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The Photography Thread

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    Wow, that's cool Ish!

    Like the shots Magnakai - remind me a bit of my recent club shots! And I may not be able to do that aftershow thing now as it is apparently on the same night as my sister-in-law's 40th birthday party and I can't upset her by not going. I just hope the aftershow organisers understand why I can't be there and let me do other stuff for them

    GT - not sure about the duck gangbang shots - bit dodgy, did you report the incident?

    Keep up the good work people
    Last edited by funkydan; 19-03-2008, 15:06.


      That is cool Ish, really like the black background.

      Bought a new toy today, will report on it tomorrow if it arrives


        oh you guys have been busy. Nice shots everyone. Been to busy to be bothered with this of late, hope to get back into it soon.

        also thinking about buying a new toy too. Keep up the good work.


          This is a nice photo - I like the way the photographer has captured the sunlight in the ladies sunglasses.

          *edit* enjoy your 3 day ban
          Last edited by John Beaulieu; 19-03-2008, 18:19.


            I'm quite partial to this one too:


              Oooh Ish. Those are like dead nice.

              What did huxley post? Did I miss boobs or something?

              I (probably) have a photo pass for a gig in April, hurrah!


                A linked topless pic not taken by himself and therefore totally missing the point of this thread :/

                I like both of those Ish - total processing overload on that last one, but that's sometimes a good thing.

                I've mostly been shooting film this week; my F90X pros have had the dust blown off them for the first time in a couple of years. I'm trying to finish off the film I have before it's totally degraded.


                  Thanks guys. The nice thing about both shots, particularly after a little time off, is that they came out as I intended - I'd eyed the second up for the post processing when I saw the butterfly against a bright light source (a window in laymans terms )

                  It's also the first time I've really used Aperture 2 and done a big import with it. Big improvement on 1.5 - the speed difference is incredible and there's a noticeable improvement in image quality.
                  Last edited by Ish; 19-03-2008, 20:39.


                    Ahhh, finally I have some pics to share. This is an upcoming band called Linchpin. All the shots can be seen here. I went for a bit more grain and movement in these shots and quite pleased with how they turned out

                    Sorry, got a bit carried away posting them here! It's been a while so I guess I'm making up for last time!!



                      Those are quite nice there FD. A good use of shadow and darkness. Right up my street, tbh.

                      Could you not fit the aftershow and your in-law's birthday party in together? Presumably the aftershow's going to be starting (or at least getting interesting) about midnight-ish, so could you just stay until then?


                        Love the fourth one funkydan - really works for me.


                          Originally posted by Magnakai View Post
                          Those are quite nice there FD. A good use of shadow and darkness. Right up my street, tbh.

                          Could you not fit the aftershow and your in-law's birthday party in together? Presumably the aftershow's going to be starting (or at least getting interesting) about midnight-ish, so could you just stay until then?
                          Thanks mate, appreciate your kind words

                          I don't think I could do both as the party is in Godalming, Surrey and the aftershow is in Maidstone, Kent. It's not impossible but I a) I'm not sure if I want to rush off from my sister-in-laws, and b) it'll be a long night, what with all the driving. But I'm still umming and ahhing about the whole thing and what you suggested is certainly an option that I have considered. I'll let you know what I decide

                          Originally posted by Ish View Post
                          Love the fourth one funkydan - really works for me.
                          Cheers dude


                            oh my god

                            Watch the Introduction and then watch the profile for the photographer Goran Tomasevic. Proper eye opening stuff. Some of the images featured are amazing.

                            Be warned however that it is about the war in Iraq and there are images of horror in there, especially the introduction. Safe for work? I think so as it's real life and not too graphic but it certainly is thought provoking and eye opening.


                              Bizarre timing there. I was just dealing with the accompanying exhibition. It's at the Idea Generation gallery in London:


                                Originally posted by Alastair View Post
                                Be warned however that it is about the war in Iraq and there are images of horror in there, especially the introduction. Safe for work? I think so as it's real life and not too graphic but it certainly is thought provoking and eye opening.
                                Very powerful, in fact too powerful for me. I wouldn't take the chance with my employer with that footage. While I understand your point about it being real life my employer is very draconian with regards to internet usage.

                                None the less the images are incredibly powerful and give a taste as to how sanitised the coverage is when you watch it on the news in the evening.

                                Dan: Are you sure, as suggested, that you couldn't squeeze both events in? seems like a good compromise. Like the concert photos, though not my thing, they are well taken and work well. I especially like the black and white. I think it works really well for these type of low light shots.

                                Ish the last shot is very good really like it. It just 'works' for want of a better description :P

                                Have not been out much so have been going through my photos from the helicopter weekend. Here is one I like because of the colour. Its not very original.

                                Did pete get his new toy yet? Curious to see what he has been up to

                                Marty im glad to see you rate the sigma 105. Was thinking of picking one up for the canon because I know want to do and it seems to get good reviews. I would probably want the canon 100mm but tbh saving over ?100 cant be ignored. Maybe one day I will win the lottery and then money wont be an issue

                                oh and I almost forgot! I was at the park today and I plucked up the courage to go into the big green house (which looks closed to the public and isnt very inviting) While I was in there I could see out the corner of my eye someone watching me.
                                I started to think I was about to get booted out when he walked over to me. But he asked me if I was from the local paper and if I was covering his show in June.
                                Cue much embarrassment on both our parts as we explained our way out of each others company .

