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    Originally posted by 112
    I have a question though, everytime i do an abbs sesh, at the ned of the night i get stomach pains and need to go the toilet. Is this right?
    How long you been doing them? Used to happen to me when I first started doing lots of ab work. Then it went away.

    I'd get someone to check your technique though to be sure.


      Originally posted by Agent L
      Road bikes are much less manouverable.
      you've obviously never tried railing corners on a road bike superbike stylee if you don't go for the traditional huge frames they're quite chuckable.... my boss has just laid down ?3200 for a lightspeed titanium road bike, it weighs less than my shoes and is so damn instant in power delivery and manouvering.

      beside the point though...

      if you're wanting to use the roads for getting fit then a road bike is the way to go, that said if they're to 'stiff back' for you then definately try a hybrid, some companies (specialized, trek, giant) make some which kinda sit in between road bikes and your more laid back hybrids making them pretty much perfect.

      like these bad boys:

      flat bar road bike;
      giant fcr4:

      more relaxed hybrid;
      trek su100:

      full on lazy hybrid;
      marin stinson:

      **edit: halfords used to make a bike called a carrera gyphon, it was a flat bar roadie and i loved it, fantastic bike... often goes down to about ?350 in sales so is worth keeping an eye out for.

      ***edit 2: seems they still make it and it's now ?350 anyway... i may go buy one at the weekend

      Last edited by Crisp_Rapper; 13-03-2006, 16:25.


        Man, THAT is a nice looking bike. Beyond my budget even if it is exactly what I was after (first link too, that's a nice 'un). Cheers Crisp. I defo need something now the missus is riding around with baby in tow (ace trailer). Running with 'em everywhere is a right pain in the arse


          One of my road bikes pictured below. Really nice handling and response compared to my heavier bike. Price is good value as well. I quite fancy a de Rosa when I get my next bike - hopefully next year.
          Attached Files


            Bit of inspiration for you fellas...

            Go For it!


              I have no idea what to make of that! That was so scary :S


                yesterday i did some HARDCORE MOUNTAINBIKING... not a vast distance but some seriously stupid stunts, one which involved riding over a counterbalanced see-saw some 25ft long. the end sits about 7/8ft in the air until you unbalance it and it starts to drop, as it started to drop my front wheel drifted right and it went wrong. i ditched the bike and ended up crashing to the ground shoulder first, which hurt less than i imagined.

                shook myself down and tried again, remembering not to do the same and did it lovely.

                it's VERY disconcerting being on a seesaw 7ft in the air being stood up on a bike waiting for the thing to tip... the floor seems a very long way down and it always seems to take forever for the seesaw to start moving.


                  Sounds too rad for me dude. I'm getting old. Flatland tricks all the way!

                  While I was out snowboarding, some young up and coming talent tried to jump a road. He didnt make it and landed on the tarmac and put his knee through his jaw. He won't be getting any sponsors now...

                  My review of Eyetoy: Kinetic is up. Woo etc.
                  Last edited by charlesr; 23-03-2006, 11:16.


                    Hehe Charles said 'rad'

                    Any ideas on back exercises? I have a incline bench I use to do situps on as I wanted to tighten my chest muscles, I do 50 or so but dont feel comfortable doing them as the next day I have a aching back which to me suggests Im not doing them right or its doing more bad than good.

                    Typically, the only ever problem I have is with my back, and I find things like badminton are hard because if I dont exercise it regularly, it near kills when playing.


                      Originally posted by charlesr
                      While I was out snowboarding, some young up and coming talent tried to jump a road. He didnt make it and landed on the tarmac and put his knee through his jaw. He won't be getting any sponsors now...
                      it's wrong to laugh but the way you worded that cracked me up.

                      i'll be on the turbo again this evening for an hour i think... steady 20-25mph all the way i think, bit of sprinting here and there all whilst playing ridge 6.


                        Pilates is very good for the back, but takes a fair few classes to get even remotely to the point where you know what you are doing.

                        If you have anything you can use for wide grip pullups, then that's ideal for upper back strength, although what you describe sounds more like lower and deep stabilising muscles that aren't strong enough. Try "Supermans":

                        Lie on the floor face down. Put a small towel or something under your forehead so you nose doesn't get squashed. Relax your chest on to the ground and pull your tummy in a bit for core support. Put your arms out in front of you but not stretched out so your shoulders aren't thrust fowared as well. Keeping your tummy pulled in and your chest relaxed, raise your left arm and right leg off the floor. Only needs a couple of inches. Hold for 5 seconds. Lower slowly. Repeat with right arm and left leg. Continue till you feel the burn.

                        For optimum technique, keep the pelvis and chest flat on the floor, so no tipping or twisting when you raise your limbs! Tummy in, chest relaxed and keep your feet floppy so all the work is being done by your back and not your legs/hip flexors.

                        Oh and my rule for back exercise is that if it hurts during an exercise, stop instantly and don't use it for a week, including picking up heavy things or bending over while twisting. It's not worth trying to find out if it's damaged or not by doing any more.
                        Last edited by charlesr; 27-03-2006, 15:37.


                          Originally posted by marcus
                          Any ideas on back exercises? I have a incline bench I use to do situps on as I wanted to tighten my chest muscles, I do 50 or so but dont feel comfortable doing them as the next day I have a aching back which to me suggests Im not doing them right or its doing more bad than good.
                          The way you describe that thought sounds a bit fubar. You sit all the way up? You don't need to 'cos you're transferring weight all over the shop. Crunch it. 50 is defo. a sign you're doing it wrong. Break it up, 3 sets of 12. Crunch it, keep your lower back on the bench and don't 'bend' all the way up. Lift your shoulders off the floor, fingers behind your ears, elbows out and control your breathing (out when you lift). That'll fix ya, it should hurt your abs not your back; keep your pelvic muscles on the floor/bench. By chest, I assume you mean teh sex pak You won't really tighten your muscles mind, just build muscle mass and it'll be meaningless if you're a fatty. If you really mean your man boobs, you're doing the wrong exercise.

                          Back = what the c man posted.


                            I find a good way to focus yourself to get fit is to enter some sort of event or race and train for that.

                            I'm a mountaineer and mountain biker normally, so last year I entered a couple of mountain bike marathons (100k), the year before that I had 2 weeks mountaineering in the Alps (you need to be v. fit for that). And so on. I try to get some sort of big personal challenge in each year too. Usually some sort of long-distance ride or walk (in the hills).

                            This year, I'm changing it up a bit and I'm running my first marathon - I've been meaning to get one done every year but I'm not big into running so I always put it off. Anyway, I'm doing the Loch Ness marathon in October. It'll give me a chance to get acclimatised to the running, since it's a while off. I'm going to try to get under 4 hours but we'll see how I go before then. My training plan doesn't start until June - I'm just going to be a bit freeform with my training until then (running, hillwalking, climbing, cycling, mountain biking as much as I can).

                            My intention is to train as much as possible in the hills. I'm going to try to do the Lakes 3000s and the Wales 3000s done in the summer (climb all the mountains over 3000 feet in the Lakes or Wales in one trip - the Lakes is 45 miles and 4 peaks and Wales is a similar length and 15 peaks). Better than the gym!

                            Anyone else got anything challenging planned for this year?

                            Oh, if you want to sponsor me (any amount appreciated) for the marathon, take a trip to for my sponsorship page.

                            Happy training!


                              Well, I've got Reading half in a couple of weeks. Shouldn't be too much trouble but I'm not taking part in any more events after that. I intend to just do it for recreation purposes after I'm done competing as I enjoy it more than the competition.

                              You're mad for doing all that stuff


                                Gets me out the house.

