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Bird Flu

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    I don't think you're the first Chain. AaronBekir said he had it a few weeks ago

    The two of you haven't been kissing again have you?


      Just been sent home from work with symptoms of swine flu!


        30 Gees



            I have the swine flu. Or to be precise symptoms of swine flu. So I'm off work for the week. I've also been issued with Tamiflu as well as penicillin for my sore throat. They seem to be doing their job as I feel much better than earlier this week. Still, I'm not allowed to leave the flat, so I am quite bored.


              Loads of my mates seem to have it, I'm feeling left out


                Originally posted by parkinho View Post
                Loads of my mates seem to have it, I'm feeling left out
                If you can't beat them...


                  Originally posted by El Leone View Post
                  If you can't beat them...
                  Ask one of them to give you a snog


                    My Sister has it, on Sunday she was sat next to my wife who is 12 weeks pregnant.....


                      Originally posted by Herbalizer View Post
                      My Sister has it, on Sunday she was sat next to my wife who is 12 weeks pregnant.....
                      To be honest I wouldn't overly worry if your wife does catch it. It's a mild form of flu - I definitely know I've had much worse. And to be honest it's probably better to get this now before the Autumn, where there's a risk it might mutate and where there's likely to be a lot more bacterial infections which will attack whilst your immune system is down. I know I'm glad I've got it now and didn't get a nasty bacterial infection that attacked the lungs at the same time.


                        It's a real misconception that getting it now will help you if it mutates. Getting it early just means you're less likely to get reinfected with it.

                        If something mutates enough to be serious enough to kill you, it will have mutated enough so that your immunity to what it was before will be worth jack.


                          The symptom checkers are so vague. I've got a really sore throat (like I've been swallowing razor blades) and runny nose. I felt a bit drained this afternoon at work and have taken the day off tomorrow. I don't know if this counts as swine flu but according to the NHS site I could have it. If it is swine flu it's not that bad.


                            Do you have a fever? If so, then you've probably got it.


                              Originally posted by gossi the dog View Post
                              To be honest I wouldn't overly worry if your wife does catch it. It's a mild form of flu - I definitely know I've had much worse.
                              I think the question is whether the still-yet-to-fully-develop immune system of the unborn foetus is particularly will be able to handle it...

                              I'd suggest asking a doctor for advice, probably.


                                just had the pig fever. it's over-rated, i reckon. wouldn't recommend anyone bother.

