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Apple speculation thread

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    You can't expect everything to be compatible with every iPhone forever. It's like the people bitching (not necessarily on this board, just on the internets) about how OS 4 isn't fully supported by all iPhones. The tech inside the 2G/3G iPhones is ludicrously out of date now, I'm actually amazed that more games haven't gone the way of ESPGALUDA II and excluded them entirely. Android is much more fragmented, with different OS update release dates for different devices, and compatibility of software not universal.

    I think it looks super sick, a more compact and efficient design in line with the MacBook Pro and iMac lines. Plus 1Ghz A4 processor finally confirmed, sweet. It's going to fly compared to my 3G.
    Last edited by wakka; 12-05-2010, 13:30.


      I'm very happy with the 3G iPhone I have at the moment and although the better performance would be a nice bonus, the only real reason I'd want to upgrade is so I could replace my 80GB iPod Classic.

      I have about 12 months left on my contract so it would be something that I'd consider at the time if it was carrying enough flash memory. What's the largest capacity iPhone/iPod Touch they do at the moment? I'm not really convinced they'll be releasing 80GB models in the next twelve months to be honest.


        I'm happy with my 3GS, only thing I could do with is a bit more battery juice and a better camera. I haven't had any situations yet where I've ran out of battery, but a bit more of a safety net would be nice. I'll stick with it for a while yet, I expect.


          The battery is pretty horriffic if you play games on it. It'll drain in under 3 hours for games that max out the CPU. Gets pretty toasty too.

          Apple are always careful with their battery benchmarks, not to say typical usage but to say "video playback". The iphone/ipads both have dedicated video decoding hardware in them to preserve battery life.


            Originally posted by John Parry
            I have about 12 months left on my contract so it would be something that I'd consider at the time if it was carrying enough flash memory. What's the largest capacity iPhone/iPod Touch they do at the moment? I'm not really convinced they'll be releasing 80GB models in the next twelve months to be honest.
            Exactly the same hardware I currently have. 64GB iPod touches are already available (and have been for a while now), I'd be astounded if the iPhone 4G doesn't have a 64GB storage option this summer.

            I'll finally be able store my entire music library on my phone /o/ (fingers crossed)


              I think I am on the only one who likes the new style. I'll be picking one up on release as my current contract runs out in perfect time.


                Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
                The battery is pretty horriffic if you play games on it. It'll drain in under 3 hours for games that max out the CPU. Gets pretty toasty too.

                Apple are always careful with their battery benchmarks, not to say typical usage but to say "video playback". The iphone/ipads both have dedicated video decoding hardware in them to preserve battery life.
                Amazingly if I drive my car flat out at 7200rpm it goes through petrol quicker than pootling down the motorway!
                You just have to find a balance as with any battery powered computer.

                This new model phone isn't particularly to my tastes and does seem it won't be much more powerful than the 3GS. They both have an A8 CPU, SGX 53x GPU and 256MB of RAM. Just like the iPad.

                My contract was up last year and I was holding off for the new model this summer but now I might just save a few bob and get the 3GS.


                  The latest 4G prototype found in Vietnam has an A4 chip which should hopefully help with battery life.
                  I like the angular design and build wise it looks more expensive than the 3GS.
                  From a design aspect it is amazing how the new ones make the current models looks so antiquated. I don't think any other manufacturer does this to such a degree preferring a smoother transition between models.
                  Last edited by smouty; 13-05-2010, 06:55.


                    Originally posted by smouty View Post
                    From a design aspect it is amazing how the new ones make the current models looks so antiquated. I don't think any other manufacturer does this to such a degree preferring a smoother transition between models.
                    From a marketing and sales tactical point of view, it makes some sense by making your previous model look old and out dated; it'll increase desire by those that are on the border of fanatical and early adopter, though with a more frugal mindset.

                    I'd dare say that there were plenty of 3G owners who held off upgrading to the 3GS due to the relatively small feature upgrade, and the virtually identical exterior. I didn't feel quite so bad when all my friends had jumped onboard the 3GS train because on the surface, we all looked the same anyway.

                    Apple have reportedly been unhappy with the plastic back of the 3G and 3GS since the beginning, due to easy cracking of the lacquer top (especially apparent on the white version), though it was a (then) necessary evil due to the weak antenna capabilities of the first gen iPhone.

                    I for one can't wait for the new model to be released, some of these new changes are what fans and pundits have been asking for since the original iPhone. Roll on June!


                      I'm sure the only reason they have changed how it looks is so that everyone has to go and buy new cases and docks and general peripherals again.


                        Originally posted by Taka View Post
                        From a marketing and sales tactical point of view, it makes some sense by making your previous model look old and out dated
                        Yeah totally, as long as you can keep it up of course.

                        BTW - Most docks have worked from the 1st gen mini to the current 3GS and I can't see this changing TBH


                          I've got an accessory that uses the dock connector but it is moulded to fit around the round 3G shape, can't see the 4G fitting


                            Originally posted by CMcK View Post
                            Amazingly if I drive my car flat out at 7200rpm it goes through petrol quicker than pootling down the motorway!
                            You just have to find a balance as with any battery powered computer
                            The iphone when gaming is the equivalent of driving down the motorway in 4th gear, lots of raw power but it's far too wasteful to do more than you have to. The effect of a full CPU load on the iphone is far worse than on either the PSP or DS. A PSP or DS also doesn't leave you in trouble communication-wise if they get low on power.


                              Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
                              I'm sure the only reason they have changed how it looks is so that everyone has to go and buy new cases and docks and general peripherals again.

                              More words to satisfy posting rules.


                                I thought the change for the new iPhone was to let them use the new ceramic material which is radio transparent. Which should help improve the reception.

