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Little things that irk you.. (no swearing please)

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    Budget supermarket = budget belts + budget manners.

    When it went quiet you should have filled the silence by looking her straight in the eye and clanking the bottles together loudly.


      If there's ever a sequel to Falling Down, that should be one of the scenes in it.


        Good idea Spatial. I'll remember that for next time!

        Manners are appalling in those shops, customers are treated very poorly. They're in such a rush to get you out of the way. Someone my age can cope with them firing the items through the scanner at a thousand miles an hour while you scramble to turf them into the trolley again. But some old guy before us looked stressed to hell as he got swamped by the dozens of items being flung his way every second, while the painted weasel sat there impatiently frowning at his attempts to fill the trolley up.

        Every time I got into that shop I come out irked. They whole 'conveyor belt' mentality of getting you out of the way as quickly as possible, while being a rude ****, even comes down to the PIN machines.
        They'll see you reaching for you card.
        "Put it in there," they'll say, pointing at the machine.
        I f-ing know.
        "Type your PIN in," they'll demand, even though the text on the machine hasn't yet finished checking the card.
        I know, bitch, I can read.
        "Take your card out," they'll demand, already starting to grab hold of the next customer's items.
        I know, ****bag, but the text doesn't say that yet.

        Falling Down in Aldi, sounds good to me!
        Last edited by prinnysquad; 02-07-2010, 14:06.


          Southern Electric salesman just at the door. Shows me his badge and I politely tell him we're not looking to change anything. He tells me they're not talking about changing anything, then continues to tell me that they're cheaper than whoever we're using and if we were to change we could save...



            Biggest irk of the year so far without a doubt.

            The silly ****er Dave Miles who dropped my S.T. Dupont lighter on Friday night, totally ****ing ruining it to ****. I even told him to be extremely careful with it as it cost &#163;500, and it was the first time I'd taken it out of the house. My Dad told me not to let anyone have a go of it too...

            Been moping around ever since.

            Prolly just go and kill myself after work.
            Kept you waiting, huh?


              You let your mate have a go with your stylish lighter, instead of leaning across, whipping out the stylish lighter and elegantly lighting his death stick for him?

              I agree, you should just end it all now. ;-)


                You paid &#163;500 for a lighter? How much are matches these days?


                  You know he dropped it on purpose right?


                    Originally posted by J0e Musashi View Post
                    Biggest irk of the year so far without a doubt.

                    The silly ****er Dave Miles who dropped my S.T. Dupont lighter on Friday night, totally ****ing ruining it to ****. I even told him to be extremely careful with it as it cost ?500, and it was the first time I'd taken it out of the house. My Dad told me not to let anyone have a go of it too...

                    Been moping around ever since.

                    Prolly just go and kill myself after work.

                    Want to buy some magic beans? ?500 to you


                      &#163;500 is a cheap one. You can go up to &#163;36,000.

                      The money isn't really the point. It's the fact that I told him to be especially careful with it and then he goes and drops it when I've had it less than a month.

                      Thanks to yours and everyone else at work's encouragement I'm off to Harrods to get the one that I really wanted for &#163;8k.
                      Kept you waiting, huh?


                        Itchy chinnn


                          For ?8k that must be an uber stylish masculine lighter. I feel when you whip that out in a crowd there maybe an element of swooning and light headed fervour.

                          Be careful, sometimes you can look too cool. Tuxedo, bowtie untied, walking out of the casino at 4am after a bad night at the tables. Slip your hand inside your jacket pocket and use your trusty friend to light a death stick as your lady friend gazes at you with a look of wonderment and awe.

                          Go on, treat yourself, you're worth it.


                            Originally posted by J0e Musashi View Post
                            The silly ****er Dave Miles who dropped my S.T. Dupont lighter on Friday night, totally ****ing ruining it to ****.
                            I'm a little surprised that your own sense of self satisfaction didn't cause it to levitate before hitting the ground.


                              It went down like a lead zeppellin. Landed right on one of those glass tiles in the street with an almighty crash.
                              I'm on the 55 bus right now. Maybe I'll just get the next one up, &#163;750ish. &#163;8k is prolly too rash even for me. I best get a handbag for the Mrs. so I can justify it too.

                              ****ing people. This is why I don't lend out games.
                              Kept you waiting, huh?


                                Ah, nothing says sophistication like going to buy a &#163;750 lighter on the 55 bus. Unless... do you own the 55 bus?

