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Little things that irk you.. (no swearing please)

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    At how much of a missed opportunity downloading retail games is on XBLive, do they really think Id pay £29.99 for Batman Arkham Asylum when I could get it for sub-tenner in any of the many high street retailers? Im often tempted by games that appear there, but they are almost always way overpriced. I guess someone buys them though..!


      The 'on demand' prices are silly. You'd think prices would be cheaper given that they are cutting out the retailer. Plus you would think that that they'd want to encourage people to buy from them rather than buy preowned?


        If the "discs are for old timers, downloads are teh kewl future!" crew got their way, we'd all be paying full, fixed prices for stuff. Without stores competing against each other to cut prices and bring you the best deals (and to cut the price of old stock they can't shift), this is what we're left with.

        There's much less rationale for them to cut the price of an item which doesn't really exist, from one point of view.
        Last edited by Lyris; 10-08-2010, 18:18.


          Originally posted by Lyris View Post
          If the "discs are for old timers, downloads are teh kewl future!" crew.
          isn't that the majority of the forum, going by the PSP Go thread?


            I hope not. How are you going to import games when there's no physical product to import and they can detect where you live?


              Originally posted by mr_sockochris View Post
              The 'on demand' prices are silly. You'd think prices would be cheaper given that they are cutting out the retailer. Plus you would think that that they'd want to encourage people to buy from them rather than buy preowned?
              If they undercut the retailers my too much then the retailers would respond, reduced shop space, boycotts, etc. Companies can't afford to hurt their main revenue streams.


                Originally posted by marcus View Post
                At how much of a missed opportunity downloading retail games is on XBLive, do they really think Id pay £29.99 for Batman Arkham Asylum when I could get it for sub-tenner in any of the many high street retailers? Im often tempted by games that appear there, but they are almost always way overpriced. I guess someone buys them though..!
                If Arkham Asylum was the correct price on there, they'd already have another sale from me, no question.

                I don't see how a retailer could boycott selling games, especially if they are a games shop.

                Besides, everything is cheaper online, that'd be the final nail in the coffin for game retailers, it really would.


                  I'm not going to be able to avoid swearing for this one I'm afraid - just looked out the window and some dirty ****ing **** has left a used condom just lying in the street.

                  People round here are ****ing animals, I swear it. Whoever put it there, I hope it's one of their kids that picks it up and plays with it


                    Did you spot a large burley sailor and fammydodd hobbling away from the scene?




                        @The Digitial Distribution discussion - It works a bit better on the PC because you do have competing digital retailers... Steam, Direct2Drive, Impulse, GamesForWindows, EA Store etc... the closed nature of consoles means that competition in the digital space is impossible unless they're forced to open up their formats.


                          You've completed your shift, clocked out and as you make your way out of the building one of your colleagues asks you to stay and do some overtime...get lost!
                          Last edited by Kongster; 10-08-2010, 21:13.


                            dominos pizza. I can live with the extortionate cost but i really resent having to add on 3 quid for gaviscon with it. They should just send a small pot of liquid gaviscon instead of the garlic dip. Every fuppin time


                              You get any pizza for £10 at my local one, plus they give you free sauce.
                              Kept you waiting, huh?


                                sixteen quid where i live and never any offers plus 2 or 3 quid for the different bases

