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Little things that irk you.. (no swearing please)

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    Originally posted by charlesr View Post
    I can recommend the Aloe Deodorant stick I use.
    Conveniently you can buy it from my shop
    It lasts for ages, you smell good, it smells good, doesn't stain clothes. Win. No aluminium either.

    Look in the "personal care" section.
    The shampoo and conditioner are good too. It's all good.
    Looks good mate. Can you confirm that the products have no Sodium Lauryl Sulphate? Mrs Brats usually orders from Weleda or Australian Organics so I'm used to our entire budgets being blown on smellies .


      Originally posted by charlesr View Post
      I can recommend the Aloe Deodorant stick I use.
      Conveniently you can buy it from my shop
      It lasts for ages, you smell good, it smells good, doesn't stain clothes. Win. No aluminium either.

      Look in the "personal care" section.
      The shampoo and conditioner are good too. It's all good.
      Does it still work if I don't shave my pits?

      Clean scent sounds girly to me. I don't go in for heavy smells, but I'd rather not smell like a lady as well if I can avoid it.


        Clean scent just means it really doesn't smell of much. It just does the job of keeping you fresh.

        Brats: I had a look and couldn't see anything that says Sodium Lauryl Sulphate or Sodium Laureth Sulphate specifically, but I'll ask Lucy when she gets home - she's more up on the technical stuff. My mum gets irritated by SLS and she uses lots of the products, e.g. liquid soap, shampoo.

        Kernow: you only need to use a little of the shampoo and toothpaste etc. They last for ages, so it's good value.



          you wanna shower with me sometime? I can do your back


            Thought you'd never ask.

            No, wait.... Hoped you'd never ask.


              I see they've started a deoderant for women now that lasts 48hrs. Who the hell wants to be with a smelly bitch that isn't going to wash for over two days??


                Who's that smelly singer who advertises it as well?
                Quite brave of her, admitting she has a BO problem


                  Oh, is that the Alexandra Burke one?


                    She's got a slightly wonky nose on profile, but I still would.

                    I'm sure she smells great, too.


                      Estate agents


                        Ah Gawker media and your complete disregard for ethical reporting...
                        Last edited by Neil; 16-07-2010, 16:45. Reason: Link removed


                          The irony here being that I have to ask you to remove that link. Sorry.


                            Waking up with a mystery injury.

                            Opened my eyes this morning and reached out to grab my bins, only for a really throbbing pain to shoot trough my left hand palm. It feels muscular and hurts when I grip things, or move my fingers in any way. I got the missus to gently massage it, thinking it was just a bit stiff (and remember that I'm talking about my hand here please) but any kind of pressure on it makes it hurt.

                            Unless I had a particularly vigorous, wrong-handed sleep wank, I can't see how this has happened.


                              Old age?

                              I've got arthritis quite badly and in the winter especially can hardly walk/put my socks on some mornings. When I get going though I'm fine.

                              But knowing you Prinny it was probably the vigorous self inflicted hand job, gripping something so small could have done it mate


                                The lack of mess suggests something more sinister. Maybe I was squeezing one of my manbobs.

