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    Cool that you're enjoying them so much. It really is an intriguing and exciting little 'quest' to be on. I still get a thrill when I go into a pub and see a hitherto-unknown beer for sale.

    As far as tastes go, Plough Boy's story might be of interest.

    I introduced him to a variety of (what I considered to be) steady eddy bottles back in about 2006. He reported back that some ones he liked, but others he hated, and rated very poorly. I was a tad shocked because some of the ones he disliked were the ones I preferred.

    After months and and years of trying loads of beers, he revisited the original selection, and most of his opinions had changed on them. What were once winners were mostly now rather bland; whereas the unpalatable horrors were now interesting and satisfying. It's just a gradual re-conditioning of the palette.

    Perhaps his most extreme transformation occurred with Innis and Gunn original. Upon first taste, he loathed it, and considered it undrinkable. The buttery taste really disagreed with him. He tried it again over the years, even the different varieties, but the same outcome was always delivered. Until, one day, upon meeting a mate who knew he liked beers, he was presented with a bumper bottle of I&G. He told me that his heart sank, but it felt ungrateful and antisocial to refuse it. To his absolute surprise, this time he liked it. A remarkable turnaround, and although it's fair to say that it's a bit of an extreme story, it does serve to prove that tastes and palettes can change and heavily adapt. I wouldn't dream of saying that some stuff you'd hated, you'd end up liking, but when I think of all the food and drink I've experienced a shift of opinion with, it's an eye opener. Olives are the most recent thing I've moved from hating to loving.

    Myself, beer-wise, I've gone from liking just bitters, to dark beers, to Belgian Trappist beers, to heavily hopped American IPAs - many of which would have been undrinkably bad ten years ago. I sometimes surprise myself at how I grow to like certain styles and brews. :-)


      Very much enjoyed the last I&G I had, goo flavour and body.
      Had a Suntory Masters beer last night in the seemingly-popular mini glass bottle they have. Really not that impressive, 2/5.
      Same for the Kirin Aroma sadly, 2.1/5


        Originally posted by Colin View Post
        We're absolutely smashing through the Innis & Gunn's Prin, so the BW stuff may be on the menu soon, the rum finish is also a bit on the gorgeous side. I'm photo bombing the **** out of this thread tonight -

        Thats looks well tasty; pubs only or off sales?


          Everywhere here bud, I just buy them in the supermarket.


            Currently quaffing a bottle I bought from Head of Steam in Durham at Easter.

            It's called Japanese Green Tea IPA. I'm not a fan of green tea, and this is brewed with it, but to be honest it doesn't taste of it at all - it's just a heavily hopped beer, as you'd expect at 10.1% abv. It's a collaboration brew, between the Baird Brewing Company, the Stone Brewing Co, and Ishii Brewing Co. Apparently a version of it was released in 2011 at 9.2%. It must've proved popular enough for the three head Brewers to get together again in order to brew this new iteration. Maybe, just maybe, I can smell the green tea in it, but taste-wise it's a classic American ale.

            It's lovely. 9/10.


              Yona Yona "Real Ale"

              Really not to my tastes, fruity, 4.5% and is more like a failed softdrink than a beer that they dared label an ale. 3/10

              Coedo "Ruri"

              Not bad flavour, quite enjoyed this one and would recommend it over most convenience store-bought beer. Sadly not available everywhere, but it is in the Kinokuniya in Ueno station. 7/10

              Asahi "Dry Porter"

              ...Came out in February, only available at convenience stores, and a limited run...
              Such a shame, nice colour, full of flavour and at a very reasonable price. 8/10


                I'm wary of anything that has to put 'high quality product' on the label
                Does the little pentagraph list flavour characteristics?


                  I had Rogue Ales (Oregon) 7 Hop IPA on Saturday night. 650ml bottle, 8.02%.

                  Very balanced and uber tasty! 9.5/10 Bletches.


                    Originally posted by smouty View Post
                    I'm wary of anything that has to put 'high quality product' on the label
                    Does the little pentagraph list flavour characteristics?
                    I didn't even see that when I bought it, but yes it does. Always makes me smile when I see "koku" listed as a flavour characteristic.


                      What beers would you recommend while I'm in Canada Kryss? I'm assuming it'll be like the U.S. When you walk in to a bar and the choices are a bit overwhelming.


                        I had a Brewdog IPA last Sunday.

                        Couldn't finish it, what a bizzare taste.



                          You, not the taste.


                            Which one was it Speedy?

                            I have the Innis & Gunn in tonight again, really loving that stuff right now.


                              Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
                              I had a Brewdog IPA last Sunday.

                              Couldn't finish it, what a bizzare taste.
                              Their Punk IPA is great...the double IPA is undrinkable. Tastes like piss fermented in a tramps shoe


                                This one.

