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The Tennis Thread

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    This has been a great final. Absolutely amazing.


      Amazing Scenes!!1


        Best match I've ever seen, both in terms of quality and drama.


          Fabulous stuff. Although I was supporting Federer I think Nadal is a worthy champion.


            Great game of tennis, not that much of a fan of Wimbledon and tennis in general but I have seen a few cracking games this year. Far too many crowd close ups of middle aged women though.


              YES! So happy for Nadal, totally deserved it. All credit to Federer too, played his part in an amazing match. Definitely one of the best matches ever.


                Damn that was seriously intense play from both guys, they were both utterly incredible, god hand tennis.

                And Nadal what a great humble champion, well i know who im playing as in top spin 4


                  I've been watching tennis for a long time and that's one of the best matches I've ever seen. They both played tremendously on the big points. They handled the pressure incredibly well where almost anyone else would have crumbled.

                  Federer is after the big records. He couldn't beat Borg's record of 5 Wimbledon's in a row and probably never will now. Sampras's record of 14 Grand Slams is still out of reach at the moment. He must have thought he could beat it this year but he hasn't won a slam in 2008 yet so he's stuck on 12. I wonder how long it's gonna take him now?

                  Nadal is in the PS3 version of Top Spin 3.
                  Last edited by Shoju; 06-07-2008, 20:49.


                    Don't really watch tennis but I caught the end of the final after top gear, it was intense just watching those last few games. Good final just from what I saw of it.


                      I've been watching it a long time too and yes, one of the very best.

                      Didn't really mind who won though I would have liked Federer, thought he made more mistakes then Nadal who won fair and square.

                      One thing I didn't like was Andrew Castle in the commentary box, had his tongue so far up Nadal's arse it was unbelievable, all his comments were from the side of Nadal the whole match.


                        A classic game.

                        I thought the commentary was appalling at times. Slow to spot things (i.e. Federer's total command in his Service games from the middle of the first set, Henman only commented on this in middle of the second set), a lack of analysis and at times there was silence for so long that I did wonder if the pair had gone off to the canteen (I know bout of silence are favoured in this sport at some point).


                          One thing that pisses me off about the beeb is the jobs for the boys, Mac and Becker are great, they've won Grand Slam's and are in a position to comment but when you hear Henman talking about being able to handle pressure and how to play various shots etc it's really annoying.
                          At one point Henman was laughing at Nadal's second serve only going at 83mph, which is probably faster than his first serve ever was.


                            Originally posted by Ampanman View Post
                            Henman talking about being able to handle pressure and how to play various shots etc it's really annoying.

                            This annoys me in football punditry, I respect Martin O'neil as he won things as a player and he is a good manager. People like Andy Townsend, Mark Lawrenson and Shearer annoy me as they have not done anything apart from play the game. Only Lawro really won anything, and he's probably the worst pundit of the lot.

                            Somehow I like Hanson, despite the fact he has never managed a team.

                            Anyway, back to tennis. Hopefully Nadal can kick on and win a few more wimbledon titles.


                              I have so much repect for nadal. came back from an injury in the game, broke and held and, biggest of all, grass is the least suitable surface for him. he has worked and worked to get there and after pissing on RF in the French, he almost took him in straight sets today (momentum lost a bit afetr the knees). Just such a high level of tennis, some obscene shot making from both sides. Genuine classic.


                                Wow that was one great game of tennis! So happy Nadal won! Me and the girlfriend were jumping about the room screaming at every point he won, went crazy when he finished it off too.

                                I don't like Federer, he seems very very smug where as you look at Nadal, he's so humble with his talent and quietly goes about his business. Seems like a real sportsman to me, Federer just doesn't look like a tennis player or sportsman, with his daft cardigans and smug face!

                                Although in saying that, I can't deny how he is awesome and put up some fight today, any time Nadal had a break point, Fed would walk up and straight away serve up an ace. He was doing it constantly and have to applaud him for that. Most players would buckle after being 2 sets down in the final but he held on and really made Nadal win it the hard way.

                                Nadal really did impress me though, pulled off some amazing shots throughout the match and deserved to win, I always thought this would be his year from the start and I'm over the moon for him to win. And hope he continues this winning, and good luck to him for the remaining grandslams this year!

