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Apple speculation thread

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    You really don't like Gizmodo do you? He hasn't been charged with anything yet, it was just in investigation, and in fact, the investigation is under hold because he may be protected by journalist laws in California.

    Earlier today news broke that police had raided Gizmodo editor Jason Chen's home in connection with the iPhone leak last week. Authorities got a search warrant and removed four computers, two servers, and more. However, in light of claims by Gizmodo's attorneys that Chen should be protected by California's Shield Laws, we have just been told that the authorities are not yet looking through this evidence. I just spoke to Stephen Wagstaffe, Chief Deputy at San Mateo County District Attorney's Office, who told me that nobody has yet been charged in the case, and at this point it is "just an investigation". He says the investigation is "looking at any hand that touched or had something to do with this phone" but that the investigation is not currently targeting either Gawker or the person who originally found the phone — rather, police are collecting every fact they can to present to the DA, who will then make a decision.


      I think Gizmodo lack basic journalistic integrity and behave like a bunch of kids.

      The shield laws won't protect them. They only protect the source. They knowingly paid money for lost/stolen goods, it's a clear felony that they admitted very publicly.


        Telltale games are poking fun at this with their marketing, sending these boxes out to sites:


          Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
          I think Gizmodo lack basic journalistic integrity and behave like a bunch of kids.
          Surely journalistic integrity is about reporting the truth no matter what the possible repercussions may be. I appreciate this is a gadget site and not Wikileaks, but the basic principle is the same.


            Not really, journalistic integrity is about reporting the news in a way that is moral, not just about reporting the truth.


              So Wired have named the person that sold the iphone to Gizmodo!


                Will be interesting to see if he gets charged. Going to the police will certainly helps his cause. Possible if he gets charged with anything it'll be a misdemeanor rather than a felony.

                It'll be interesting finding out how many people turned him down before Gizmodo were stupid ennough to take him up on the offer. Engadget and Wired are known to have rejected it now.


                  Everyone involved clearly knew what they were doing and what the risks were. Its funny to read stuff like they didn't realise what they had at first, the guy "tried" to give it back to Apple etc.

                  I don't think anyone comes out of it smelling of roses tbh.


                    Spirit jailbreak released for iPhone iPad today :-)


                      So what would the advantage be to jail-breaking an iPad? With the iPhone, most people I knew just used it so they didn't have to pay for the apps....


                        I don't know as I can't see the point of the iPad at all. On the iPhone there are a number of useful add-ons such as themes' multi-tasking and of course unlocking if your provider won't supply the code (Vodafone!!).


                          Of course, forgot about the very basic requirement of unlocking! Most people I know struggle to justify unlocking though and seem to use it to run pirated apps, but maybe I'm just in with the wrong crowd

                          I think the iPad will be a good laptop replacement for lots of people who have over-powered laptops with unused optical drives and do nothing but surf the web, social networking etc, if they want an alternative to a netbook.

                          The other thing that the iPad has changed my mind about big time is electronic magazines, newspaper subscriptions etc. Even normal newspaper and news websites look stunning on the screen and the form factor suits that purpose too. Very strange, but the demo vids don't do it justice.


                            Originally posted by ascender View Post
                            So what would the advantage be to jail-breaking an iPad? With the iPhone, most people I knew just used it so they didn't have to pay for the apps....
                            The ability to run apps that haven't been through Apple's highly restrictive certification process. As an example, perhaps you have a collection of e-books that you've already paid for but that aren't in a format Apple support. An official app to support the reading of these is unlikely to be granted certification.


                              Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand another 4th gen iPhone slips out into the wild...



                                A bit of a dull design. Hard 90degree edges though... That's going to make it much more noticeable in your pocket.

                                Not looking forward to the way this will fragment the itunes store.

