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Get yer cats out for the lads!

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    I lost a cat after 17 years too, it was awful to go through. Really sorry for your loss, I am sure you gave Claude a wonderful life.


      that sucks sorry dude


        Aye Im pretty devestated. Dont have kids with my health and my cat/s (now cat man what a bad two years) and dog are my kids. He is the last of the litter to go his dad died last year at 18 with his brother and his sister died the year before also last year we lost our dog all thru old age.

        Claude was with us pretty much permantly. He would go out of my window onto the garden then straight back in or he would scream till I let him in! If I went out of my room he would come with me like a little puppy and pretty much was terrified of everyone elsea apart from the vet and the family at the cattery. I sleep at a weird angle on my side with a pillow protecting my spine and hes been their on my pillow top for years next to me. Was just so sudden yesterday was fussing him and picking him up. The other cat Vienna was with us yesterday and she never comes in here so I think she must have sensed something as she was fussing him all day. I just put him down teatime last night and he started to go to sleep then shot up but started to wobble and his eyes started to loose their tracking. Picked him up and fussed him but with that he just had a thankfully very peacefull massive stroke. He was never in any pain and was laid wrapped up in a towel in my arms purring till my mum took him to the vets and she said he never stopped purring till he went.

        Hes had a wonderfull life and gave me so much pleasure so Im thankfull to have had him just going to take time I guess.


          That is so sad Dazzy. Chin up.


            I'm sorry to hear that dude.

            I can't be without a cat now after my girlfriend convinced me we should get some.

            It sounds like he went out the best way possible, purring with his favourite person in the world.


              Sucks man, I've never had one of my cats pass away in my presence they always seem to go do it somewhere else like they know it's coming. Had 3 cats do that. 17 years is awesome tho :O


                Aw dude, I'm literally welling up reading about Claude. I always fear the worst whenever this thread is bumped.

                Hope you're okay.


                  Thanks guys much appreciated


                    Sorry to read about your loss, Dazzyman. As chopemon said, it does sound like he went in one of the best ways possible though, if there is such a thing.


                      After months and months of nagging my wife has finally relented and today I picked out two lovely kittens at the local cat home.

                      We've got to be visited by the rspca centre first but assuming thats ok then they should be all ours next week.

                      Pics to follow.


                        Here's a stray kitten we found meowing in the garden a few months back. These pictures were taken about a month after we first found her, she grew considerably in that time. Dunno where she came from, we put a few posters up and asked the neighbours, but to no avail. I can only assume her mum abandoned her here as there's a lot of hiding places in our garden.

                        We named her Keiko, but we couldn't keep her due to the busy road down the back of the garden. She was adopted very quickly as I don't think anyone can resist the cuteness for too long.
                        She could be a bit of a handful, especially at night when she would attempt to climb the shelves and knock all my Gamecube games over.


                          On a related note, has anyone seen stealth cat yet on youtube? I think it is quite possibly the new ceiling cat - it's THAT important!


                            Hehe thats the Red Light - Green Light cat, but Stealth Cat sounds better

                            Ah man I really want to get a cat but my landlord doesnt allow pets.



                                Stealth Cat made me lol hard!

