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iOS recommended games and applications

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    Lots of EA games are 59p at the mo, Rock Band, Mirror's Edge, Need for Speed...


      N.Y Zombies is free today, nice House of the Dead style game.


        I picked up Game Dev Story yesterday - digital crack for the iPhone is here! Imagine Theme Park\Hospital but set in a game studio and you are about there. Very simple, very addictive.

        Played it for two hours straight last night, which is by far the longest I've played an iphone game in one stretch before.


          Been playing Game Dev Story too, its possibley the most addictive thing ever.

          The only problem I can see with it is that once you have played through it and done everything you probabaly wont want to play it ever again as it will probabaly just feel like youre doing the same thing again.

          Still Ive been playing for about 2 and half hours and still have plenty to do, so its quite long for an iPhone game and well worth a couple of quid.
          Last edited by rmoxon; 19-10-2010, 08:40.


            I got Game Dev Story too under recommendation from a number of friends. I promptly stayed up until 4am this morning playing it, and even then when I woke up I played it on my journey to work, only diverting my eyes occasionally to ensure I didn't get hit by a car as I crossed the road. So, so addictive, and very hard to put down. Cannot recommend it enough.


              OMG Ninjas 3! sold almost a million copies earlier, a company record. Not bad for a puzzle game.

              I also released Blatent CashIn! For the Gameboy earnt
              Me enough to get the third office space. Awesome.


                Another big up for game dev story here. Only played it for a few hours but I can't see me stopping until my company gets a 10/10 game. Only managed a few 6's at best at the mo. One question: how do you recharge your staff other than using the power boost drink?


                  +1 for Game Dev

                  only realised how long I'd spent in the work loo earlier when my legs went numb, I had to get RoboWonkBattle finished and see my early sales figures.

                  bit fiddly with some of the buttons, meant I bought a dev licence too many and my studio was potless, had to take contract work to try and swell the coffers and knock another pc game out quickly before we start work on our magnum opus for the megadrive.


                    disappointed by recent sales of Pig Squad, my police adventure.

                    I have to keep doing ringtone contracts to keep my studi afloat.


                      Damn you guys and your recommendations... how f-ing good is Game Dev Story!?!

                      I am horribly addicted. Also another game recommended by a mate is Trainyard, there is a free version as well. I havent trawled back through this thread to see if its already mentioned but if not, great game.


                        ah man, I'm addicted Game Dev Story too, keep getting 5's on my games though


                          I got my first 10 / 10 / 10 / 10 last night but still no GOTY


                            my games keep getting average reviews but i recruited shigeru inamoto (or something like that) and he's going to be my star game director from now on.

                            its so simple but something incredibly compelling about playing on, gave me funny eyes last night as I did about 2h straight on it.


                              Aw man, I just ran out of money on my latest game and had to cancel it. Morale is low and we'll be taking a lot of contract work. That sucks.


                                ha ha, a life of mascot design and ringtone contracts awaits you.

                                good for topping up the coffers though.

