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    U turns. You should be able to do them on full lock without moving the bars. Takes practice that though

    Here's the thing that really helps me think about it: what's the bit that actually determines how much power gets to the road? It's not the throttle - it's the clutch. If you are about to tip in too far and put your foot down, there's no point thinking about the back brake or the throttle because you are slipping the clutch all the way through the exercise. Instead of putting your foot down, just let the clutch lever out a bit and you'll suddenly be back upright again. As long as you keep the bars turned and don't chicken out and straighten up, you'll be round the Uturn in an instant.

    I failed my first DAS. Quite glad really because it made me think a whole lot more in the 2nd test.


      Hmmm, I see [/Shenmue] I need to be thinking about this too!


        Originally posted by MartyG View Post
        I failed for being "too agressive with acceleration"
        What, "having a motorcycle" they mean?!

        I always think it's a mercy that there aren't acceleration limits as well as speed limits. I ride at sensible speeds, but in terms of acceleration I do tend to ride it like I stole it... Funny to see the boy racers try to keep up and then their confusion as my screaming engine suddenly settles to a 40mph drone and they whip past (half the time falling foul of speed traps )

        Edit: Encountered an Evo driver at a traffic light the other day who obviously likes to pull the same trick. We both screamed off -- him only a little behind, to be fair, that car was a beast -- and both abruptly obeyed the speed limit. Looked at each other, gave each other a little grin and salute, then both went off to search for more chavvy prey
        Last edited by Eps; 20-11-2007, 22:24.


          OH MY GOD - I really want a go on one of these!

          Basically some design students in the States wanted to do a MTB with an engine and this is what they came up with.
          65 Kg fully wet, can't believe it. Imagine that in your local woods or even doing some street!
          Full thing here.


            Got a nice new chain and sprockets fitted yesterday. Bike feels brand new again, looks good too with the fancy pants Renthal hard anodized rear sprocket, didn't go for a tarty gold chain though.

            Bummer is I dropped the bike this morning Only whilst at a stand still but still enough to smash the screen (hit a cars bumper) and scratch the lower fairings Damn.


              Originally posted by Alastair View Post
              Got a nice new chain and sprockets fitted yesterday. Bike feels brand new again, looks good too with the fancy pants Renthal hard anodized rear sprocket, didn't go for a tarty gold chain though.
              Good Sorry to hear about the drop, and all. When people see the scuffs on my bike they think OMG NASTY ACCIDENT, and I have to inform them that I hit an oil patch in the Krispy Kreme parking lot at about 3mph


                Anyone know anything about rearsets? What are they for? Can it make it any more comfortable for taller riders on a sportsbike?


                  My bike is wrecked, though not from a crash -- it fell off the side of a concrete loading dock! Plastics destroyed, frame bent, handlebars bent, instrument panel loose... The worst thing is, my current insurance won't cover that kind of accident. If they did, it'd be an insurance write-off and I could get a new bike. As it is, I'm looking at repairs running into the hundreds.


                    Unlucky. Why aren't whoever moved it paying?


                      Originally posted by charlesr View Post
                      Anyone know anything about rearsets? What are they for? Can it make it any more comfortable for taller riders on a sportsbike?
                      Aye, the whole idea of rearsets is adjusting the foot controls to a position which suits you, usually for track rides, though there's no reason they won't benefit you for day-today riding.

                      It's likely any rearset will also shave a few a few pounds of weight, which is also a track consideration primarily.

                      They tend to be abjustable to at least two heights, some more than that.

                      There are some which will reverse the gear-changing, but obviously that is a true track preference which imo would take a lot of geting used to.

                      Perhaps more importantly they're a bit o' bling.


                        @Eps, bad luck mate, if that would happen to me I would be crying... I hope you can sort something out with the ensurance


                          Strange looking bike here!
                          If you've always wanted an animal-inspired motorcycle, then the Dacoit should do the trick. According to its designer, "the back of the bike is short to


                            @Ian thanks.

                            @Kat looks cool I reckon. Functionally, it's a giant airbrake though...


                              Highsides ftl

                              Minimal damage to bike, gear and me though. I got straight back on and finished my journey


                                What caused it? Glad to hear you and your gear are well though

