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The Photography Thread

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    Marty, lovely proper film look there, makes everything look better doesn't it. They're great for such old films. Like them all.

    Mag, I like the ticket and reflection from the original better as well as the composition but the background is better in the new one.

    Originally posted by HaHaUK View Post
    Alastair, loving that squirrel picture mate!
    I never thought that squirrel snap shot would get more attention than my library night shot posted since (which I love by the way)!


      Thanks guys. It's more of a reinterpretation than a proper re-shoot. This one was at night, and it's dark in there at the best of times, and I was just mucking around with my brother's 100mm lens. Which I've had for like 3 months now... Haven't I heard something about possession being 99% of something :P

      I was really pleased with the bokeh on this one though. It looks quite... umm... evocative. Of... something. Nice. Yay!


        Weather is supposed to be poor this w/e so lets have a little challenge, who can get a shot showing what that means to them, staying in, getting wet, ruined plans etc.

        Monday has severe weather warnings for the south where I am so it may wait till then but I'll do my best to show how it is.

        Get snapping and show me what you got early next week.


          Sunny here atm - shooting through my office window, with the D70 and Tamron 70-300mm lens I got on the cheap


            I'm still getting into this photography lark (through my girlfriend), here's a few of my better shots:


              Those are really nice MonkeyWrench. Great photos all around. I like quite a lot of the other ones on your Flickr too.

              This morning I received my new Primotar 135mm f/3.5 M42 lens, together with an additional 2x teleconverter. All in all, it cost me a grand total of £8, plus a couple of quid postage.

              Here's the lens itself with the M42-EOS adapter fitted:

              The teleadaptor's in my Flickrstream if anyone's actually interested. I didn't think it was worth posting.

              I've taken a few test shots with it. It's a bit hard to get to grips with the length (especially as I normally use a 28mm) and the rather slow and slightly stiff focus ring. I say ring, but it's like a big metal nut! This lens feels like a tank.

              Anyway, here's one of my flatmate's breakfast and one of some detail on our window. Both untouched in Lightroom (ie default settings):

              Two main problems have come up so far. The first is that, because it's an M42 lens fitted via an adapter, you can't get infinite focus. That means that I have to shoot stuff that's more than 1.6 feet away but less than 40 feet away. Plus, I need lots of light because the aperture doesn't go that wide and the length means it's really susceptible to camera shake.

              The other problem is that I don't know what to shoot! Nothing seems very interesting at that focal length... I guess I need to wander around and experiment more. Wildlife seems the obvious thing to look at.
              Last edited by Magnakai; 08-03-2008, 16:23.


                M42 lenses are great - there are some bargain quality primes out there if you're prepared to sacrifice auto-focus. You can get over the infinity thing by stopping down with enough light.

                What I find with the M42 primes is you have to look at photography differently - you can't be lazy and just sit in one spot, you have to look at the scene and move yourself for the shot you want. It's definitely another way of shooting.


                  Cheers for the comment Magnakai, feel free to add me as a contact.


                    Blowing up Edgbaston shopping centre

                    More on my flickr photo stream. Images 1-20 by me, images 21-52 by Gradius as he was using my other 5D

                    Explore Stephen Cooper’s 992 photos on Flickr!
                    Last edited by Ginger Tosser; 09-03-2008, 11:00.


                      That's an amazing set of photos GT - you should be very proud of that! Not one you'd want to accidentally leave the lens cap on for!


                        This is going to be the longest page in the history of the thread thanks to GT, hope you weren't down wind of that

                        Looks like the weather didn't play ball for my idea of getting bad weather shots but it's nasty today, I'm stuck in the office though of course!

                        Have had to order another remote for the 30D today, the old one (ebay special) started getting a bit intermittent on holiday and since started to not fire at all but just focus. I used to tell people not to worry about the ebay ones as they are such simple things that not much can go wrong, that's not good advice, get a brand one, managed to find the official one for £27 instead of £40 which I'm pleased with but still, 3 bits of metal and 3 wires really shouldn't be able to break

                        EDIT - if wicky and winky wasn't bad enough now we have a monkeysteve and a monkeywrench! Liking the 2nd and 3rd shots there monkey(checks post)wrench.
                        Last edited by Alastair; 10-03-2008, 13:45.


                          Originally posted by Alastair View Post
                          This is going to be the longest page in the history of the thread thanks to GT, hope you weren't down wind of that
                          I was downwind...


                            You got messy then.

                            Dug up some old shots from the Hair Exhibition I did late last year, wanted them on my Flickr so you guys can see them too.

                            Both of those taken with the old 300D and the 50mm f1.8.


                              Got the B&W and Slide film I sent for processing back today - one of the B&W films was a good 15 years old from a holiday in Plymouth around 92, one from my trip to New York in 2002. Both came out far better than the old colour film I had developed recently.

                              The slide stuff looks okay too, but I'm not really sure when it's from, but I don't have a projector to properly view it :/

                              This is from my Plymouth holiday, taken with a Nikon F90X Pro on Ilford film.

                              And this one from New York City

                              Last edited by MartyG; 13-03-2008, 18:39.


                                Nice memroy jog there, I have a projector in the loft.

                                Might get it out at the weekend and have a look through my slides.

