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Bird Flu

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    Keep up Jamie

    Another good one is to phone a mate and ask if he's alright 'cos you know he's been out with some pigs in the past.


      Bumholes and there was me thinking I was being a right clever sod.


        Just break out your old copies of Oink! and get transcribing.


          The Sun has shown remarkable restraint in causing a panic:

          I would lol if I didn't think people would take that at face value.

          There was an article in The Express saying that it's shocking that the government doesn't have enough antibiotics for everyone. The only thing is... Antibiotics do exactly nothing against viruses, they only kill bacteria.


            We need better antibiotics clearly. Ones that CAN kill viruses!


              Originally posted by FullSpecWarrior View Post
              We need better antibiotics clearly. Ones that CAN kill viruses!
              Those are called antivirals, and they've existed for a while now. Though I don't know if they're quite as effective against viruses as antibiotics are against bacteria...


                'kin hell that's why I stay away from the ****e the press print these days.

                The thing is, the potential threat from these new strains of Flu are very real. If not from the number of potential deaths but from the potential that if it does infect the majority of the population then everything will start to grind to a halt with everyone being really sick at the same time.

                What the WHO and world governments are doing is sensible stuff and preparing for every eventuality, including the worst case scenario, which should give a real indication of how bad this could turn out to be.

                But what isn't sensible is the utterly stupid and downright irresponsible garbage being spewed out by the media in a bid to whip everyone up in to hysteria and turn this into the End of Days (and I'm not reffering to that really **** Arnie film ).

                I watched the BBC News last night and even had to turn that off in disgust at the shocking scaremongering `journalism` (and I use that in the loosest sense of the word) on display.

                And it's even worse because if we dodge the bullet this time (like we did a few years ago with Bird Flu), the next time this does happen and it's a real problem, people are just going to sit back and think "What a load of crap again!". Complacency takes hold and before we know it we're really up **** creek without even a set of arms to help paddle the boat.

                I maintain the biggest threat to mankind is the media - they're the nastiest virus you're ever likely to be exposed to.


                  Originally posted by Spatial101 View Post
                  'kin hell that's why I stay away from the ****e the press print these days.

                  The thing is, the potential threat from these new strains of Flu are very real. If not from the number of potential deaths but from the potential that if it does infect the majority of the population then everything will start to grind to a halt with everyone being really sick at the same time.

                  What the WHO and world governments are doing is sensible stuff and preparing for every eventuality, including the worst case scenario, which should give a real indication of how bad this could turn out to be.

                  But what isn't sensible is the utterly stupid and downright irresponsible garbage being spewed out by the media in a bid to whip everyone up in to hysteria and turn this into the End of Days (and I'm not reffering to that really **** Arnie film ).

                  I watched the BBC News last night and even had to turn that off in disgust at the shocking scaremongering `journalism` (and I use that in the loosest sense of the word) on display.

                  And it's even worse because if we dodge the bullet this time (like we did a few years ago with Bird Flu), the next time this does happen and it's a real problem, people are just going to sit back and think "What a load of crap again!". Complacency takes hold and before we know it we're really up **** creek without even a set of arms to help paddle the boat.

                  I maintain the biggest threat to mankind is the media - they're the nastiest virus you're ever likely to be exposed to.

                  Headlines in London papers that read "SWINE FLU ON THE TUBE?" doesn't help in any way. All it serves as is a easy to write article for the "journalist".


                    Its a joke ^ i agree, saw some stupid cow wearing a face mask today, the mind boggles.


                      Nice post Spatial101


                        I'm not sure I agree about the complacency kicking in. The media have been hyping up scare after scare and people seem to eat it up every time. Bird flu, SARS, mad cow disease, salmonella, whatever and that's on top of the ones that aren't related to illness like good ol' terrorism, asbestos, the millennium bug and so on.

                        If the public was going to get jaded by these, it should have happened a long time ago and nobody should care a damn about swine flu.


                          Take 2 every 4 hours!!


                            I agree, I don't think that rational members of society will be effected by all this media bull**** - if a real threat appears then people beyond the very impressionable will take note and act responsibly. The easily freaked out will always do what the media says so they will be fine too...


                              On the news earlier they had a map of Britain with coloured dots representing how fast the infection could spread then in the same sentence they said they know very little about how fast it will spread!

                              Still, if I run into crowds between my and the bar this weekend I'm just going to sneeze and say loudly I'm just back from Mexico, then watch the crowd part allowing my easy passage to the bar!



