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Little things that irk you.. (no swearing please)

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    Originally posted by HumanEnergy View Post
    Still better than when we come downstairs in the morning to find one of our cats in the living room staring up at the curtains, with a rat clinging on for dear life at the top of the curtains
    That made me chuckle

    I put the mouse somewhere safe hoping he would pull around but now, he didn't Kuma (the offender) has been told off tho.


      Fight outside the gay club 2 blocks from me.


        Originally posted by Kryss View Post
        Fight outside the gay club 2 blocks from me.
        Thinking about putting yourself in between them?


          Originally posted by Kryss View Post
          Fight outside the gay club 2 blocks from me.
          Were they fighting over who loves you more?


            Originally posted by vanpeebles View Post
            Were they fighting over who loves you more?
            'You love him more'

            'No you love him more!'


              Poor Kryss..


                Originally posted by Kryss View Post
                Fight outside the gay club 2 blocks from me.
                Assuming it was gay-on-gay action and not a hate crime in progress, I'd pay good money to see that


                  Originally posted by billy_dimashq View Post
                  Assuming it was gay-on-gay action, I'd pay good money to see that


                    It's only gay if the balls touch LOL


                      At first everyone at yoga thought it was a shooting related to the karaoke club next door as there were lots of small numbered labels on the road. Apparently someone got stabbed in the stomach with something (non-life threatening injury) and some woman got kicked in the ribs, possibly getting a couple broken.

                      Calgary police officers are investigating two early Sunday morning stabbings near the downtown core.

                      The main picture in the article is the karaoke club next to my yoga, which is in turn next to the club.



                        That's not the hissy-fit slapping I was imagining.

                        Still, at least Magnum is part of the news team there:


                          Contestants on Pointless...gems today are that apparently 'Austrian' is a language and The Diary of Anne Frank was written in German.

                          How do these people even make it to the studio?


                            Actually I suspect it's not a gay club anymore...

                            Comedy irk:
                            Hookers turning up at our hotel at 5am. 5am! FFS guys, just go to bed. It's funny because they just rip the guys off and leg it and the guys don't do anything about it as they're too embarrassed.
                            Last edited by kryss; 15-10-2012, 20:12.


                              Originally posted by nakamura View Post
                              It's 2012, you homophobe

                              Just so we're clear, and despite it being 2012, I meant gay-on-gay fighting action, not gay-on-gay sex action

                              Originally posted by importaku View Post
                              It's only gay if the balls touch LOL
                              Balls? Not even the willies? I'd have thought willy-contact = 100% gayness


                                Yeah it's 2012, we're so liberal we pay gay men to fight for our entertainment!

                                edit: intended as a joke btw billy!
                                Last edited by wakka; 16-10-2012, 13:03.

