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    I'm still the same weight eventhough I've been eating like a fat bastard still... I've tightened up around the sides now and almost comfortable going swimming, not quite. I actually work out in a vest now, it's so damn liberating being able to show my arms finally without being worried about people thinking I'm a skinny bitch.

    Monday - Chest + shoulders.
    Tuesday - Biceps, triceps + abs
    Wednesday - Light cardio (15min) + legs
    Thursday - Moderate cardio (20min), back + calves
    Friday - Heavy Cardio (30min), abs + traps
    Saturday - Rest
    Sunday - Very light cardio (walk 3miles to my mums or nans for tea)

    Drunken_Monkey: I find my protein shakes work wonders if I have one with my supper, I'm not as stiff in the morning. Try to have as few carbs as possible at supper time in order to let the protein absorb without interuption. I'm about to spend £200 on protein shakes for next month (actually more like 5-6 weeks worth), that's how much faith I have in them.

    I choose Sci-MX over Promax.
    SCI-MX high protein powder, shakes & bars. The highest quality formulas & supplements for muscle & bodybuilding development, backed by science for proven results.

    They are slightly cheaper and have better packaging. lol.


      I split my program in two last week, so I spend day one with cardio + upper boddy then day two with cardio + lower body.

      Today was the first lower body attempt. Ouch


        Ah man, don't get me started on lower body - leg extensions used to be my favourite exercise, now I'm onto lifting serious weight with my legs by the time I reach my eighth rep it feels like some stripper has poured petrol over my lap and set it on fire for two seconds, by far my most hated part of the week and the only part of my workout I can honestly say I don't enjoy.

        I've started taking Nitric Oxide and gone up only a pound or two but I'm beginning to look RIPPED!! I don't know if this is good going with my 15st plan by 2010 but I certainly feel good anyway, and my cardio is becoming increasingly PISS EASY. I might knock back on the cardio actually because I don't want to look like Bruce Lee, I want to look like Trent Reznor did back in 2006:

        I might decrease next month's protein intake and cardio and increase the carbs.

        Oh, I can finally do diamond press-ups now, as well as wide grip lateral pullups - not so long ago I couldn't even do one of either.
        Last edited by dataDave; 20-02-2009, 00:13.


          I'm getting angry at the dickheads at my gym and it looks like I'm going to have to change. We only have one bar and last night I had to wait ONE HOUR to finish off with my deadlift sets as these faggots were in a huge group and kept taking the piss... and wouldn't let me in for a measly three sets eventhough I asked kindly.

          I walk over and try and make some space for my lifts and it's clearly obvious I'm not welcome on that 'turf', I then walk off like a wally and sit down like a good boy waiting for them to leave. It's rite, I might go for one of those seven-year tattoos and get a huge swastika on my left peck, then proceed to workout topless for the duration of my remaining fees paid.

          Some of these guys are blates on steroids also, they look twice my size and deadlift around half as much, as if the attitude problem didn't give that away also. They have muscley faces that are permanently red if that's also a sign, I dunno.


            That put me off my last gym Dave. Really pissed me off. The final straw was the steroidal freaks having conversations about where they were picking up their next supply. Sad ****s.


            I'm back down the gym myself after ditching the old one. They've got a large weights section - lots of free weights and lots of machines. Enough that even when its busy its not a problem (not so far anyway). Good stuff!

            So yeah I feel like I'm back on the happy path to fitness. Heads in the right place and its all coming together. Hurrah!


              Same with my last place Dave, in fact in my new gym it is against the rules to move about in groups and they will break you up.


                Originally posted by DavidFallows View Post
                I'm still the same weight eventhough I've been eating like a fat bastard still... I've tightened up around the sides now and almost comfortable going swimming, not quite. I actually work out in a vest now, it's so damn liberating being able to show my arms finally without being worried about people thinking I'm a skinny bitch.

                Monday - Chest + shoulders.
                Tuesday - Biceps, triceps + abs
                Wednesday - Light cardio (15min) + legs
                Thursday - Moderate cardio (20min), back + calves
                Friday - Heavy Cardio (30min), abs + traps
                Saturday - Rest
                Sunday - Very light cardio (walk 3miles to my mums or nans for tea)

                Drunken_Monkey: I find my protein shakes work wonders if I have one with my supper, I'm not as stiff in the morning. Try to have as few carbs as possible at supper time in order to let the protein absorb without interuption. I'm about to spend ?200 on protein shakes for next month (actually more like 5-6 weeks worth), that's how much faith I have in them.

                I choose Sci-MX over Promax.
                SCI-MX high protein powder, shakes & bars. The highest quality formulas & supplements for muscle & bodybuilding development, backed by science for proven results.

                They are slightly cheaper and have better packaging. lol.
                Jacking up the protein does do wonders for recovery

                When i down 150g worth of protein shakes a day i feel the benefits - but my wallet doesnt as i go through a 5lb in 11-12 days! Still i get each tube for a relatively "cheap" ?20.

                To mitigate post workout soreness consume lots of vit c in tablet form - 1000mg to 3000mg is good to avert DOMS

                Unfortunaetly ive dislocated my shoulder when doing snatches so its cardio for me for the immediate future!


                  I'm approaching the six-week deadline to my workout routine so I think I'm going to take a week off and then return for just four days a week with everything concentrated into those days and ramped up slightly. They say you shouldn't stick to the same routine for more than six weeks so hopefully this will give it a bit of a shake around.

                  With the money I'm saving from going OTT on protein I might have a bit of a dabble in creatine, not sure yet, I think I'll give more carbs a shot first and return to my fat bastard diet (Wholemeal pittas and smooth peanut butter tomorrow for breaky, *om nom nom*).

                  12st 3lb now btw.


                    I've got a race at the end of April - 5 mile flat off-road - so I'm trying to get back into running shape. It's going to be tough because I've done naff all on a regular basis for the last year since my second kid was born. I've been doing some runs and playing squash, but now with 8 weeks to go, I've got to give it my all.

                    I did a 5.1 mile route on Sunday morning to see what world of pain I have ahead. Bang on 40 mins..... 7.8 minute miles. For me this is pretty demoralising, but the good news is that although my legs felt like lead the whole way, my lungs and heart were good for more. Hopefully I can knock 5 mins off that by race day - that's my goal anyway. Seems realistic.

                    Cannot believe how unfit I've become (in comparison). I've lost all muscle definition as well. I was never Bruce Lee, but I did at least have pecs and abs and shoulders..... all gone now - combination of a thin layer of lard on my stomach and the muscles all shrinking through not going to the gym. I had to try really hard to put on that muscle - building up is just as hard for me as it is for other people to lose weight. Anyway, rather than just moan about it, I'm going to forget the gym for the moment and aim for the race time and then start incorporating gym time again in May.


                      I've swapped and changed gyms loads of times trying to find a decent one. Finally I've found one. It's not a great gym, but it's totally quiet. Never anyone there and it's half the price! It's because it's predominantly a tennis club. Win. There's a pool and squash courts too so that's ace. I too was getting fed up of waiting for bars or machines.


                        Originally posted by charlesr View Post
                        I had to try really hard to put on that muscle - building up is just as hard for me as it is for other people to lose weight.
                        Absolutely. I love it how fattehs can't grasp that idea as well. On the other hand I can't grasp how some fattehs can't just stop eating totally for one or two days and lose 5-7lbs that way.

                        I was speaking to an old bodybuilder friend in Tesco yesterday, he was complaining that an all-day hangover on Sunday, including vomiting, cost him 6lbs. He's the same as us in that it will take him 5-6 weeks to gain that back. What a waste.

                        Here's a pic of this months' purchases anyhow, I still have half of last months' left so this should do me up until the end of april. This new hobby is costing me £350 quarterly, roughly, plus £90 gym fees. It'll be interesting to find out how easy it will be to retain a 15st physique after returning to a normal diet, hopefully I won't need to keep spending this much to keep my muscles.

                        Whey mixed with breakfast
                        Gradual release protein after supper to work through the night.
                        The meal replacements are to stack either protein or carbs, or equally both, depending on what I've been eating mostly that day. I have two of these on top of my usual 4/5 meals.
                        Creatine (decided to give the caplets a bash)
                        Nitric Oxide pre-workout for max pumpage (this **** is crazy).
                        BCAA+, branched chain amino acids.
                        HMB+ for extra protection vs. catabolism.
                        Last edited by dataDave; 03-03-2009, 17:20.


                          Originally posted by DavidFallows View Post
                          Absolutely. I love it how fattehs can't grasp that idea as well. On the other hand I can't grasp how some fattehs can't just stop eating totally for one or two days and lose 5-7lbs that way.

                          I was speaking to an old bodybuilder friend in Tesco yesterday, he was complaining that an all-day hangover on Sunday, including vomiting, cost him 6lbs. He's the same as us in that it will take him 5-6 weeks to gain that back. What a waste.

                          Here's a pic of this months' purchases anyhow, I still have half of last months' left so this should do me up until the end of april. This new hobby is costing me ?350 quarterly, roughly, plus ?90 gym fees. It'll be interesting to find out how easy it will be to retain a 15st physique after returning to a normal diet, hopefully I won't need to keep spending this much to keep my muscles.

                          Whey mixed with breakfast
                          Gradual release protein after supper to work through the night.
                          The meal replacements are to stack either protein or carbs, or equally both, depending on what I've been eating mostly that day. I have two of these on top of my usual 4/5 meals.
                          Creatine (decided to give the caplets a bash)
                          Nitric Oxide pre-workout for max pumpage (this **** is crazy).
                          BCAA+, branched chain amino acids.
                          HMB+ for extra protection vs. catabolism.
                          I wish i could have told you this before you bought some of this stuff but with alot of that your just as good as flushing your money down the toilet.

                          Stick to one type of protein - tho an exception at nighttime is adding casein for slow release which i see your doing which is smart.

                          Buying carbs in these all in one formulas is a waste when considering you can get far better cabrb sources from food sources alone for cheaper (yeah i know its the convenience factor)

                          BCAA's are pointless considering they constitute a portion of the proteins found in powders even if the labels dont indicate it. Save the money on bcaas and spend it on more protein powder.

                          Same goes for HMB (no evidence this supplement is anti catabolic) and the creatine caps - creatine is good but get the powder form and go for the tri salt formulations such as met rx.

                          NOX tho is the bomb and is great for those pumps due to its vaso dilatory effects. Really popular and you can see why


                            Well the BCAAs were cheap enough, as was the HMB (less than £40 for both). Like you say, the same BCAAs are actually found within the shakes themselves but I just thought what the hell and went for overdrive.

                            Creatine I was going to try out this month, however I don't fancy having to drink 6-8 litres of water a day to back it up, that would seriously curb my hunger as well as sending me for a piss every 10mins, so decided to opt for the caps. The monohydrate (powder) is at my tesco for £20 a tub so I can move over to that easily enough if I have to.

                            And as for carbs, I think I need around 310grams per day on top of the 170grams of protein. I am actually reaching 310grams without any supplements on MOST days, which is a helluva lot as I'm having stacks of wholemeal pittas, oats, pasta, rice, etc. however sometimes when I slack off (like when I'm on XBL all day at weekends) I'll have a carb+ shake towards the end of the day just to top myself up. That carb+ shake is in the least quantity out of the lot and is only used on rare occasions.


                              Oh man, the NOX as well, most noticable on rest days when I have it with breakfast. I'll keep getting the urge to go and flex in the bathroom with no top on. lol. I didn't think legal supplements could affect you like that.


                                Originally posted by DavidFallows View Post
                                Well the BCAAs were cheap enough, as was the HMB (less than ?40 for both). Like you say, the same BCAAs are actually found within the shakes themselves but I just thought what the hell and went for overdrive.

                                Creatine I was going to try out this month, however I don't fancy having to drink 6-8 litres of water a day to back it up, that would seriously curb my hunger as well as sending me for a piss every 10mins, so decided to opt for the caps. The monohydrate (powder) is at my tesco for ?20 a tub so I can move over to that easily enough if I have to.

                                And as for carbs, I think I need around 310grams per day on top of the 170grams of protein. I am actually reaching 310grams without any supplements on MOST days, which is a helluva lot as I'm having stacks of wholemeal pittas, oats, pasta, rice, etc. however sometimes when I slack off (like when I'm on XBL all day at weekends) I'll have a carb+ shake towards the end of the day just to top myself up. That carb+ shake is in the least quantity out of the lot and is only used on rare occasions.
                                With all this money your spending you might aswell make the jump to the dark side

                                I dont think the whole hydration thing with creatine is all that important. Obviously its action is too draw water into the muscles but if your pissing every ten minutes your drinking too much anyway. Just stick with the 2 litres per day baseline then whatever else your thirst tells you on top

                                do you weigh 170lbs? Have you ever considered jacking up the protein to 1.5 gs per lb bw and reducing the carbs concurrently?

