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    Gareth C

    Can you give me some pointers in regards to PP as I am a real noob. The learning curve with DSLRs and PP is immense!


      What software do you have?

      I now shoot RAW only and have found that the need for PP has decreased but I generally:
      Sharpen (Unsharp Mask)
      Levels (hardly ever now I go RAW)
      Contrast/Brightness (if needed)
      Crop/Straighten (if needed)

      When I was using jpegs I did do all of the above on EVERY shot but now I just tend to sharpen and crop (when required). What I will do to the RAW images sometimes is adjust the white balance using Raw Shooter Essentials but not very often.

      It's all personal to how you want the images to look though.


        Some made weather going on here. Bright sunshine and black clouds. I was experimenting with shooting straight into the sun, so apologies for the flare.

        I like the 3rd one with the really green grass.
        Attached Files



          Thanks for that. I have Photoshop and just tend to use USM as everything else just seems complicated. LOL


            I only have PS elements and just mess about with Levels (Ctrl+L) I don't have access to all this curves stuff you'll hear people talking about so I do tend to try and keep it simple too. Have a go with Levels and look at the difference it can make quite easily.

            Charles, lens flare can be a good thing, don't apologise. Think I was taking pics of the same strange weather last night, straight into the sun also. 2 shots on the previous page now.


              Yeah, nice shots there.


                Started shooting again in anger. Got a "project" on the go based on the river Ouse that runs through the town I live (Bedford). Off out tonight to get some night shots. I'm finding Google Earth to be a fantastic tool for identifying places of interest.

                I've also started to use Aperture on my Mac for working through my images. The new (1.5) version is a fantastic piece of software. Really neat.


                  Cambodian countryside earlier this year, the photo doesn't express the extreme heat/humidity though.


                    My first "night shoot". First thing I did was drop the camera. Bonehead. It was alright thought and I took a bunch of shots before rain set in. Including this one which I think is my favourite.


                      That's pretty damn good for a first attempt, wish my first go at night shots had been that successful.

                      Think I can see a crack on the lens though


                        I've lent out my faithful Macro lens to a friend, but in turn borrowed his L series 70-200 4.0...

                        So far I'm a bit lost, I'm still treating it as a macro lens but struggling as I cannot get in close enough! It's so weird having to be over a meter away to focus.

                        Must get out of macro mode...


                          How you getting on now with the L Pete? Got away from macros yet?

                          Here's a couple from the other day, was at a friends house and they have some cool lights:

                          Also, have you noticed that all your photos have dropped out of explore on Flickr? I just checked yours too Marty and Pete (you still have 1 Pete). I had one pic that had been top 30 ever since I uploaded it as well as a few others numbering in the hundreds. It seems Flickr changed their algorithm for interestingness in the last day or so and anything you've submitted into a scoring group automatically drops you out of explore. Nice.

                          I know it was a bit hit and miss and random but I really can't be bothered with it any more, will just have to try and ignore that 'feature'.
                          Last edited by Alastair; 13-10-2006, 08:24.


                            Really nice shots, love the top one.

                            I noticed my shots dropped out of Explore too, the most I had was 14 back when I thought it was important! I tried for a while to get on the front page, but it's virtually impossible unless you get lucky. All my recent shots have only been added into The World Through Your Eyes group, which is probably the most pleasant on Flickr.

                            As for the L Series...not much joy yet. I haven't taken it out and about as I've had a bit of a nightmare week at work (by the time I get home it's pitch black and I can't be arsed!). Driving into work every morning I'm seeing loads of great opportunities, but whenever I take my camera with me all the interesting low-lieing fog and sunbeams decide to stay home

                            I sent 20 of my photos off to Photobox last night, hope they come out ok!


                              Originally posted by PeteJ
                              Driving into work every morning I'm seeing loads of great opportunities, but whenever I take my camera with me all the interesting low-lieing fog and sunbeams decide to stay home
                              i saw a stunning photo opportunity this morning... like you said, it was foggy and turning up a hill to cross it and down a road which sides onto another hill, the entire view was obscured by fog. there were a few trees just breaking the cover, it looked like something out of a film..... by the time i had driven home it had gone though.


