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Mobile Phone thread - please include links to good deals

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    I was expecting the 5C to come in around the ?299 mark to make it properly competitive. I forgot all about the Apple tax.
    They really have lost the plot with the 5C, whether trying to appeal to China or parents considering upgrading their kids iPod Touch etc.


      I've had an iPhone 4 for the past three years and I'm thinking of getting something new, I'm very tempted to switch to an Android device. I have no problems with iOS and the iPhone 4 still does everything I want from a phone, I just feel like a change and something new and shiny.

      The Nexus 4 seems like the best value for money at the moment, with the recent reduction that DavidH mentioned. I take it that in terms of performance it'd probably give a good kicking to the iPhone 4? Would it be worth waiting for a Nexus 5 instead? Have there been any confirmed release dates / likely prices?


        First thing you will notice switching from an iPhone to the majority of Android devices (nexus 4 included) IMO is that the battery life is poor. That's what I noticed anyway. Barely able to make it through the day. I'd never go back to an iPhone BTW and I'm happy with Android but just wanted to warn you.


          EJG1980, just wait for the Nexus 5. There have been a lot of leaks so far and the phone is expected to be announced and drop in October.

          I'm waiting for it. Still using an iPhone 4 too, it feels absolutely ancient. Glacially slow, the merest touch of the bottom right corner of the phone triggers total signal loss, the proximity sensor on the front is completely non-functioning, and the mic on the phone keeps going even with hands free plugged in (so if you put the phone in your pocket while talking all the other person can hear is a load of rustling).

          The little plastic cover on the camera on the back has also come off, meaning the lens keeps getting coated in dust.

          Had it since day 1 and I really, really need a new phone. I'm hoping the Nexus 5 leaks so far are accurate and that is indeed smaller than the Nexus 4 but with a larger screen, that would be great.


            Thanks for the info both of you. Makes sense to wait for the Nexus 5 to see what that's like, I've had this phone for three years so I can wait another month before changing it.

            Should be okay on the battery front as my main use of the phone when out and about is for playing music and sending / receiving the odd text. I tend to be at home when I'm using apps that eat up the battery a bit more. I'll have a search for more info on battery life though, see if I can find some comparisons between various phones.


              Originally posted by FSW View Post
              First thing you will notice switching from an iPhone to the majority of Android devices (nexus 4 included) IMO is that the battery life is poor. That's what I noticed anyway. Barely able to make it through the day. I'd never go back to an iPhone BTW and I'm happy with Android but just wanted to warn you.
              In all fairness its literally only the galaxy note's that have decent battery life on android, all the rest are the comparable to ios on an average day.


                That's what I thought, I have a Note.

                Same things apply with iOS and Android, screen brightness, GPS, Wifi, social media update etc etc all take their indiviaual toll on the battery over the course of a day. One of those things you manage or carry a spare battery - as you can do with 99% of Android phones.

                Must take some use to drain a battery over the working day average of what 10 or so hours away from the house on an typical day.


                  I too have a Note, and a spare battery (but rarely need to use it). Sometimes makes it through 2 days. Previous androids (an Xperia S and prior to that a San Francisco) couldn't manage a full day, often going below 40% by 1pm. Spare battery is a nice to have. Pity the nexus devices don't have this option. I use my phone to take notes during meetings and sometimes even to remote desktop so yeah I push them harder than most probably. Also I have it playing music all day and often have a Vita tethered to it lol.


                    Theres always a spare usb charging pack? you can get a 10'000milli amp pack off amazon for ?30 delivered, its got over 5000 reviews so is well tested for multiple devices, just plug your cable into it and your phone will draw off it like the mains. Would get around 5 charges off it on an iphone5 or nexus 4, then just recharge the pack from the mains again.


                      My old S2 is still holding up alright depending on what I'm using it for. If I'm on the net it definitely needs a daily charge but if its mostly on standby bar the odd text then I can get several days from a charge. I remember the iPhone being fairly similar but its from the same age model so both newer versions might be better. Best thing about android phones? No itunes


                        Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post
                        Best thing about android phones? No itunes
                        Being able to just drag films and music on it to them is great.


                          Seconded. F**king iTunes, one of the biggest pains in the arse know to man. Drag and drop Android is the way to go for sure.
                          Sadly we're not a Apple free house due to wifes iPhone and sons iPad, does my head in everytime, sync this, sync that, fell you what, eff off.


                            Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post
                            My old S2 is still holding up alright depending on what I'm using it for. If I'm on the net it definitely needs a daily charge but if its mostly on standby bar the odd text then I can get several days from a charge. I remember the iPhone being fairly similar but its from the same age model so both newer versions might be better. Best thing about android phones? No itunes
                            Have you experienced it running out of core storage space? Mines starting to go beard because of this its only got 210mb left and there's nothing to delete its full up with OS stuff, most of which ive disabled.


                              Oddly enough I now use an iPod classic but luckily foobar 2000 has a plug in so I can put music on from there i.e. no iTunes needed.


                                Says it all really re the new iPhone.

                                Your fingerprint has expired and must be changed. For your security, you may not choose any of your 10 previously used fingerprints.
                                Last edited by VR46; 11-09-2013, 12:25.

