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Little things that irk you.. (no swearing please)

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    Originally posted by evilthecatuk View Post
    sixteen quid where i live and never any offers plus 2 or 3 quid for the different bases
    Are you picking it up from the shop? Deals are only valid on pickups.


      yeah i pick it up the only deal they ever do is the ones they have to at the minute two for tuesday and thats about it


        Originally posted by Jebus View Post
        I don't see how a retailer could boycott selling games, especially if they are a games shop.

        Besides, everything is cheaper online, that'd be the final nail in the coffin for game retailers, it really would.
        You don't boycott all games, you boycott a single company. Say Microsoft start doing digital distribution of titles at 2/3s the price you sell them for. All you have to do is halve the 360 stock you sell and dedicate the space to Playstation products. If Game/Gamestation did that they've instantly reduced Microsoft's retail presence significantly. After a month or two of this hurting MS'es bottom line they'll come to the table and come to some sort of agreement. The console makers rely on retail at the moment which puts retail in a strong position right now.

        WH Smith's for example boycotted the Dreamcast after talks with Sony.


          Originally posted by evilthecatuk View Post
          yeah i pick it up the only deal they ever do is the ones they have to at the minute two for tuesday and thats about it
          Sounds like a really bad branch . Never heard of a Domino's not running the deals.


            yeah you have to get these little stamp vouchers which they never seem to send unless you dont order for like a year and you have to present them or its full price. Nowt special either only things like the 555 deal but unfortunately it does the only semi edible pizza where i live


              Originally posted by evilthecatuk View Post
              dominos pizza. I can live with the extortionate cost but i really resent having to add on 3 quid for gaviscon with it. They should just send a small pot of liquid gaviscon instead of the garlic dip. Every fuppin time
              Where is this 'Domino's Pizza' up here? We still live in the 1970s.


                Originally posted by prinnysquad View Post
                Where is this 'Domino's Pizza' up here? We still live in the 1970s.
                there is 2 that i know of durham city centre and birtley/lowfell


                  Lollertron. The city centre one must have completely passed me by. I've been to the Low Fell one - that whole street is like a Generation Game conveyor belt of takeaways.


                    Originally posted by prinnysquad View Post
                    Lollertron. The city centre one must have completely passed me by. I've been to the Low Fell one - that whole street is like a Generation Game conveyor belt of takeaways.
                    its quite well hidden its opposite the county hospital just up from north road under the train bridge


                      Ah yes, I've got a vague recollection of seeing something Domino-y there now. Life ... it just passes me by.


                        Feel like **** today, one of our neighbours is an old boy who likes to play opera music late at night, yesterday he was still playing it at gone half-eleven, its loud enough that we can hear it through the wall and despite our bedroom being the floor up from where he is. Have spoken to him about it before, its really pissing me off now as I have to get up early to get into London for 8.30am. To make things worse, my girlfriend had to leave the house at 6am for a meeting in Wigan (!) so she must be feeling crap today also.


                          more irks....

                          people at a cash point that withdrawn money...then put their card back in again, and yes again, oblivious to the queue of people forming

                          tailgaters - has to be the most selfish expression of road ignorance ever - essentially bullying on the road. Why o why people risk injury and damage to their car (especially since they are the one to pay if they hit you), i cant understand.

                          more to come


                            some game industry irks for me

                            how some game companies are so secretive and use the cannot comment line i mean its not nuclear secrets

                            when a game company tells you about a game then says not out for two years or something

                            when a game company is the polar opposite of too secret bt deluging sites with videos and stuff


                              oh does it irk anyone when your playing games and say someone is watching over your shoulder and asking loads of questions about the game (when they have NO interest in games)


                                My Dominos (Hertford) is fantastic, I've only ever once been disappointed with a pizza from them. The bases are doughy without being stodgy and they never skimp on the toppings. Delivery times are ridiculous too. The last one I had I ordered just before starting a game of PES and it had arrived before the final whistle h33r: Order online, there are always ?% off vouchers on Google somewhere, got 2 large pizzas for ?22 last time

