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    See? Best beer ever.


      Originally posted by prinnysquad View Post
      Message for all those who haven't tried it:
      posted on june 26th, and still relevant today
      Last edited by prinnysquad; 12-10-2007, 18:06.


        Love the new avi Prinny. I'm surprised you've used it though as I seem to recall you couldn't manage to finish your pint when we were in Notts!


          That was a different Otter Ale.


          I'm simply pic-checking my nemesis!


            Williams Brothers Brewing Company - Seven Giraffe’s
            Combines an eclectic blend of 7 varieties of malted barley with fresh cone hops from around the world, wild elderflowers and lemon zest to create a refreshing, aromatic and moreish beer.
            Yum yum yum. Had this in a bottle. Dry and very smooth yet quite strong and distinctive tasting at the same time. A very pleasant surprise. 9/10.


              got this ready to go tmrw night. Plough boy rates it high too.

              Also found a new source of firestoker, a poxy off license in framwellgate moor. Beezer!


                Ha ha where in fram? I used to live there before moving to town. Bet its Bells cos its sainsburys in disguise!

                Got a stag do on saturday night so hopefully will get some good beers in.


                  I can't remember what it's called but it's next door to Fram Pizza
                  Last edited by prinnysquad; 18-10-2007, 19:30.


                    Anyone in the Cornwall-ish area could do worse than attend the Camra Kernow beer festival in Falmouth, starting tonight for three days.

                    I bought some American brewed pumpkin ale from Tesco last night, not too bad at all.


                      Originally posted by babs View Post
                      Anyone in the Cornwall-ish area could do worse than attend the Camra Kernow beer festival in Falmouth, starting tonight for three days.

                      I bought some American brewed pumpkin ale from Tesco last night, not too bad at all.
                      Not the Badger version then? That one was rank.
                      That said Innis and Gunn is still my most vomworthy beer of the year - up to 256 now since Feb.

                      Prinny and I are travelling down to land of my birth on sunday night and on monday will attend the beast that is the Norwich Beer Festival!

                      Have a great time in Falmouth.


                        I saw the Badger one today, but there's only one Badger for me, Golder Glory

                        Ironically I just bought the Innis and Gunn this lunchtime as part of my present to my dad for his birthday today.

                        Ah well


                          Originally posted by babs View Post
                          I saw the Badger one today, but there's only one Badger for me, Golder Glory

                          Ironically I just bought the Innis and Gunn this lunchtime as part of my present to my dad for his birthday today.

                          Ah well
                          I wouldn't worry - quite a few people on here like it. For me it tasted like liquid butter and I honestly couldn't drink it even tho it's only a 330ml bottle. Each to their own.
                          Re: Badger - I'm a Golden Champion Ale man myself - Glory is nice but a bit too 'flowery'.


                            I don't know how you chaps feel about white beers, but Tesco have started to do a beer I could only previously find on import from places like beersofeurope, Gulpener Korenwolf.

                            Beautiful stuff


                              Originally posted by babs View Post
                              I don't know how you chaps feel about white beers, but Tesco have started to do a beer I could only previously find on import from places like beersofeurope, Gulpener Korenwolf.

                              Beautiful stuff
                              Oooof - Beers of Europe is in/very near Kings Lynn - prinny and I were going to call in on the way back along the A47 - I'll have to keep an eye out!


                                Originally posted by Plough Boy View Post
                                Glory is nice but a bit too 'flowery'.
                                Poor show.

                                Morning Glory is a real grower!

