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    In line with my usual healthy diet:

    Tiramisu Nougat Bar
    Not that great to be honest, could have been but it had more nuts in it than a Chippendale show

    Mint M&M's
    Lovely, nice flavour not too strong


      Weird hotch potch of stuff I had that needed using up

      Weirest thing I have had for tea in a long time. Some m+s sausages with bite size corn, cauliflower and samphire

      It will not become a regular meal


        Lol thats my tea most nights but i don't take pics of those


          My simple wagamama chicken katsu with golden curry sauce.


            First time I had had Samphire it's bloody salty. Just felt like posting I wouldn't normally for something like that but it's a laugh

            That look good megaton looks better than wagamama


              Originally posted by importaku View Post
              Lol thats my tea most nights but i don't take pics of those
              I feel bad for you if that is you tea most nights it was well rank, sausages tasted like bloody hot dogs, the cauliflower was good, corn was so sweet it was pleh and the samphire was like eating a pile of salt... Yucko

              Still I'm having a lush curry tomorrow

              Rainbow Cauliflower, sweet potato and chickpea made by the missus it's well tasty
              Last edited by ETC; 29-08-2012, 22:53.


                It's baking time and just done a nice easy one, Banana Loaf although this is my first time trying this.
                Had to use the crappy ole black bananas I had, so whipped it together from the Humming Bird recipe book.
                Still in the oven at moment and smells bloody awesome, when it's done and cooled I shall have 20 cups of tea and 20 slices.


                  Thats the beauty of banana loaf, it's no detriment using really ripe bananas they seem to still work perfectly. Love the stuff it's very moreish.



                      That looks awesome, making me hungry hehe


                        Originally posted by Family Fry View Post
                        It's baking time and just done a nice easy one, Banana Loaf although this is my first time trying this.
                        Had to use the crappy ole black bananas I had, so whipped it together from the Humming Bird recipe book.
                        Still in the oven at moment and smells bloody awesome, when it's done and cooled I shall have 20 cups of tea and 20 slices.

                        Nowt beats a good banana loaf good stuff

                        hate that book you are using though I'm sure they bollocked up some quantities in the red velvet recipe


                          Originally posted by billy_dimashq View Post
                          I would so destroy that yus


                            Cheers guys. Glad I was able to finally cook something I could post on here. First time doing anything Japanese and my flat mates are so they'd be good judges. Luckily I passed the test.

                            I wanted the eggs to be runny but we don't have a spatula so I had to use a wooden spoon and it all went to pot. I'm proud of the beef, though, cos I fried it with sesame oil and put some honey in(which gave it a nice glazed look) and then a splash of Glennfiddich for a laugh. I was worried it'd be overpowering because of the smell while it was cooking but it was fine. Whiskey didn't really add anything more than novelty value but the honey made the beef taste really nice. There's enough left for one more bowl so I expect Battle Royale tomorrow night

                            I just googled a few recipes to see what the gist is then went to Tesco and then a Japanese shop near my work for the miso and spring onion.

                            I actually really enjoyed eating it which doesn't happen often with my cooking and afterwards it felt like I'd been to a Japanese restaurant.

                            What's good is I can just add some more noodles, water and stuff to make more tomorrow.


                              Originally posted by evilthecatuk View Post
                              Nowt beats a good banana loaf good stuff

                              hate that book you are using though I'm sure they bollocked up some quantities in the red velvet recipe
                              ACH tell me about it!
                              I tried doing some cheese and spinach muffins followed the recipe exactly as it was after about half way through I was like, hmmmm this mix doesn't look good at all, convinced it was a recipe error as other similar muffins have different quantities.

                              That dish does look nice Billy, I always enjoy something I have home cooked and it comes out well, you can taste the satisfaction
                              This is getting me In the cooking mood, may do some Spanish style veggie-sausage casserole soon, that one always comes out awesome.


                                And here be the rainbow cauliflower and chickpea curry, it was aces

