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Get yer cats out for the lads!

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    Funny thing is, for the first week or so we had him as a kitten, we were worried that he was going to be a bit too shy and timid. Very nervous, hiding behind stuff, not much noise of movement needed to frighten him, etc., not like any of our other cats.

    Yet he grows up into the toughest, roughest, baddest and boldest of the lot


      He sounds like my old Rosco whereby they have a bit of the wild in them! He used to be jumpy and nervous yet he killed everything outside.
      I once found a dead bat...

      Must add that Oscar did pretty well to take down a squirrel lol they can be very vicious. When I was younger our cat Toffo (ginger again) got into a scrap with one and the thing managed to bite his chin, had to take him to the vets for jabs etc after that and he went into a depression and lost weight.
      He got better after a while but I remember being worried for him
      Last edited by Fader209; 20-10-2011, 15:25.


        Oscar lost the nervousness completely after about a month. Now he's the only one of our cats who will come up and greet strangers, sits calm and still during loud noises, basically doesn't give a **** about anything! A complete reversal in character from his earliest days. He hasn't managed a bat kill yet though, but we do get them in our garden fairly often, so it's surely only a matter of time.

        When he was still with us, Shadow had my favourite nervous quirk: he was scared of cans of fizzy drink. If someone came into the room with one, he'd sit up, alert and on edge. Put your finger near the ring-pull like you're about to open it and he'd let out a few little scared meows. Start pulling up on the ring-pull and he'd run off! It was utterly bizarre!


          For those who are cat lovers you gotta check these vids out:


            Well I already posted him in the banter thread when I got him, but here is Merlin.

            He's a pedigree Scottish Fold kitten and he just turned 5 months.


              I love Best Coast, they have a cat on their album cover too

              Merlin looks lovely! Always wanted a cat with that kind of colouring. Cool ears too!


                He's so cute!


                  Scottish fold kitten? Should have called him Origami

                  I heard he was jumping around and stuff over the headset the other day, so cute . It's all good fun for a bit until they grow a bit bigger and still decide to climb up your leg. Painful!
                  Those whiskers are huge too and the feet look quite big as well so maybe he will get to be a decent size.

                  Will be taking Bubble and Squeak to the vets soon I think for their "snip". I wonder if they do a 2-for-1 offer....
                  Will have to get some recent pictures of them as they are slowly becoming more individual - Bubble is always getting into trouble and has sharper features whereas Squeak LOVES his food and is much bigger and more likely to sleep and be lazy.


                    Merlin is lovely. I like grey cats. His paws look massive compared to the rest of him.


                      I swear he has got bigger in the last 2 weeks we've had him. He seems to be shedding lots too, do they get fluffier towards winter?


                        How old was he when you got him?

                        They shed their coat for Winter and then again for Summer so right now he is preparing for the cold weather, it's pretty clever. Some breeds obviously lose their fur differently so it might be worth checking up his particular breed and what to expect for other things too - like he might need grooming but I doubt that really.


                          5 months old last week.

                          he's either fluffier or fatter!


                            Wow, that's actually quite a bit older than I was expecting but it does mean he looks the right size in those photos lol. Has he had the plums lobbed off yet? A cat can also explode in size after that operation, thankfully though the op isn't a bad price for males.


                              he's not be de-plummed yet, It's getting to that time now though..


                                Originally posted by Fader209 View Post
                                Wow, that's actually quite a bit older than I was expecting but it does mean he looks the right size in those photos lol. Has he had the plums lobbed off yet? A cat can also explode in size after that operation, thankfully though the op isn't a bad price for males.
                                Getting de-bagged actually slows their growth & stunts it. Thats why all the stray males you see have big bull-like heads

                                Originally posted by Fader209 View Post
                                Will be taking Bubble and Squeak to the vets soon I think for their "snip". I wonder if they do a 2-for-1 offer....
                                you mean a 4 for 2 offer - 4 bollocks
                                Last edited by EDDIE M0NS00N; 04-11-2011, 18:17.

