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    Errrr, I think I was being stupid last night. I realised that the Notification Centre on the lock screen just isn't as good as I thought it would be. I was expecting it to be just like LockInfo which it's not. I've had a play about and it does do the list form for emails, sms, etc but only if you don't look at it at the time when the original window appears. And calendar entries don't appear on the lock screen until they are triggered when I was used to them appearing for 2-3 days before which is soooo helpful for someone like me who constantly needs to write to do lists so I don't forget them!

    I reckon I'll probably jailbreak again when I get the 4S as the notifications are a bit crap compared to whats on offer elsewhere if you're willing to take the risk.

    So sorry for clogging up the thread yesterday.


      Well, I finally took the plunge the other day and preordered the White 64gig Iphone 4S, my first EVA iphone... Only cost me a 24 month contract FFS... and a stupid upfront payment for the phone itself... and it hasn't even been released here yet... :/

      Bout time they released the 64 gig model... I 'patiently' waited through all the ipod touches and all the iphone iterations till at least a 64gig one was released...

      'Self high five' thank you please...

      Will see tomorrow if it was worth the shine GET or if it will be a shine GTF!

      Oh am i excited Hello Apps! - finally



        Haha nice one mate. Enjoy! Welcome to the future.


          Anyone downloading their music through iCloud? For whatever reason, on going to iOS5, my iPod Touch decided not to put all my music back so I just chucked a few albums on and figured I can download some of my iTunes purchases through iCloud. Okay, so if you're designing this and want people to be able to download their purchased albums but, for a laugh, want to make it as difficult as possible, how do you it?

          Well, iCloud has the answer - only sort by artist. So, if it's a compilation, go look for all those individual tracks. If there's a guest appearance on the album, you'll find that somewhere else if you're lucky.

          Am I missing something? Is there a way of organising that by album so I can, like, download actual albums?


            I looked on my iPhone: it does seem to only list the purchases by artist, but once I chose an artist it moved to a new screen that lists the songs and the albums that the songs came from, so you can chose the album from there and download an album all in one go.

            Worked with compliations too, I chose John Lee Hooker from the artists list, then on the next screen the American Gangster Soundtrack album was listed, which I could click on to download the whole album.


              Could anyone kindly pick me an iphone 4s up tomorrow 16 g white or black from an apple store, i will pay money by paypal gift or by bank + postage

              Last edited by yesteryeargames; 13-10-2011, 14:39.


                Interesting. You're right but it seems there might be a consistency issue here. A few compilations work just as you describe but a couple of albums still only lead to an individual track. For example, Deja Vu by Crosby, Stills etc seems split into just whoever is credited for the individual tracks. I think it might be something to do with whether there is an 'album artist' tag filled in in iTunes - which I think there might not be for albums that hit iTunes in the old days. Some of mine are still the old pre-plus purchases.


                  Am I right in thinking none of this cloud stuff is supported for my ripped CD collection in itunes?


                    There is supposed to be a cloud match service that will do that but it's paid (I think $25 a year) and I don't think it is up and running yet. Or at least, not over this end of the world.


                      Should be up and running in the US by the end of October according to this article:

                      "iTunes Match is an optional subscription service that Apple plans to roll out to customers in the U.S. by the end of October. For $25, it offers both music storage and, in some cases, music upgrades.

                      It works by uploading a database of your iTunes music library to Apple's servers. It then compares that list with the 20 million tracks offered in the iTunes Store; anything already available from Apple becomes instantly downloadable to your iOS devices and other computers running iTunes in 256-kbps AAC format--even if your songs are low-quality MP3 files ripped from your CDs years ago.

                      For music that the service can't match up with iTunes Store content, iTunes Match lets you upload the actual tracks to the iCloud servers. The end result is that all of your music--or at least up to 25,000 non-purchased tracks--is available for you to listen to and download to any of your iOS devices or computers running iTunes.

                      We'll have many more details on how it works when iTunes Match is available later in the month."

                      Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                      I think it might be something to do with whether there is an 'album artist' tag filled in in iTunes - which I think there might not be for albums that hit iTunes in the old days. Some of mine are still the old pre-plus purchases.
                      Sounds like the kind of thing that would cause a problem. I only started buying music from iTunes a couple of years ago so my library won't have anything from "the old days" in it.
                      Last edited by EJG1980; 13-10-2011, 15:22.


                        I wonder how the iTunes Match tech will work. Whether is just scans the tags and says "OK, here's a new version for you" or it reads the file in some other way.

                        In theory a bunch of 1K files with MP3 headers containing Artists / Titles could fool it??? I'm sure there are cheeky gits out there planning to seed 25,000 song collections covering various genres of music. 25MB download and iTunes rinses you 25,000 new tracks.....


                          I'd imagine it will use the same Gracenote DB searches that itunes uses for everything else as you say, scanning existing titles/filenames.

                          I'm guessing that's why they are testing it out in the US before they go nuts.
                          I'm guessing that you will only be able to match CDs ripped in itunes as those files will have some kind of itune specific tag?

                          Whatever the case it's going to be easy to fool, but I presume they know that is the case , they'd only be doing it if they knew they could make money from it.


                            AFAIK - it will rinse any tagged song it finds in its database. Great for people with large vinyl collections that they have MP3'd along the way.


                              Probably why it's a paid service rather than free but I can't imagine $25 a head will offset the rampant piracy that will result. Who knows...

                              That said, many people pirating music would never have bought them anyway so $25 is better than nothing, I guess.


                                Absolutely spotless upgrade. Also, it's the first upgrade since 4.0 or whatever that's made my iPhone(3GS) feel faster than before. My upgrade from 4.2.0 to 4.3.5 deleted all my app categories which I was not impressed with, but the upgrade to 5 has been no problem at all. The only annoying bit was when I noticed it had only synced about ten apps(despite putting them in the right categories) but I realised I'd unplugged it while syncing

                                Plugged it back in and it carried on.

                                Leaving iCloud off for now. Not interested in it yet so will wait until I might want to use it.

                                As for this mp3 iCloud matching thing, I thought it was $25 per year?

