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iPhone thread

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    Don't see the fuss of any of the arguments it's a disposable piece of electronics (all phones are) the majority of us will keep any phone no matter who makes it for 12-24 months then off it goes to be sold, donated or binned, I like my 4s may have a crack at android or wp8 and no doubt in 2 years I'll be looking at which is best at the time. Easy solution for us all we should all ditch the smartphones and start rockin the old school classic

    Still the only phone I have ever had for more than 2 years (it still is in use today with a family member as an emergency phone)


      Originally posted by fuse View Post
      Soon as I find out whether the tariff I'm looking at will actually give me unlimited 4G when EE get off the ground, I'll be upgrading to an iPhone 5 - obviously because I am some kind of braindead, trend-following, unopinionated idiot. If it wasn't so pathetic, I'd actually be pretty offended by some of the comments in the last few pages.
      I think pathetic does describe it rather well.


        Pathetic? No way! Personally I find it very convincing when an adult posts in the style of a know-it-all twelve year old kid from gamefaqs. I'm dumping my Apple stuff post haste!


          I had a call from my network today to say i'd be getting an iPhone 5 delivered on Monday. Now, i'm someone who has stood defiantly against smart phones, but I accepted it as the 64Gb is the same size as my iPod touch so gives me one less thing to carry around every day. I very much doubt i'll ever use it for anything more than calls and text messaging though. My Nokia 6303c which i've owned for several years will still be kept in reserve mind you!


            Yup, I'm a fanboy/12 year old child in a 27 year old's body. Thanks for the comments guys, I'll head back to GameFAQ's and continue to buy crap tech - like my ?9k Panasonic plasma (VX300). I clearly have no idea what I'm talking about nor do I have the money, I only bought 8 iPhone 5's.

            The iPhone is the best phone ever and Apple devices are best in class...

            I'm semi retired too. But your all right I'm immensely stupid and have no idea about anything.




              Nice things are nice. If you have the money then I don't see why you wouldn't get the latest iPhone. But whatever. Personally I don't like how proprietary they are but they're neat otherwise.


                Should be 'you're' not 'your' in the last sentence when you describe yourself as immensely stupid.



                  Originally posted by parkinho View Post
                  Should be 'you're' not 'your' in the last sentence when you describe yourself as immensely stupid.

                  Ah thanks, better head back to school.


                    Originally posted by Shozuki View Post
                    Yup, I'm a fanboy/12 year old child in a 27 year old's body. Thanks for the comments guys, I'll head back to GameFAQ's and continue to buy crap tech - like my ?9k Panasonic plasma (VX300). I clearly have no idea what I'm talking about nor do I have the money, I only bought 8 iPhone 5's.

                    The iPhone is the best phone ever and Apple devices are best in class...

                    I'm semi retired too. But your all right I'm immensely stupid and have no idea about anything.



                    EPIC case of missing the point.
                    Last edited by Nu-Eclipse; 17-09-2012, 18:42.


                      @Sho: Bottom line is your comments on this thread this past week or so have been pretty nonsensical, whether you meant it or not.

                      You mention your telly as proof that you know about this stuff but you will also know that merely buying things doesn't mean squat on here - someone could've just told you to buy that plasma and you went and bought it. Heck, someone on this very forum could've told you to buy that plasma. If a guy buys a super duper massive villa in Spain it doesn't automatically mean they know about property, it just means they bought a super duper massive villa in Spain, doesn't it?

                      Also, you're defined by your posts on here and nothing else. Most people on BD won't know you in person so can only go by what you post and, if your posts read like a 12yo fanboy then that's exactly what people are going to think you are, whether that was your intention or not. Your money is meaningless on here because you can't buy our opinion of you.

                      You've indirectly called a bunch of us sheep for buying Apple stuff as though we don't know what we're doing which is downright ridiculous and definitely insulting to me at least. If you don't like something then that's fine but you didn't seriously expect to post that stuff on here and not get called out over it? Fair dos if it was some kind of joke - if it is then I don't get it or just don't consider it a decent joke - but you did the same thing over on the 3DS thread like some kind of heckler at a gig. Most of the posters just outright ignored you but, like a heckler at a gig, ignoring isn't enough if it doesn't stop the heckling.

                      Personally, I think every phone that isn't an iPhone is positively cack, and I don't care what anyone else thinks on the subject because I've made that decision based on what I've seen of iPhones and the competition so far, but I don't go on the Samsung thread and post about that in the middle of discussions about rootin' tootin' and Jellybean 3.6's because there's no point, I let people use whatever phone they like, even though I think they're all a bunch of MKV-yarring wallies


                        Indeed, what Billy said.

                        Thinking that Apple products are crap, brilliant, average, whatever, isn't the problem. The thing that is childish and insulting is basically saying that anyone who disagrees with your opinion are sheep, mugs, and uninformed idiots. That is what has got people's backs up.


                          I will be interested in one of those iPhones if you name your price (friends rate I hope)


                            Originally posted by buster_broon View Post
                            I will be interested in one of those iPhones if you name your price (friends rate I hope)
                            Haha, not a chance mate. Sorry! (even though you've sorted me out with your gaming collection) Apple products are easy money as are their shares!! I reckon these phones will double in value with ease!

                            Oh and err, sorry about the sheep reference folks! It was meant tongue-in-cheek.


                              Do you really think that supply will be so short that people will pay over the odds?

                              I might leave mine sealed if that is the case...


                                Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
                                Do you really think that supply will be so short that people will pay over the odds?

                                I might leave mine sealed if that is the case...
                                Without a doubt...

