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Little things that irk you.. (no swearing please)

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    My irk for today - everything.

    From work colleagues being complete tossbags, van drivers who shouldn't be behind the wheel of a golf kart let alone a van, Facebook and the massive circle jerk that some people seem to use it as, the weather, dirty mingers, GAME, ignorant people, the recession... I'm just about ready to f**k it all in the bin


      Work colleagues can be an irksome bunch, and there have been times when we've all happily seen the back of them.


        The worst thing about that is, some senior people aren't pulling their weight in a small team, so I've had to do stuff to hold things together which meant I haven't been able to fulfil my own role properly.

        Now the people who haven't been doing their job are in a spot of trouble by their own doing, they're trying to drop me in it by pointing at me and going "b-b-b-but what about Spatial not doing his job fully?"

        Management should know the score but my proper boss has just returned after a lengthy absence and in the process of trying to catch up is looking at me and for some reason is pointing the finger in my direction. I suspect they're listening to the shurkers who are whispering in their ear to try and deflect attention.

        Add into that some shifting goal posts and the general air of complete indecision that seems to permeate through everything and it's bloody ridiculous.


          An irrational irk of mine is people at the petrol station who'll only go to pumps that are on the same side as their petrol cap. Irrational, because it usually means I sail on by them to a vacant pump, but it still make smy hackles rise for some reason.


            But you run the risk of scratching your car on the dirty gritty hose.


              2 Words to strike fear into any coder working on a major project: "Scope Creep"

              Decide on a set of features you want beforehand and stick to it!

              Every time my boss decides it's a great idea to add new functionality to this system I'm working on it usually involves trying to code around it as I have to implement something the system isn't designed for.

              Every time I do this the code gets a bit uglier, a few more weird roundabout conditional hacks get put in and the more worrying the prospect of having to manage this code becomes.


                £37.82 customs ;_;


                  The great British "Its too hot" moan.
                  For the love of god its the summer people!


                    Some people hate sweating and sweating though.


                      Summer blows!

                      Had a look in Game today - after finding out that the local Gamestation (with its far superior selection) had closed. Looking for Supreme Commander 2 on the 360.

                      price: £24.99 new
                      £22.99 pre-owned

                      F-OFF!!! On both counts. Two quid saving on a second hand game, disgraceful.


                        Originally posted by Kongster View Post
                        Some people hate sweating and sweating though.
                        I need to stop soldering on a hot day, really affects me.


                          A lot of people can't do anything on a hot day without sweating, especially at work where there is a lack of air con haha.


                            My irk today is heel blisters.

                            Got a real nasty one last wk. Some people told me "dont burst it" then others said "burst it".
                            In the end I left it be, only it got bigger & more sore, & looked like a half inflated condom on my heel. Bloody agony it was.

                            So I burst it on Thurs. Left the condom like skin on, then slapped some surgical spirit on to dry the skin out & then a blister plaster over the top.

                            Got home from work yesterday & I've got the same thing happening on my other bloody heel now!



                              I've been having similar problems recently, I burst them as soon as they appear though - leaving them is just stupid.


                                You shouldn't burst blisters, the fluid helps the skin form underneath. Burst it early and you're leaving raw flesh exposed.

