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The Photography Thread

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    I bought a Digital Kiss a while back, but i'm still the king of suck as far as photography goes! lol. Anyways, some random shots - trying desperately to get up to speed, mainly photographing locations around Tokyo/random pointless stuff/etc :

    Lol : and a lesson learned on good lense/sensor cleaning practices :



      They've come out pretty well if they're just messing about o_O That one with the lanterns and the blossom is an absolute beauty

      Photoshop blur, and not nearly as clean as it should be, but I was quite happy with this
      And this is a bit run-of-the-mill, but it's not all bad

      I used the "curve" thing on that second shot; as ever, I'd be obliged if someone could let me know if the colours are all horrifically wrong as a result.
      Last edited by DaiSuki; 02-05-2006, 22:03.


        The green looks a little bright to me, however i wasn't there so it might actually have looked that way


          Nah, probably not

          Duly desaturated a little bit. I think I like it more a bit washed out, in fact. Any better?


            Looks more natural that way, i've had a quick play with curve. It can certainly change a few things.


              As everyone's been trying macros recently here's a little frog from holiday.

              Was shot in the near dark with flash so I'm pretty pleased how it came out.


                time for some new pics .......
                Attached Files
                Last edited by bangaio; 07-05-2006, 20:27.


                  I like the effect on the trees in the background that your focus on the bluebells has had in the second photo. Looks cool

                  And the black and white one looks nice and sinister.

                  I took a bunch of photos today while out and about. I wasn't that happy with them on the whole but I'll probably post a couple tomorrow.


                    All mine this w/e were lousy too - I was using my 200-400mm lens, but the crows I was taking had this weird blue glow around them. I can't work out if it's the lens or the sensor :/


                      Posted a few on Flickr. Also here...
                      Last edited by Ish; 19-04-2007, 20:08.


                        Not really showing these for their artistic quality. Just thought people might be interested in the 40 foot elephant that was roaming London for the last few days...


                          I'm quite pleased with this one.
                          Last edited by Ish; 19-04-2007, 20:08.


                            I didn't even realise that was B&W till I read it on your flickr. Curse my colourblind eyes.

                            I saw a question you asked on flickr about white/smooth backgrounds on macro shots. Try a big bit of white card bent up against a wall from the floor. Stand the object on the horizontal bit. Might need to overexpose a little to stop it looking like card though and light it well.

                            I'm not talking from experience mind, will give it a go I think though as it gives good results from others I've seen on Flickr like:


                              Good idea. I will have to give it a go this weekend as I'm kind of fascinated by taking pictures of small things. Though having said that since buying my camera a couple of weeks ago I'm becoming fascinated by taking pictures of everything. Its such fun! I've hardly touched a game...

                              Plus there's a photocomp on at work and I have an idea for a shot that I think will look pretty cool, fits the theme, and involves lego men


                                Not exactly macro work, this, but I've been messing around with making big things look like small things. This is the real Beijing, made to look like a Toy Town scale model Beijing:

                                It's not so clean as I'd like it to be yet (blur filter making top half of guy on the street more in focus, for example), but if you don't look at it for too long with the express intention of picking holes, I think it's quite an effective technique
                                Last edited by DaiSuki; 09-05-2006, 15:43.

