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The Boxing Thread

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    Adam Booth is a cocky twat.


      Quite a poor fight, the tone was set in the first couple of rounds and never really altered.

      Can see a broken little toe would hamper you as you pivot and try to generate power but if it was that bad the pull out, the post fight excuses just sound like pathetic excuses.

      Klitschko wa simply too big and too effective, in a way im glad he won has haye and his pet midget manager needed bringing down a few pegs after all the trash talk.

      As mentioned above does show how boxing has fallen so far behind UFC, no way that was a ?15 card and was poor fare overall compared to any recent UFC card.


        The trash-talking gob****e really set himself up for an ignoble fall, bust toe or no bust toe.

        If the knacked toe thing is correct, he should have shut up about it and accepted his whupping. Let the news about his toe filter out a few days, or weeks, later. At it stands, he comes across as a noisy little farty who, when handed a humiliation, blurts out an excuse. Shut up and let the other guy have his moment, without trying to taint the result in doubt - let others do that in the future.


          Exactly, standard boxing etiquette says you apologise for trash talk, say you were selling tix, declare the winner a worthy champ and all move on

          This just looks like self denial and sour grapes and wins you few fans, there was no controversy here, Haye got beaten by a better bigger man and toe or not i dont see a different result if they re-met having seen the sheer size differential.

          Next moves for both are interesting, who does Klitschko have left he need to fight and does Haye continue for a few paydays ?


            I'd have thought more of him for just accepting defeat rather than bleating on about his broken toe... meh


              I wasted a good hour or two of my life watching that. Watched the American HBO channel version and they were slating Haye and rightly so.


                Beeb article -

                "And when Haye announced he had a broken toe, Klitshchko said what everyone else was thinking: "I give you some advice - never say you've got an injury straight after the fight because you look like a sore loser, it doesn't look good." Thirteenth round to Klitschko.
                Haye's injury claim will have no doubt delighted punters who paid upwards of 15 quid to watch the fight on telly. And it will have confirmed that Haye, who surely should have been advised to keep news of the injury under his hat and leak out a few months down the line, could learn a lot from Klitschko about grace."

                Just what we were saying!

                Lol at these comments -

                "two years of vainglorious posturing"
                "a fraudulent braggart"
                Last edited by prinnysquad; 03-07-2011, 17:15.


                  I was saying it 2 days before the fight Haye was going down, when a mate told me how much I could have won if I placed a bet I immediately wished I had.


                    Yay boxing is back on normal telly. On Saturday Channel 5, Tyson FFFUUURRWWWOOOWWEEE is taking on British and Commonwealth Champion Dereck Chisora. Me and my Grandad are looking forward to it already.


                      *bring ding* Good fight that entertaining, hoping for a KO though but neither had the energy.


                        Enjoyed it too, Fury has potential.


                          *bring ding* shame the announcer went Tyson FFUUURRREEEEE rather than Tyson FFURRWWOOOOOooOOoooOOWWWWEEEEEEEE. Hopefully more boxing on five to follow.


                            they are both so fat tho...seen better athletes slugging it out in my locals car park!


                              *bring ding *Thats modern heavyweights for you, Fury has toned up loads, when he first started out he was mainly blubber.


                                Fury kept sniffing like he was on drugs.

                                Just watched Khan vs. Judah, I'd hate to be the person that spent ?14 to watch it.

