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Wonderful Life Affirming Things You Love

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    Wonderful Life Affirming Things You Love

    so as a social experiment to prove once and for all whether we are just a bunch of moaning old bstrds or whether we are well balanced all round humans.

    what makes the world a better place to live in ?

    I got nothing.

    I have loads.

    More specifically, classic UK children's cartoons that celebrated a sense of play and fun.
    Soggy vinegar-soaked chips.
    People being nice to each other (and this happens a lot but rarely gets the attention of the negative stuff).
    Bruce Campbell.
    William Shatner.

    Actually I could go on and on really.


      i like it this time of year in the city when the girlies dress for summer but you get the first chilly evening on the way home.


        boobs and football.


          The best thing in life for me is watching sunsets especially when you are still laying down on beach (preferably in the Caribbean!).

          Like so:

          I also believe that no matter how bad your day is, looking at your (old) favourite photos or playing a nice easy listening album can make you forget all your woes and put a smile upon your face.


            Ham and Cheese croissants from Pret a Manger. Amazing way to start the day.

            Waking up next to someone you love and not wanting to leave for the day.

            Laughing uncontrollably about something stupid that only you and a friend find funny.

            General camaraderie that you find when someone needs help and someone is there to help them.

            Seeing someone cry because they are happy (although maybe I am odd there...)

            Being able to change someones mood from bad to good by knowing them so well you know exactly what to do to cheer them up - in particular this usually allows you to act stupidly and get away with it. I think this is also my favourite one - knowing that you can make someone happy when they are feeling low is one of the best things in the world.


              Originally posted by ItsThere
              Waking up next to someone you love and not wanting to leave for the day.

              Laughing uncontrollably about something stupid that only you and a friend find funny.

              Seeing someone cry because they are happy (although maybe I am odd there...)
              Those are so lovely!


                Hi Fi
                Keyboard Cat
                Cups of tea

                William Shatner is an excellent choice though


                  Originally posted by kernow
                  Cups of tea
                  Oh yes! I couldn't get through my day quite as well without a cup of tea.


                    Plants and flowers especially Roses. I am getting old!


                      At the moment, I am so happy as I know that any day now, my wife is going to go into into labour and bring a new life into this world. We shall then have a son or a daughter - we don't know which yet, which makes it even more exciting. I love going into the nursery that I decorated and sitting there, marvelling at what is to come. As far as I am concerned, it really doesn't get any better than that.

                      Also, I have a second interview for a job I really want this coming Thursday and I have a really good feeling about it!


                        - Watching my 17 month old son play. The innocence on display is nothing short of astounding.

                        - lolcats. Even now the joke is long in the tooth, they still make me chuckle.

                        - waking early in the morning to realise that it's not quite time to get up yet & that you can go back to sleep.


                          Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                          Bruce Campbell.


                          Japan (going there)
                          The smell of new instruction manual!
                          Getting recognition for a job well done


                            Originally posted by Geoff D View Post
                            - lolcats. Even now the joke is long in the tooth, they still make me chuckle.
                            I was going to say the same. I hate cats (well specifically the ones near me), but find the site really funny.

                            (My neighbours' cats ripped up the seat and paint on my motorbike and then pissed on it wtf).


                              The uncondional love from a child (preferably your own offspring! But nieces and nephews are just as cool). When they can barely conceal their joy to see you, and just want a hug from you or be picked up. It's great.

                              At this time of year, watching the leaves falling; either when walking, or through the window on a blustery day.

                              Also, fireworks on bonfire night, and getting home to hot jacket potatoes that you left in the oven before you set off...

                              The sound of the sea, from gentle waves lapping the shore to the boom and crash of white foam on the cliffs and rocks.

                              The smell of coconut oil or milk.

                              More later

