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Little things that irk you.. (no swearing please)

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    Now that the anaesthetic is long gone, I really ache in my mouth where my teeth used to be. It's not super painful, but it's constant and is really preventing me from doing anything at all. I can barely sit still. Take small walks around the apartment, sit down for 20 seconds, get up again and so forth. Suppose I'll take some painkillers and put on a dumb sitcom.




        Painkillers do help though. Another problem is that despite being hungry, there's nothing I feel like eating. And also there are now spider nests in the pits left by the teeth.


          Originally posted by noobish hat View Post
          Apparently the squeaking as they pull the tooth out is the worst bit.


            Idiots who start walking in the direction they want to go before they have finished crossing the road.

            Seems I encounter one of these morons at least once a day. I'm trying to go across the road in a straight line so I spend as less time on the road as possible, but apparently they want to save themselves the effort of walking two or three feet so cut right across you. Even worse despite the fact that they are apparently in such a hurry they don't exactly seem to be walking at that fast a pace anyway.

            As a result they cut up everyone else who's trying to cross the road and you have to end up stopping right in the middle so they don't bump into you and then let them go in front. Utter, complete, morons. I particularly love it when they do it while turning their back on the oncoming traffic, because that's a sensible idea. It's like they think that will protect them from the big chunk of metal travelling at 30 miles an hour - if they don't see it, it's not there. No survival instinct at all.


              I'd like to add people who walk while staring at their phones and placing swerving responsibility squarely onto me.

              Sorry love, no dice. If you're not looking where you're going, neither am I.


                ^^^ I think it should be legal for you to knock their precious phone out of their hands. And then repeatedly puch them in the face.

                I had some bell end nearly walk into me this week while messing around with his mp3 player. He was all over the pavement so much it was like he was drunk. Sometimes I think I'm the only person who walks in a straight line.


                  Builders are irking me massively at the moment. Trying to get work done is a nightmare and the way some of them act you wouldn't think times are tough out there.

                  In the last three months I've had:

                  Builder 1 - strung me along for two months and then stopped returning my calls. Gave me a lame excuse about being really ill and then passed me in the car two weeks later looking fit as the proverbial fiddle.

                  Builder 2 - "not my usual sort of job mate, but I'll give you a quote anyway". Came in at 50% more than the going rate and going into rip off territory. Didn't even give a proper quote or breakdown and missed things off it he was asked to price up.

                  Builder 3: Gave a quote which was over triple than the expected cost and was a definite rip off - charging things like ?250 to take wallpaper off a wall. Just before he knocked it through!

                  Builder 4: Left a message asking him to contact me. No reply. Friend knows him so asked him to contact me. He's told that I need to email him. I do and he replies.

                  Three weeks later.

                  Only to say he'll call me on the weekend. He never did.

                  Builder 5: Came and looked around. Told me the job had come at a perfect time as he was going to have to lay people off otherwise and would get a quote to me the following day.

                  A week later nothing heard so I contact him and he tells me he'll definately have something the following week. Not had anything since.

                  Builder 6: Not even returned my call.


                    people who know me know that i've never done gaming online so this morning i downloaded the full version of 3rd strike online and played 4 matches

                    now this is a fighter ive never been particularly good at but want to learn

                    1st fight the guy was pretty immense but i hate fighting from the right - taught me a lesson

                    2nd fight choose akuma and all he did was jumping fireballs which was bloody frustrating

                    3rd guy i won my first round but he/she was much better

                    4th guy - seemed he had a history os disconnecting but thought what the hell, just as i was pulling off my parry super arts finish try and guess what he disconnected

                    bloody knob


                      Either my PCE or my AC adapter just **** the bed.

                      EDIT: It seems it was the fuse.

                      Last edited by speedlolita; 23-09-2012, 00:42.


                        When people double-click / double-tap things that only need to be pressed once.


                          I always put within the description of any items I am selling on ebay 'UK bidders only please'.

                          Today I had a message from a prospective buyer .... from Russia.


                            Met up with a lovely lass I met the first day I started at school again in the spring for lunch today. Still no mention of a boyfriend...but she's deathly allergic to cats. Friendzoned.


                              I guess that really depends on what kind of pussy you prefer...


                                If you get rid of the pussy, you might get some pussy.

