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Little things that irk you.. (no swearing please)

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    I've never seen one of these 'batarangs', could somebody post a pic as evidence of their legendary ****tiness?


      I've long since sold mine, they were the epitome of pure ****e.
      Nasty plasticky gayness.


        My very own pride and joy

        Battle damaged my arse!


          Arrrgh not that again


            So, this Karate Kid remake.

            Pure rapage of my childhood.

            Why is it called Karate Kid? That's Japanese. This film is set in Beijing and the kid is learning Kung Fu. So why isn't it called Kung Fu Kid?!


              It's unnecessary isn't it?
              The Karate Kid is a great film that didn't need a remake.
              I just hope The Goonies isn't next


                I swear it was called Kung Fu Kid before?

                They must have decided later on to turn it into a reboot/rehash/rethingy

                Also, according to Empire, they're planning three films...


                  Wll it be a rubbish girl in the 3rd one? That Smith child already looks a bit girly so maybe not...


                    The people who stand outside the cancer hospital near my house, smoking, whilst attached to a drip


                      I've seen that before at the hospital too, so silly.

                      My irk today: hangovers. ughh


                        Tried to make a trifle using one of those Birds kits.

                        The bloody jelly didn't set! I didn't think that could happen as long as you made it up with the right amount of water and all the crystals had dissolved.


                          Originally posted by teddymeow View Post
                          Wll it be a rubbish girl in the 3rd one? That Smith child already looks a bit girly so maybe not...
                          Will Smiths kid is 1 of the most irritating little ****s I've ever seen. There was an interview with him on tv about the new KK film & he irked the hell out of me.


                            Originally posted by FamiDude View Post
                            I've probably said this before, but narrow boaters.

                            Or more specifically, those groups of pissheads that seem to sail the boats all over the place.

                            I pay ridiculous amounts of money for my rod license and various season tickets, yet these arseholes feel the need to come and disrupt everything due to them going out of the main channel and into the margins where I fish.

                            ****ing pricks.
                            Once again, those drunken weekend boaters piss the hell out of me. Making all that noise and generally swerving all over the shop.

                            Then there are the ones who hold up everyone else because they're too retarded to turn a boat into a marina without doing some sort of spasticated 57 point turn. THERE ARE OTHER PEOPLE ON THE CANALS YOU ****ING WANKERS!!!


                              Something somebody at work said the other night during a bout of 3am trash telly viewing.

                              "That Ross Kemp, 'e's good, 'im, 'e really puts 'is life on the line".

                              As I like the guy who said it, I kept quiet, but it alarms me to think that some people actually regard Ross Kemp so earnestly in such high regard. He's a tosser!


                                Publishers who don't put the region coding of their titles on the packaging of their Blu-ray releases.

