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    More new beer from me.

    All the below beers are bottle conditioned. And very fine. They came from Beers of Europe - a website I highly recommend. I've placed a number of orders from them and they've always arrived well packed the next day. Superb.

    Dark Star Brewery - Espresso Coffee Ale
    Yum yum. Quite coffee-ish and dark. Strong taste but only 4.5%. 8/10.

    Woodforde's - Nelsons Revenge
    Similar to there Wherry but being stronger at 4.5% has a more robust flavour. 8/10.

    Harviestoun Brewery - Old Engine Oil
    Described as a chocloatey viscous ale on the bottle and it really is. Very smooth with a bitter after taste. Reminds me of Imperial Russian Stout but without the lethal alcoholic kick. Still at 6% its no lightweight. A solid 9/10.


      Burton Bridge - Bramble Stout
      Had this before. One of my very favourite breweries as I'm sure I've said many times. 8/10.


        Beers of Europe are the dog's. It's like paradise when you enter that shop. The only regret is that you have to leave some beers behind...


          Originally posted by prinnysquad View Post

          Last two nights, had Wells Banana Bread Beer (10/10 - yes, another one. It's so unique and damn tasty every time you have it)

          I just happened to be helping Mrs G man the bar at her college this evening and what should they have in the fridge but the above. Having had it recommened by prinny I was a bit dubious but am glad I tried it anyway. YUMMMMMM! Very nice.

          Had a couple of pints of the guest beer at the best pub in the universe earlier in the evening: Hobgoblin (for Halloween). Was like drinking liquid bonfire toffee. Luverly!


            Burton Bridge - Festival Porter
            Quite weak tasting for a porter. 7/10.


              Ish, you must live relatively near beers of europe. My advice is: GO!!!! REGULARLY!!!

              You'll be like a dog with nine cocks.

              A few boys tonight:

              Young's Ram Rod - 8/10 Strong, but very tasty. Not too strong to be a whupper, as it was drunk at the end of the night.

              Nethergate Umbel Ale - 8 1/2 out of 10 Very dry, but floral with definite coriander taste.

              Boro Best Organic - 8 1/2 out of 10 - very drinkable, even the sediment

              Bowland Headless Peg 8 1/2 out of 10 - a very different taste, heavy and striking yet always drinkable and tasty.

              That Shepherd Neame Asda Extra Special one - 8/10 - session beer, pleasant and spritely.

              Wylam Brewery Leighton Brau - 8/10 - A beer brewed in lager style, pleasant aftertaste.

              Teme Valley Wotever Next? - 8 1/2 out of 10 - a dry boy, very tasty without the sediment being poured. Unfortunately I drank the sediment out of the bottle for a 20p bet


                Since moving on to the "wrong side" of 30 I've developed a taste for real ales. Problem is, it's hard to come by round here so the best I can manage is to nip down to Morrisons to take advantage of their 4 for £5 offer. Never anything particularly radical down there but it's the best supermarket I've found for ales (with the obvious exception of Booths but since the nearest one is 30 miles away it's not particularly convenient)


                  If I were you RH, I'd keep searching in unlikely spots. Ive found various local offies that have had a reasonable selection, supermarkets, and even shops like the Edinburgh Woolen Mill.

                  Failing that, the interweb has some great sites - Ish has bigged up Beers of Europe and you can sometimes get selection cases direct from the brewery.


                    I looked at Beers Of Europe a couple of weeks ago. The selection is brilliant but I almost fell off my chair when I saw the prices they were asking.


                      I tried a Theakston Old Peculier last night and whilst it was pretty nice it was a little too heavy and rich for my tastes, certainly not something i could drink a few of.


                        The bottle prices are fair enough - there's lots of beers there that I haven't heard of or seen anywhere else - but the shipping is a bit pricey. It's probably best to put in an order of 30 quid's worth of beers to keep you tiking over for a few weeks, to get the best value out of p&p.

                        Or do what I do - go on a regular pilgramage to Booth's. I live in Durham so it's an 80 mile drive to Keswick, but I try to do it 2 or 3 times a year and fill the car with 30 or so beers to keep me ticking over in newbies for a while. Well worth it to drink something a bit different from the usual popular fayre.


                          Originally posted by prinnysquad View Post
                          Or do what I do - go on a regular pilgramage to Booth's. I live in Durham so it's an 80 mile drive to Keswick, but I try to do it 2 or 3 times a year and fill the car with 30 or so beers to keep me ticking over in newbies for a while. Well worth it to drink something a bit different from the usual popular fayre.
                          Now that's a committed ale-drinker

                          The nearest Booths to me is Knutsford. Been meaning to go ever since I came back from camping (in Keswick, funnily enough). May as well have one of their excellent all-day breakfasts while I'm there.


                            Originally posted by Red Hogg View Post
                            Now that's a committed ale-drinker
                            There are many people who think that Prinnysquad should be committed! I had three pints of Wells Bombadier for lunch. A very nice drop. I do like living in Cambridge. Lots of lovely ales about the place.


                              Hey - if it's a nuthouse peopled by buxom nurses serving real-ales to the inmates, then I'm alright with that


                                18 beers harvested from Sainsbury's:

                                2x Wells Banana Bread Beer
                                5x Wychwood PumpKing Ale
                                7x Young's Christmas Pudding Ale
                                4x Winter Time

                                This old bloke and I bought all but 2 of the wychwoods proper cleaned the place out.

