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Wonderful Life Affirming Things You Love

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    Originally posted by kernow View Post
    irks: black glass AV units, geh, polish them and watch the dust fall back on instantly. Should have gone for oak or something nice.
    Yeah my PC desk is glass, I hate it.


      Baby animals!

      In the past few days whilst walking the dog I have seen:

      A family of deer two adults and one fawn.

      Two fox cubs playing with the parent watching on.

      We have a family of Hedgehogs living in our garden (4xbabies) which I am protecting from my small army of cats!

      Finally and something I dont see much of was a family of Adders, I found a regular basking spot a few weeks ago where I had seen several Adders and Grass snakes and now they have babies!


        Riding in the woods and seeing a really big bear (fox) running away.
        Riding in the woods and staying alive (I'm covered in scratches though) - will be going again Saturday morning - top trails.


          They have a nice black run in Thetford forest Charles which is bloody exhilarating and knackering!

          Fell off there a couple of times when it's been wet.

          Feel great afterwards though.


            Originally posted by neil2k View Post
            Finally and something I dont see much of was a family of Adders, I found a regular basking spot a few weeks ago where I had seen several Adders and Grass snakes and now they have babies!
            You've got to get snaps of this if you can!


              Dave I've tried so many times but as soon as you go anywhere near them they split! Surprised me how fast they are.

              I'll keep trying though don't worry.


                The fact my bank just stopped some company from Cyprus taking a large chunk out of my account illegally, contacting me right away, shutting down the card and re-issuing a new one has made me happy. It's good to know they are doing their job for once!

                (NOTE: Most likely not "life affirming", but not being robbed because someone stopped it happening DOES make me happy!)
                Last edited by Colin; 19-07-2010, 11:06.


                  Cycling on my new roadbike besides the river on a hot summers day, listening to Masashi Hamauzu. Then looking down at my speedo and realising I had done 40 mins of cardio but not noticed the time fly and had also beat my top speed.


                    Ooooh and hot braless women in see through tops


                      Resonance, you have read my mind. I was going to say boobies.


                        The man on the now defunct cex customer service line pronouncing it as 'sex'. I say it as 'cee', 'eee', 'x' as any normal person would.


                          Actually being alive after doing a proper downhill mtb for the first time in 10 years.

                          The track has just been rebuilt and had the biggest jumps I've ever rolled over
                          I'm too old and my lightweight XC hardtail is not designed for getting this stuff wrong. And I was on my own. So I took it easy. I did get air off all of them and the berms were amazing.

                          The section of large rocks sticking out of the ground that suddenly appeared after one of the berms was pretty mental. I got through on faith along "I can do this" I shouted and then held on for the ride

                          Adrenaline was smashing through me.


                            just been out with my son this morning, not a long ride but we did a mix of cycle paths, off road trails and country lanes and it was great.

                            I never feel as content or happy as when out on my bike.


                              Originally posted by StuM82 View Post
                              The man on the now defunct cex customer service line pronouncing it as 'sex'. I say it as 'cee', 'eee', 'x' as any normal person would.
                              My local CEX has a wifi point with an SSID of 'Safe Cex', it's got WEP encryption of course.


                                I like getting letters and parcels from Japan.

                                I like that the envelopes are often made of a different type of paper to what I get from other countries and I've had some that have been string tied which was nice.

                                Also, I want it noted by everybody that although I have now posted in this thread, it doesn't mean that I'm no longer a grumpy bastard. I just don't want there to be any confusion about that!
                                Last edited by JP; 24-07-2010, 11:57. Reason: grump remorse...

