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Little things that irk you.. (no swearing please)

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    Originally posted by Dirty Sanchez View Post
    You have obviously failed to observe the desirability for white skin. It's nothing to do with the heat, it's to keep their skin from looking like a paddy field worker.
    I understand that, but white clothes would do the same job without making you feel like you were being burned at the stake!

    As for the Jurassic Park explanation... well.. Michael Crichton isn't exactly the most credible person on the planet so I'm not buying that theory until I hear it from a better source! All I know is if I touch something black that's been in the sun I damn near burn my fingers.


      My inability to want to create a CV so I can get a better job. lool


        Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
        My inability to want to create a CV so I can get a better job. lool
        I wouldn't bother, jobs within any parameters you require simply do not exist


          Amen brudda


            GAME exclusives! They've got the Dead Rising 2 Collector's Edition now and it costs far too much. Some healthy competition wouldn't go amiss.


              Buy the standard edition. Save money and don't get lumbered with useless tat into the bargain.


                Originally posted by Number45 View Post
                Buy the standard edition. Save money and don't get lumbered with useless tat into the bargain.


                  Don't make me post pictures of the amazing* Batarang that I got shafted with thanks to the Arkham Asylum Collectors Edition!

                  For the love of God, go with the standard version!

                  *if amazing meant, massive rip off


                    But I like useless tat!

                    (Except for that Batarang, which was indeed pants.)


                      I know quite a few people who bought FF XIII CE only to feel utterly ripped off afterwards


                        Collectors editions, bwahaha, cost more to post when you sell it because it's probably a play once game like most stuff nowadays, takes up more space and is limited to 1.5 million copies or something. More like fools edition.


                          I think the last one I bought was the KZ steelbook. When I realised I had paid £5 extra JUST FOR THAT TIN, I decided enough was enough.


                            They're not all bad. The Alan Wake ltd edition was really nice and was the same price as the standard game on release


                              That BBC take so long to upload their podcasts!

                              I want to listen to Mark Kermode on the way home from work ;_;


                                I just got Alan Wake Ltd Edition for £20 from Game, but I generally don't bother with collector's editions. The extra bits usually end up at work being given away for free anyway, or at the very least I get to experience them first-hand and then decide they're not worth it.

                                The batarang was shocking. Absolutely shocking. I honestly believed someone had slid across the floor with it under their foot until my mate told me that's how it's meant to look. I feel for every one of you who was unfortunate enough to buy it

