, its refershing to eat..its not like (for me anyway) its horrible and I must do it..I'm enjoying it.


                Yeh good work man, thats it, its a lifestyle change, not a quick fix! Once you realise that and your happy and willing to change then your half way there!

                I found a new gym on Tuesday that I can use! And its awesome compared to my old one, its all under the same membership as its a council gym I go and it covers like 6 or 7 different ones. The one I've found is a crappy old centre but with a nice new gym area with tons of top class brand new machines and weights. Totally awesome! That alone is giving me a bit of a lift to really push myself this year knowing I'll be using all this good new equipment and new people to meet their also!


                  I'm still plodding along too. It took a bit of a dip over Christmas as it might for everyone, but we (at my martial arts club) get told to rest totally for the two weeks break (except for the beach training) to let any little niggles heal up. The first session back nearly killed me, but I'm back to normal now.

                  Last night I took my induction at the gym they now have at the school where we train on Wednesdays and Fridays, and I now get sessions for about ?2 a time rather than the ?5-something I was paying at the last place. For me this year the focus is on dropping the rest of the weight (over three stone lost last year and kept off) and getting my CV up to a really decent level. I've started running (treadmill to start with - I'm a terrible runner) and I have to make a real go of it. Our club is going up to the UK champs in October, and the day after is the Great North Run which some of us have committed to with other people taking part at the tournament.

                  It's going to be hellish for someone like me, who hits his limit at a mile now, but I'm relishing the challenge.


                    Good luck with that babs


                      Had another monster session in the new gym today, was good!

                      Gonna hurt in the morning though.


                        Christ I'm finding it hard at the moment. I'm coming off some medication and its left me feeling really spaced out and its hard to maintain focus. I'm keeping at it though - even if I don't do well its better getting out there and keeping the habit going.

                        And to my surprise I just knocked 30 seconds off my pb for one of the circuits round my house (not that great an achievement as I'm still at the stage of getting from dying to being able to move but even so its there!). I thought it had taken me ages.... as I say: spaced out!


                          3 Weeks in and going really well. My body is starting to look a better shape and I do feel healthier. Hoping to pick up a bike this week.


                            Had a bit of a wakeup call the other day, I was helping my father do some deliveries for his business, I had to carry a box from a car park into a building and up two flights of stairs, my father carried a box of about equal weight, once we got to the top of the stairs I was shockingly out of breath, my dad was fine though and im under half his age, its definetely time for me to start the gym again.

                            Last time I weighed myself I was around the 15 stone mark, but im sure im likely over 16 stone by now, I was a few years ago 11 stone and have before then been upto nearly 19 stone, so my weight yo yo's alot, have had my thyroid gland tested and its borderline on the lowest point thats considered ok but definetely under the average.


                              Congrats. When do you have aim to get back down to 15 by?


                                I'm up to 200kg on leg press now (2 sets of 8). I think that's good? Considering I'm a weedy rake boy. The machine only goes up to 230kg.

