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Get yer cats out for the lads!

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    Great pics, will try and get one on of mine, if i can work out how to put pics on here ha ha



      My charlie, as with all ginger cats he's daft as a box of frogs.


        Boo! She was 14 this year and she's virtually my other wife. Likes to sit on my chest and stare at my face until I'm awake and insists on climbing under the covers between my wife and I for a quick snuggle every night.


          Only iPhone pics but here is Poppy.

          We got her from Battersea Old Windsor back in April 2007 with a warning that she'd been given to the home as she suffered from severe behavioural issues. Turns out that she was in a house with 2 sets of adults, 5 kids, cats, dogs, rabbits and birds so it's no surprise that maybe she was a bit agitated!

          We, however, have never had a single issue with her - unless you count the fact that she gets a bit annoyed when you DON'T give her a cuddle when she demands one I don't see how that's bad!

          Every night when I get into bed she waits for me to get comfortable and then jumps up and snuggles down by my chest. It's the most relaxing thing in the world hearing her purr and sound content. It really puts me to sleep!!

          As you can see from the full shot, she's just returned from her latest adventure at the vets. They had to shave her back and sides due to her not being able to groom herself due to her age and the potential onset of arthritis.

          Still, we love her so much. Best decision we ever made getting a rescue cat!!

          EDIT: Stevie, your ginger-puss does indeed look ker-azy!! Top drawer mad-cats action!


            Our cat Shadow died suddenly this evening, we're totally devastated, it came completely out of nowhere.

            One moment he was fine, his usual self, then just after dinner my brother went into the kitchen and found him lying on the floor panting, making wheezing noises, drool coming out of his mouth. He would try and walk a few paces but then he'd lay back down again, like it was too much effort.

            We got him straight into the carry case and set off for the vet but he died in the car before we even got there. The vet said it's pretty much impossible to tell what happened; could have been a heart attack because of a defect, a few possibilities but we'll never know.

            He was only seven years old He's never been ill before. The shocking thing is the speed, the fact we had no warning. From one hour to the next he went from being completely fine to being gone. He would often sleep on my bed, come in the home office and sit on the corner of the desk, he was the friendliest of all our cats. Gonna miss him like mad.

            Give all your cats a big hug cos you never know what might happen in this life.


              That's so sad. He looks just like my boy cat too and he turned 7 last weekend.


                Very sorry to hear that, HumanEnergy.

                Hate to think how devastated I?d be if anything happened to my cat.


                  So sorry to hear that HumanEnergy.

                  My parents cat died recently. You could say he was as much mine as my parents as I'd lived with them while they had him for most of his life. Was an amazing little fella with a huge character. Used to tap the living room window when he wanted to come in. He'd been thru the wars mind you. Got knocked down by a car & his jaw was smashed to bits, broken ribs & had to have a leg off, but he pulled thru like a trooper. He lost a front leg but still flew back & forth thru the house 1st thing in the morning. Then his back went & he couldnt walk but I looked after him, cleaned him, nursed him back to health & kept him caged to help his disc pop back into position, & he was walking again within a month .
                  This yr he suddenly went downhill pretty quickly. Wasnt eating or moving much. We found out that his kindeys had packed in. He died a few days later. It was the worst feeling in the world taking his body down the long journey to the vets in a cardboard box to be cremated.
                  Got the ashes back in a lovely little handmade wooden casket.
                  He lived to a good old age of 15 & never gave up during the hard moments of his life.

                  He was a big part of my life. Like a member of the family, & I still miss him everyday. Its weird but earlier today I stumbled on a load of photos that I'd taken of him over the yrs, & it hit me hard again that he's gone from my life. And yes I blubbed a little.
                  I'm gonna miss those Xmas day catnip crazy moments when he got his pressie from me.

                  RIP my boy Amber xxx.



                    Thanks for the comments everyone, sorry to hear about your loss too Eddie. It is amazing how much a part of the family a cat can become.


                      Random shot of Oscar I took this morning. Always easier to take pics when they're hanging around because they want food


                        Star doing her best Meerkat impression earlier today. She stood like that for almost a minute and I had no idea what she was looking at!


                          Hehehe great pic. psspsspsspss


                            Originally posted by HumanEnergy View Post
                            Star doing her best Meerkat impression earlier today. She stood like that for almost a minute and I had no idea what she was looking at!

                            He he she looks well stern in that photo. And thats a pretty long neck too. "ET phone home!".

                            She's lovely mate.

                            I know I shouldnt admit this, but when I'm out & about if I see a cat then I take its photo with my phone. Got loads of random cats on my phone!
                            Ppl must think I'm gonna steal their cat of summat!!


                              I know I shouldnt admit this, but when I'm out & about if I see a cat then I take its photo with my phone. Got loads of random cats on my phone!
                              Ppl must think I'm gonna steal their cat of summat!!

                              Not just me then ha ha


                                Ha ha well thats a relief that I'm not a complete loner in that then!

                                Will have to put up a few on here (if thats allowed as they're not my cats)

