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    Originally posted by charlesr View Post
    It was a conscious decision to move. Near the sea (I run to the beach in 15mins), near some off road area from my door, near the hills.
    Ahhh the beach! The jealously intensifies. Do you run on the soft sand? that's a work out in itself if you have sand dunes.


      No sand. Just shingle. Similar though.


        Did an interval session in the Flyknit Racers tonight and booooooy were they good. Easily the best fitting running shoes I've ever had and you feel fast running in them. The energy return is an interesting sensation where I'm normally used to a more cushioned ride. The sensation is smooth compared to my minimalist runners which are noticeably harsher.

        Looking forward to seeing what these babies can do on Saturday!



          I went for a jog in my new Mizunos. My calves are a bit sore from yesterday's bike ride though, so in a complete first for me, I actually called it a day after a mile. Normally my self-restraint would have been non-existent.


            I had to re-read your post to realise you'd bought two pairs of running shoes (they must have loved you)! Live to run another day, Charles. I think that's the difference experience gives you, knowing when to stop when it doesn't feel right versus stopping because the mojo isn't there.

            I'm off to Barcelona next week and wondering whether it's worth taking a pair of running shoes with me to really explore the city and get hopelessly lost... Would be awesome to log a run on the GPS to say I actually did run there!


              I'm back at the gym and back on with my super calorie intense breakfast shakes each morning. Let's see how long I keep it up this time.

              Sticking to a diet is tough here, as well as phenomenally expensive.


                What's the goal Dave? Bench press XX by date YY? Reach body fat xx by yy? Increase bicep to aa cm by dd?


                  Decided to try and eat 3 small meals a day instead of starving myself till dinner time,

                  Breakfast, protien shake + an apple 210 calories

                  hour in gym burnt around 500 today, got home then had lunch

                  scrambled egg on toast about 250 calories

                  am i eating enough so far? i plan to make dinner around 6.30 and aim for 500 calories healthy food,

                  then a late snack about 9pm prob abouy 150-200 calories like a bowl of all bran.

                  i hope im doing this right


                    If you are losing weight then yes. What about vegetables? Add some brocoli and tomato to keep you healthy.

                    Weigh yourself at the same time of day every few days (not every day). And also measure yourself every week (waist, etc).


                      Originally posted by charlesr View Post
                      What's the goal Dave? Bench press XX by date YY? Reach body fat xx by yy? Increase bicep to aa cm by dd?
                      First, I'm getting back up to 90kg with a 70kg bench (I think it was... ?) and a 130kg deadlift, then I want to hit 100kg eventually. I'm not setting a goal for the 90kg, I'm just filling my stomach with as much good stuff as it can handle and pushing myself for an hour each night at the gym by going through my old routines.

                      I'd like to aim at 12 weeks for the 90-100 journey. It might only take me 8-10 weeks to get back up to 90kg (currently 75.7kg).

                      Not arsed about looking good, I just want my back to not pack in when I offer to help ladies move boxes at work, like what happened a few weeks back. It'd be good if I can get my neck to disappear again, no military press seat at the gym though.


                        Decided to take the running shoes with me to Barcelona and have been running a couple of miles each morning before breakfast. Running any later in the day after 10am would be suicidal in this heat (30-34 degrees) until about 7pm when it cools down again, but then all the locals come out to play too and crowd dodging isn't my thing.

                        What is really odd is that the Spanish don't run with water. None of the fellow runners I nod and say "hola" to each morning carry any liquid refreshment at all. Guess they're either used to the heat or simply aren't running a great enough distance to need a drink until they get back home. I did see a couple running this morning carrying some water and correctly guessed they were from Blighty!

                        I keep getting horribly lost and have run past my hotel twice now on the return leg of my runs!


                          While you are there, there's a really good restaurant down on the docks quay (down La Rambla and turn left) round the end of the water: Barcalonetta. Bit pricey, but well worth it, and for ?15-20, you can get an amazing bottle of red that will be way more than that over here. Book in advance. Don't arrive till 9.30-10pm otherwise it'll be empty.

                          Also worth checking out the Sagrada Familia if you like architecture at all - it's bonkers.

                          Also to the right hand side (east) of Ramblas - can't remember where exactly - there used to be a great cider / tapas bar (I can't find it on google maps). You get cloudy cider poured from the wall and tapas on the bar with toothpicks through them. Keep the toothpicks to see how much to pay later. Lose some on the floor like everyone else Good cava as well.


                            Just been on a short 20 minute tempo run in my new Adizeros. They are fun!

                            Did the warm ups on my heel softly and then did 5 mins forefoot and 5 mins flat (and repeat) and a warm down on my heels. The damn shoes make you go fast though. I kept on boosting into race pace without noticing, especially on the forefoot.

                            Last edited by charlesr; 16-08-2012, 11:22.


                              10k a day for 2 weeks. 6am start. Starting Sunday.


                                Forgot to mention. I have run 547 miles so far this year, with only one run in July (due to my broken shoulder blade). I'm planning on making the 1000 by the end. I need at least 24 miles per week from now on. Should be doable, especially with marathon training starting up for 23rd December.
                                Last edited by charlesr; 17-08-2012, 16:57.

