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The Photography Thread

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    Sigh, this is becoming expensive...

    Been doing lots of browsing this past week, and now looking very closely at the Sigma 10-20mm f/4-5.6 EX DC HSM lens and Nikon SB-400 speedlight.

    On that note, has anyone ever bought from UR Galaxy on eBay before? On top of dirt cheap prices, they promise that you won't get taxed on receipt. If you do, they'll refund it... I've sent a message asking if they can combine shipping, and if they do I can imagine that'll be the deal sealed for me.


      Another one from me

      Gets very expensive very quickly I've found! I'm currently saving for a 14-24mm f/2.8G ED AF-S NIKKOR.
      Last edited by Ish; 06-04-2008, 13:27.


        Originally posted by MonkeySteve View Post
        Nice shots Ish, that styling is very striking.

        I'm sure these won't be the only snow related pics in the thread today:

        That's fantastic, one of my favourite shots in the thread.

        And snow, wtf?!? It's nice and sunny down in Devon!


          Le sigh.

          I wrote a really long reply here and then Firefox crashed.

          But basically, in short:

          MonkeySteve - Wow! Superb shots all round. That one with the cat is incredibly striking.

          Ish - I'm not really a fan of that selective desaturation you've done in those shots. However, the one where they're all in a bundle is fantastic.

          Alastair, I really like the first two, especially the Dali-esque melty bicycle.

          Pete, the one with the lampshade is really simple and effective.

          Spags, I liked that shot, but I agree that being able to see the comic with more clarity would be more interesting. Maybe choose a page with lots of panels to make the medium a bit clearer too.

          I went out and took a whole bundle of pics, but I won't get to process them until tomorrow. Boo!

          In the meantime, here's one I took the other day:


            Fuse, it's incredibly expensive! I've been looking at the Canon 10-22, although the sometimes irritating Ken Rockwell was harping on about the Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8. I also want an 85mm lens and a 17-50 zoom.

            Not to mention that I've been reading Strobist, and now feel the need to spend hundreds of pounds on strobes, stands, triggers, umbrellas and gels etc etc etc...


              Wow, thanks guys The cat one is one of my favourites; delighted how it turned out.

              Ish that latest one is my favourite of the rugby shots I think, it works really well with the styling.

              Great colours in your shot Magnakai, especially the windows.


                Originally posted by Magnakai View Post
                was harping on about the Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8.
                I'd not come across this lens but I'm going to have to take a close look. The reason I was going for the Nikon was the speed in low light.


                  Like those rugby shots Ish - the stylised look works well.

                  Ended up being quite sunny here this afternoon, so went out and grabbed this shot


                    That Tokina does look nice, but after having a look around it seems difficult enough to get hold of, let alone at a decent price... the Sigma is still preferable for me in terms of mm, and the fact it's one of their HSM ones means I won't lose out on AF again. Stupid bloody D40x!!


                      It's difficult keeping up with this thread, but as usual great stuff.

                      A few winter ones today.

                      Not the greatest shot as I was hiding. As soon as I moved, they moved!

                      This was just a snapshot, you don't get many 747s in Birmingham. I'm guessing this was a diversion from Heathrow. Impressed with the shot though, especially as I'm about 1.5km from the flightpath.


                        Like the first two GT. How do you get them to look like that? The colours are really nice.

                        One from earlier:


                          Not too much messing. All I did was a bit of auto correction on Lightroom, then after export auto curves on CS3.

                          It helped that it was really nice sunlight this morning.

                          Nice pic btw, it's making me feel cold!


                            W00t! I came third in the Amateur Photographer March competition \o/

                            And I win a cup


                              Grats Marty!

                              (just caved and got the lens and the flashgun... £300 down in about 5 minutes )


                                Originally posted by MartyG View Post
                                W00t! I came third in the Amateur Photographer March competition \o/

                                And I win a cup
                                Well done dude!

