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Apple speculation thread

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    Me i dont like anything Apple, for me Creative make the best MP3 players, and Macs arent my cup of tea, but the kidz love em ipods.


      Would you like to know what I am getting really fed-up about?

      The prices of these things.

      A fine and straightforward example:

      Take the price of a MacBook in the US; $999. Use a currency converter to find out the cost in British pound; ?618. Add 15% VAT; ?710.70.

      How much do we have to pay? ?816, which is ?105.30 more than the price of a MacBook in the US. Look it up for yourselves if you do not believe me!

      Apple can release a million and one ?amazing? and ?revolutionary? products but do they care about the price, yet alone dropping them to a fair and respectable level?

      Do they f*ck.

      And do not get me started on the Apple TV...

      And by the way, the iPad is quite a disappointment. I expect the price in the UK to be anywhere between ?349 (ha-ha-ha!) to ?399 (yes, that is more like it!).


        I think Steve tried too hard to sell it. I loved the way he used the word smartphone when he really meant IPhone. Its an oversized Iphone, I can't see the point right now.


          Originally posted by MisterBubbles View Post
          Me i dont like anything Apple, for me Creative make the best MP3 players, and Macs arent my cup of tea, but the kidz love em ipods.
          Best mp3 player right now is the Sandisk Sansa Clip. Super tiny but with up to 40GB of memory (it takes microSDHC cards + its own internal 8GB) and it and plays FLAC files so the sound quality is amazing and you don't get that tiny annoying pause inbetween mixed tracks like you do with mp3. The screen is far better than the same size creative (stone plus) offering too (I have both) and the battery lasts infinitely* longer (*possibly exaggerated, but not too much). Although I think the stone has been discontinued. The larger creatives support FLAC now though but are limited to 32GB at the moment due to relying on internal storage.

          I don't have anything by Apple. Quicktime and iTunes aren't going near my PC. I thought this iPad was going to be a fully featured PC (and surely for the price it should be), but it's closest I've come to actually wanting an Apple product.

          Also, found this on failblog today....
          Last edited by charlesr; 28-01-2010, 07:01.


            what I haven't seen any mention of is if i sign into itunes on this with my account are all my previous purchases able to download and use concurrently with on my iphone ?


              I don't see why they wouldn't be. You can have them across a couple of iPhones as it is, I think. I've transferred purchases to several iPods, including a couple of iPod Touches, and never had a hint that it was going to limit transfer. The main thing is the amount of computers authorised for the purchases.


                No multitasking on 3rd party apps.

                Can it use another smartphone's broadband via wifi? Or do you have to sign up to the 3G plan to get online with it? edit: must do.


                  It seems to be aimed at non-tech savvy people that want to get on the new-fangled computer internet without having to worry about actually having a computer (except for syncing, d'oh). It'll be good for my mum, good for families with all the board games, and good for people that want to dabble in painting, writing etc who don't already have a laptop.

                  It'll be successful when developers figure out the target audience (i.e. not FPS players) and make some 'killer' apps. An upscaled version of Labyrinth (the 'marble in a box' game) will be top of the charts, I bet. Google Earth, Monopoly, Chess, Scrabble, etc etc.


                    Until people realise that holding something weighing 650g with your hands at the bottom and kept a reasonable distance from your face will get tiring really really fast.


                      Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
                      Until people realise that holding something weighing 650g with your hands at the bottom and kept a reasonable distance from your face will get tiring really really fast.
                      I'm thinking you stick it flat on a table in the middle of a group. Or on your lap, maybe with your knees up. Or hold it like a tray (hands either end) if you're balancing marbles.

                      True, it might not be so good for reading books.


                        Originally posted by dataDave View Post
                        Ha! What a load of rubbish.

                        Am I the only person left on the planet that doesn't own anything by Apple? I'm not a PC head or anything it's just that I've never actually found any of their products useful for me in the slightest.
                        I'm with ya. Can't say I've ever been interested in any of their products.

                        I think a lot of people buy Apple because they think it's a cool company or believe they're buying into a certain lifestyle or certain image but, the way I see it, there's nothing cool about being one among millions fooled by slick marketing into buying something overpriced that will be replaced with a new model in 6 months in the hollow belief it will make you happier. Indeed that's pretty much the opposite of what I regard as cool. But ho hum. To each their own.


                          Originally posted by charlesr View Post
                          No multitasking on 3rd party apps.

                          Can it use another smartphone's broadband via wifi? Or do you have to sign up to the 3G plan to get online with it? edit: must do.
                          The 3g it uses is a special kind of mini sim card that you can only get from at&at in us plus t-mob i think. Either way you have to sign up for there tarriffs and get there sim card, absolutely no way to botch a reg simcard into it .

                          As for wireless hotspots i cant see that being a problem like any device.


                            You're not the only one.
                            I've tried to like iPods but the sound quality is terrible and itunes is appalling.
                            The iPhone is possible the worst phone ever designed for my requirements which is more business related. A single days use per charge is not acceptable in todays market and even my Blackberry has significantly better audio quality for voice and music.
                            I can't see this pad being successful personally but I'm sure plenty of people will 'need' one.
                            I don't have a requirement to use OSX but this is one thing that Apple do well. It's just a shame they don't legally allow you to install it on any non-Apple hardware as you pay a heavy premium for their kit and it isn't that reliable.

                            There is a certain paradox in Apple products that overcomes the cool/exclusive lifestyle niche whilst reaching massmarket.


                              Full video from the presentation.

                              Engadget hands on with the iPad (with video)

                              Here it is folks, the Apple iPad. The screen is gorgeous, tilting is responsive, and the thing is super thin. Still, if you've used the iPhone before -- and you can see the two devices side-by-side here -- there's not a lot of surprises here so far. Here are some initial thoughts on the iPad: It's not light. It feels pretty weighty in your hand. The screen is stunning, and it's 1024 x 768. Feels just like a huge iPhone in your hands. The speed of the CPU is something to be marveled at. It is blazingly fast from what we can tell. Webpages loaded up super fast, and scrolling was without a hiccup. Moving into and out of apps was a breeze. Everything flew. There's no multitasking at all. It's a real disappointment. All this power and very little you can do with it at once. No multitasking means no streaming Pandora when you're working in Pages... you can figure it out. It's a real setback for this device. The ebook implementation is about as close as you can get to reading without a stack of bound paper in your hand. The visual stuff really helps flesh out the experience. It may be just for show, but it counts here. No camera. None, nada. Zip. No video conferencing here folks. Hell, it doesn't have an SMS app! It's running iPhone OS 3.2. The keyboard is good, not great. Not quite as responsive as it looked in the demos. No Flash confirmed. So Hulu is out for you, folks! Update: We've got video, head after the break to check it out! %Gallery-84055% %Gallery-84092%


                                Bluergh... I'm in a PC vs. Mac debate at work now with women, I wish I had some backup.

