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Wonderful Life Affirming Things You Love

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    Mrs Teddy has been accepted onto her teacher training course at a local secondary school through Soutampton Uni. She starts Sept 1st and already has a classroom to teach in and all her folders ready to go. The odds of getting on the course are crazy (40 places and loads more applicants than that) and she is so happy!!

    It's great to see someone get what they have worked so hard to achieve!! It's taken her longer because she went OU for her degree but seeing her so excited about this new direction she's about to head off in is a wonderful thing!


      Originally posted by JazzFunk View Post
      It's got to be birds (the feathered kind).
      Going back to this - there's a little group of birds that live in the area I walk through to work. They are probably sparrow sized, but they are black and white with V-shaped tails. Watching them fly, it is clear that they are adrenaline junkies and fly for pleasure.

      When I saw them I instantly thought of Maverick from Top Gun. They *always* fly at breakneck speed, skimming along centimetres above the ground before doing an impossibly angled turn and shooting off into the sky, then doing all these aerobatic manouvers before coming back to 'buzz' something - buildings, cars, passers-by - a couple of times I've had to duck because one of them was trying to get me to spill my proverbial coffee.

      I suppose I'd put sea otters and dolphins in the same category - animals that seem to really appreciate their own existence.


        Nar Williams. Somebody needs to get this man onto a show about videogames, especially if there's a "Science of the Movies"-style segment going behind the scenes of a major developer. I can just imagine him bouncing around the offices at Naughty Dog, finding out about motion capture and interviewing people like Nolan North.


          I'm pretty pleased as I have maanged to loose over half a stone over the last couple of months just by making some simple diet changes. I have cut out over 90% of the crisps I usually eat and have swapped them for Graze boxes. I have also cut out about the same percent of fizzy drinks and replaced them with water and fruit squash.

          That means for the first time in years I'm under 14 stone


            Nice work.

            Work on getting some exercise into your routine as well, if you don't already.


              The bike is getting dusted down, and I have increased my walking. The amazing thing is it hasn't really taken much effort, just cutting out some crap. I'm by no means a health freak now, but I try to only have the unhealthier treats on the occasional weekend.


                I'm going to follow your lead on that, I need to lose the belly. I'm not the most active person right now, but I can at least eat less crap.


                  How much of an impact do fizzy drinks really have, especially the diet ones? That said mind I always think when I'm drinking a fizzy drink, 'This would go really well with some chocolate'.


                    A couple of summers ago, I lost an obscene amount of weight by drinking Pepsi Max instead of spontaneously eating crap. I'm pretty sure there's just about nothing in the diet versions.


                      Aint nothing like when a girl smiles at yah, when yah least expect it



                        Happy customers who give me beer!


                          In my gym bag I only had a pair of lycra shorts left so my only choice was no run or run with them on their own.

                          Know exactly how women feel when you stare at their chest, every woman I ran past had a good check of the lunchbox. A couple of dirty smiles from a few.



                            Had you stuffed some rolled up socks down your pants?


                              The Sun and the Moon and the stars
                              Quantum physics/astrophysics/metaphysics and the search for truth
                              LSD, magic mushrooms, dimethyltryptamine and all 'intelligent' drugs
                              Ancient Chinese philosophy (I'm looking at you, Lao Tzu)
                              Ancient Greek philosophy (I'm looking at you, Socrates)
                              The trees and the birds and the mountains and bees and the entire natural world
                              Knowledge for the love of knowledge
                              Moments of wisdom and realisation
                              Tai Chi
                              Good company
                              Following imaginative instinct
                              Beautiful moments when you don't want for anything
                              The simple life

