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Little things that irk you.. (no swearing please)

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    Originally posted by Alex WS View Post
    I agree with Skull here. Reading the shipping estimates before bidding is buyers responsibility. And if it doesn't say, ask them before plunging.
    A shock. You're turning into the new TTK.


      What's so obvious, that I think one should read the description of an item you're buying on? And how does that make me a new TTK?


        Because he has something of a complex, where he feels the need to go on little crusades on behalf of people/companies who do nothing but **** people over. Taking longer than a week to get something in the post should not be standard practice, which is what it would become if buyers had to ask about every single item with no shipping time listed or suffer the consequences gladly.


          Just broke more of my molar tooth, and I don't have a dentist, or money to get it fixed. **** this country. Teeth are probably only weak in the first place cos Thatcher took our milk.

          EDIT: The piece of tooth actually looks to be in mint condition. It's just not in my mouth anymore.
          Last edited by noobish hat; 17-09-2012, 21:30.


            Mint condition? Get it on eBay. I had a wisdom tooth break into a million pieces a few months ago, not nice. Do you not have any emergency NHS dentists nearby that you can go to without having to be enrolled as a patient there? That's what I managed to do a few years ago when a stray elbow broke my tooth at football.




                Where do you find that out? Last time they fobbed me off and told me to take some pain killers. Pain isn't a problem, you stupid bitch (manplan), but I've got a jagged broken tooth in my ****ing mouth!


                  Originally posted by 'Press Start To Begin' View Post
                  What did you recently buy from ebay?
                  Recent as in 'before my tooth broke'? Some Game Gear carts. Or are you implying I've been eating them?


                    You do know you can get dental work for free at some hospitals just say its an emergency or you have no dentist at least you could

                    Your local primary care trust will give you the phone number (they don't do it but will know where does)


                      I have a pretty much destroyed pre molar because I'm lazy. My dentist, which changed ownership a while back wanted ?300 for a root canal. No ta.


                        To make things worse, the remains of this molar are now sharp as ****. This is going to be fun.


                          The Japanese.


                            Whilst this thread is pretty much inviting sweeping statements, "the japanese" is about as sweeping as they get. Any particular aspect? Or just everything today?


                              I agree with Jushin on this one.

                              Those crazy guys!


                                I'm guessing it's Jushin's time in Japan that has upset him:

                                Originally posted by Jushin-Thunder-Liger View Post
                                Just got back from a month of working in Japan.

                                It is fair to say our love affair is over. Behind the bright lights Japan is honestly one of the most backwards countries in the world. I don't know how any Gaijin can work there full time and not go insane. 12 hour days where nobody does anything but bow, act respectful and look busy is pathetic.

                                3rd world country, 1st world money.
                                Originally posted by Jushin-Thunder-Liger View Post
                                I have no idea how they manage to make such great games when the whole society is based on people rigidly following procedures and never questioning anything.
                                Originally posted by Jushin-Thunder-Liger View Post
                                I went for a massage and instead of a pretty Geisha giving me a "happy ending", a fat man pummelled my back.

                                I made the last quote up...

